Well, Veeky Forums?
Well, Veeky Forums?
I already have a job that pays more than that, a while I might be a social sperg, being rich will probably fix that. Lambo pill no question.
The 21 BTC pill for rich status in 10 years.
I'll get a lambo and plastic surgery and a mansion.
Now send me ETH, p-please.
The lambo pill is the only choice
Whale pill combines both
what's the point of being wealthy if you can't get any pussy? why do you think chads only want enough money to survive while all of the fat, ugly, virgin cucks have so much of the world's wealth?
>being wealthy
>not getting pussy
chose one
>implying you cant buy pussy
And if you want to find love just pretend you're not rich when meeting women.
Pick one.
I can get pussy, I'll take the lambo pill.
You'd rather buy a prostitute or hook up with some gold-digging bitch than to genuinely find a girl who likes you for who you are?
It's the job that's decent, not the pay.
Stealth wealth is the best wealth
>likes you for who you are
if they liked you for who you are you wouldn't need a different body or a sports car.
Why the fuck are you fags so desperate for pussy? Literally just jerk off and then do something productive, like reading a book or watching a top-tier film.
As a 33 year old virgin I would really like to put my penis inside a woman's vagina and see what that feels like.
chad pill
anyone that doesn't pick that is a fucking retard.
prepare to be disappointed
Good read user.
obviously lambo pill.
I am already handsome and not socialy retarded + having a hot gf. Bit of a manlet tho but thats fine
t. virgin
sex is great if both know what they are doing.
Also call me gay but its better with someone you love.
Lambo. Chad? I'm fine the way I am. I'm skinny like a twig and a 6/10 but I am good at getting women to do the things I want. Don't me ask me how I do it, anons. There's no secret, you just gotta figure out by yourself.
when will they learn
lol, you make them believe you're a 9, but you're really a 5. They invest in you and you create a world that only a 5 would create because no 9 would invest that hard in a 3.
Real girld are 9s 10s. Not 3s you faggot.
it's a fallacy to equate access to pussy with social capital because the latter comes from men in your professional and informal networks
unless user is a spineless corporate cocksucker, his best bet is to cultivate and grow the network all the way to success, whatever that may be for each user personally
>get lambo pill
>invest everything on the 10x shitcoin, sell it at 10x
>sell lambo
>live a comfy live traveling with gf
Chad Pill. Being a chad is like having lambo for a body, think about how valuable that actually is. A good looking car is $500,000. A good looking, healthy, tall, strong body should be worth tens of millions.
>someone you love
Hard to love subhumans that even at their pinnacle of their love for you, you can see them looking at other options.
Not to say i dont do that too.
lambo for sure.
topkek, I had to read this 3 times to understand the joke.
9s and 10s are too high maintenance bitches and it's not worth the time, effort and money you invest in them.
3s? 3 BTC during dips maybe :^)
Selling your ass to old man can fetch quite the money user.
where do i start
I'm Chad and Lambo
Got in btc 2012
Got in eth before it was $10
Make >$100k a year wage cucking
Powerlifter with nice physique
I'm rich and I'm chad. Damn breh...feelsgoodman.jpg
How is that even a question?
Sure, I'll poast my physique, a pay stub, my wallet ids and my home address
Who the fuck wouldn't take the LAMBO pill in a second? You must be fucking retarded. Drive a lambo and you can fuck and women chad might get spending $100 on her drinks one night.
Have you people never watched those youtube vids of a chubby, short beta male trying to pick up women, then later driving by in a lambo and all of a sudden they want to hop right in?
Additionally just go to Veeky Forums and most people can easily be a chad after 1-2 years, its like 9000x harder to be rich. Some things you can't change like your face or height, but that is trivial shit compared to shit loads of money.
Not worth it. Badly overrated. Basically if you haven't enough libido to get laid before age 25 you won't enjoy it.
Ok manlet
Good looks are more important.
This is coming from someone who has experienced both of those pills.
Old but gold. Will made it.
>REEE he's not doing enough to make money for my future!
>doesn't mention any efforts on her part to increase her income
>ooga booga cock in cunt cock in cunt cock in cunt cock in cunt cock in cunt cock in cunt cock in cunt cock in cunt cock in cunt
>get super gonorrheAIDS and be dirt poor too
>tell stories about fucking cunt to young people who secretly think of you as "that guy who shows you what NOT to do"
I know this guy in real life. He's only 33, and he's healthy, but he fucked lots of cunt and knocked one up and she uses the government to rape him of his meager wages. He moved back in with his mom, and now he lives with his single mother gf who fucks her drug dealing ex (the piece of shit kid's dad) while he raises the kid that the ex abandoned.
To acquire wealth is to win. To fuck cunt is to be lead off a cliff by your little faggot dick, only realizing your mistake after you hit rock bottom and there's nowhere to go. You are there, and there forever.
Women can effectively use their cunts as a means to acquire wealth, wealth which she can trade for vital goods and services, at least for a while. How many men, relative to women, can use their dirt cheap dicks to do the same?
Very, very few.
>why do you think chads only want enough money to survive while all of the fat, ugly, virgin cucks have so much of the world's wealth?
The "fat virgin cucks", if you wanna go with that strawman, possess wealth.
Wealth far surpasses physical attraction and charisma on the list of things which determine your status in the dominance hierarchy. An extreme example of this would be to say that the Rothschilds, a bunch of ugly fucking inbred cunts, have been playing Chad as the fool he is for centuries and getting him brutally murdered in wars which they have engineered. How do they do this? Wealth.
