When you're at least a decently attractive girl, can you just post sexy pictures on instagram, gain a shitton of followers, and get businesses sponsoring you? Cause I feel like it's really that easy for girls. I saw this pretty cute homeless girl the other days, I told her this but she was completely crazy so she didn't understand. (Confirming my assumption that as a girl, you have to be extremely retarded to be poor)
When you're at least a decently attractive girl, can you just post sexy pictures on instagram...
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was she crazy or retarded? i dont understand
1. work shitty waitress job to save up money
2. go to the gym often and learn how to use makeup and dress classy but sexy to guys
3. use saved up money to buy ass and boobs implants.
4. go to upscale nightclubs and rooftop bars in a big city
5. meet rich guy and be a millionaire
They need to be extroverted, attractive and be somewhat decent at marketing. If you really think there aren't thousands of girls out there trying to do this but failing I don't know what to tell you.
Yeah that works too but then you have to be married to this guy. The method I described above you're completely independent.
This is correct
A man with ~Average or below genetics is playing life on hard mode.
You will have to work harder to survive, collect resources and reproduce.
Still wouldnt trade though, being a woman has serious downsides as well.
Like the fact that their sexual value greatly diminishes past 25.
She probably was a slutty heavy drugs user or a constant drug user.
Homeless people mostly don't end up like that because they lost a job or something. Even more the females. If she is that good and not mentally ill/damaged by the drugs she would have just gotten a BF not to be on the streets.
>guy with access to the internet claim to being playing life on "hard mode"
We certainly don't have it as easy as women but if you are in the west it's better that most places.
So many hot girls have a few thousand followers without effort. If they just put in a tiny little bit of effort they could x10 that and start making money
>nigger being stubborn on Veeky Forums out of all places just won't go back to where he came from
Guys decline in looks to after 25. Plus even 40 year old women have extremely high sexual value
The forget the part where they get flown out to the middle east by oil barons that make them eat shit and other degenerate activities for tons of money.
Hard mode? lol. I'm an ugly fucking nerd but at least I'm not starving to death in some third world shithole. Bunch of whiny kids ITT.
>40 year old women have extremely high sexual value
>Guys decline in looks to after 25. Plus even 40 year old women have extremely high sexual value
What? You have that all backwards. As an average looking guy in my mid thirties I can tell you men appreciate in value until ~40 while women start to depreciate ~24.
Whatever trouble you may have with women now I promise you it all goes away with age, hell the first time I fucked an 18yo was when I was 28.
Can you get your mind around the idea that most women don't want to sell their body for cash?
I don't think letting disgusting men fuck you for cash is playing life on easy mode.
But do you KNOW any of them? How many of your girl acquaintances has thousands of followers and a killer face to go with a killer body?
>hell the first time I fucked an 18yo was when I was 28.
thinking fucking highschool kids is cool not sad
Why you so triggered?
? how is it sad its literally what nature wants you to do
I don't think it's cool or special it just prove my point that older men getting younger women is easy.
Men retain their sexual value longer because the traits most women find attractive grow with age while the traits men find sexually attractive fade with age.
you can't beat 18 year old pussy. obviously the guy criticizing it was a virgin till 26 then fucked his cousin.
To me woman in their 40s are sexier than girls in their 20s
I agree we are privileged in that sense, its a relative anyway. Compared to woman in western society men have it harder. This isnt to whine or anything, just a fact.
In fact it could be seen as a blessing, since working hard for the things you want makes you enjoy them so much more.
Picrelated is the sexual market value men compared to women
I nailed it with my guestimate, if only I could get this close to the peaks with my shitcoins.
Women are easily considered to have an attractive face. Body can always be worked on.
Of corse we get them easily, we are 10 years ahead of them in experience. I get it, younger people (not only women lol) = more attractive, but could you at least stick to the 20+ girls?
Girls in high school are KIDS that are still being supported by their parents. It's not in your nature and it is disgusting. Get a grip, buddy.
A 40 year old woman who is in decent shape can easily get laid by men of all ages. A 40 year old man in top shape is still gonna have to work for it. That chart is a meme
>could you at least stick to the 20+ girls
I don't make a habit of it, my lower limit is generally ~24 just because they are too annoying beyond that.
>It's not in your nature
You don't understand biology do you? Why do you think late teens are sexy as fuck? It's because they have the most fertile eggs and the highest chance of producing healthy offspring.
It's in all our nature just some of us deny it because it has become a social fopas in the last century.
>inb4 we completely derail this thread in a pedo / hebe debate.
>most fertile eggs and the highest chance of producing healthy offspring.
A more appropriate age range for producing healthy offspring would be 18-40, in an ideal situation for breeding, the man would be ~37, and the woman, 18.
No my friend its factual.
I agree that 17-19 would be ideal for the female but honestly think a younger male with more virile sperm would be the peak, somewhere around 24.
Implying life is about surviving, not procreating
"Getting laid" or dating?
Obviously a woman can usually find someone to fuck her at any given time. But men are not looking to commit to older women
LMFAO at the blue pill fags who believe "women must be over 22 to fuck" society meme
Woman need more than clean sperm.
They also need security and a provider.
This is why they like older man.
They also like "risk takers" like bad boys, because they know they arent pushovers.
This is also why, the state being a provider and women working makes men more obsolete.
At this point we are arguing semanticists between ideal (biology) and ideal (modern society). I agree old men are the better option when taking modern society into account as we generally have less time for bullshit and speak out mind while younger guys don't want to rock the boat.
Was the girl from edinburgh?
lmao. stay mad he's getting prime time pussy. you're probably a fat female.
Protip: Men subsidize 90% of "the state"
which is why if you're a male left winger you are unironically a suicidal self destructive cuck
What are you freaks going on about? Women reach fertility peak at 23-26. Aren't you maybe 18 yourself?
>Like the fact that their sexual value greatly diminishes past 25.
so what... I bet an average 34 year old woman gets more matches and real interest on Tinder than an average 34 year old guy.
face it, life for western women is a big sex buffet. and if you get preg you can use men's taxes to pay for it completely with no consequence at the expense of men's forcibly taxed income who get nothing in return.
what is college (and life) but a big attention & sex festival for girls? their lives are definitely way, way easier than ours. most guys have sex with fewer than 10 women in their lifetime. the average girl has had that by age 20.
if you're gay its on you. most women are straight and are living a literal fairy tale every time a guy pays her rent just for sucking cock (which she loves to do).
most women's