Good looks will buy you a soggy cunt to fuck, sometimes free, sometimes at a discount. Wealth will buy you cunts to fuck...and pay bill, buy goods and services...and politicians to enact your policies for you...and businessmen.
Wealth can buy you the world.
PART DEUX: She wants him back lol
>$500,000 and an expensive car
>a shit job and a slightly bigger penis
hmm, which should I choose...
Imagine being this shallow, christ
TFW you know you fucked up dumping will and you'll never get his millions
>take lambo pill
>sell shitcoin during pump for btc
>sell lambo and buy more btc
>go 3x btc long with whole stash
>he lied by omission!!!
>he's a liar and used me by not showering me with money!!
what's worse, women or jews?
Women are effectively Jews, but only in regard to doublespeak and lying. Actual Jews are more wily and sneaky. Women are easy to figure out and avoid, whereas the Jew can influence your entire life by the power they wield in world markets and governments. However, there are are far more women than Jews. About 15,000,000 or so Jews, billions of women.
I guess Jews are ultimately worse.
No fuckng wonder they vote left all day
Stopped looking at pol cause shit like this boiled my blood
Guess there's just no escape
Fuck I know that feeling
fucking saved pic. its amazing.
Lots of women stop working to raise their children. They don't pay income tax whilst raising children. Pretty obvious why they only generate surplus revenue between menopause and retirement, because that's when the highest proportion of women are in work and late on in careers. Stupid graph and nothing to get angry at unless you want women to not have families and slave their lives away for Mr Sheckelberg instead.
seems obvious to me
Twigfag here & i can't explain it either but it involves targetting, deception, and the fact us skinny guys have no pubic area fat thus our cocks are portruding more long
Lambo pill me on Lambo giveaway contests?
Are they just a meme?
i'm already a chad with a big dick so if i chadpill that would make me a god tier chad and one of the 100 best looking men alive and i'd probably have the biggest dick of those 100 men, add social skills and could make millions of dollars easily.
I don't think you can say "made it" when he just inherited his wealth and didn't give a fuck.
>Get any lambo you want, for free
>Implying I won't have to pay taxes on it
>likes you for wht you are
lmao , sure cause grils like chad " FOR WHAT THEY ARE "
t. larper
this screams written by a male and not a real story
OP here. I am pleased with the results of this thread. I was expecting all of you to take the lambo pill because you're a bunch of greedy kykes that have no idea that there's more life than money, but it seems a good number of you were wise enough to take the chad pill - the objectively superior choice.
Let's do a little math. The lambo you'll get will probably be worth about 2 to 3 hundred thousand assuming you sell it immediately, but you get it after the shitcoin moon period so you cannot use that right away. So you've got $500, plus whatever else, and you'll 10x your current net worth instantly. Let's assume the average person on Veeky Forums has about $5000; quite a generous estimate considering most of you are NEETs with no income or savings.
So at the end of the pill's effect you're probably gonna be ~$300,000 richer, assuming the average, maybe half a million. A select few of you will be millionaires because you're smarter than the average NEET.
So now let's re-examine the chad pill. No, you won't be a millionaire or anywhere near it, but you'll live a much more fulfilling and healthy life. Imagine being able to walk every day and not be ashamed of your looks. Imagine being able to actually go meet women and experience the dating life. And not only that, your improved social skills will allow you to move up in the world and get a better job. There's honestly a pretty good chance you'll be a millionaire one day anyways, assuming you were actually good with money in the first place.
To anyone who picked the chad pill, I have good news for you: you're gonna make it big in this world if you put your mind to it. You have the decision-making skills and foresight required to be successful.
Obviously I pick the lambo coin. I can be a Chad anytime I feel like it and as soon as women stop aging at 12 years old or become 2D, I will be come Chad, destroyer of Pussies.
>ooga booga cock in cunt cock in cunt cock in cunt cock in cunt cock in cunt cock in cunt cock in cunt cock in cunt cock in cunt
Is take a pay cut for a bigger dick for sure
OP I picked lambo because I already am Chad, today is second time ever coming to this board. this in fact maybe the fifth thread i've ever seen.
coming from /b/, then Veeky Forums, then /pol/ to here, I already don't know shit about cryptocurrencies. Earlier today I googled "eli5 blockchain" (my favorite thing to do to learn finance/accounting terms) because watching Sam Zell videos gave me that thought. So I figured, since I'm already the guy on the left, why wouldn't I take a free lambo?
I make in excess of $15/hr although
>Imagine being able to walk every day and not be ashamed of your looks.
This is really pathetic but probably very true for most of you. Its so fucking easy to build muscle and lose weight but people act like its an impossible mountain. I doubt more than a couple of you were born with genes that make you look like you were kicked in the face by a mule. Getting rich is based on tensity and luck. But luck will always play a factor. So some people were born ugly and some people will never topple luck. But for the average person getting money and becoming sexually attractive are both things you can accomplish and being attractive is by far the easier of the two. There is no luck involved just a small application of willpower.
There are no downsides to either.
I'll take the chad pill because I think I can get the lambo through my own Veeky Forums.
The looks and social skills are more important.
tfw I am chad and taking the lambopill
Forget all that dribble faggot, just buy Beans and Digis.
After 30, it's time to pay for an escort.
Does that car vacuum the road as it drives?
When you drive a Lambo, its the Earth that accelerates under you.
Considering a lambo is worth more than a wage slave job pays in 10 years it would be smarter to take the lambo and then sell it to some rich guy and invest the money into a nice dividend stock.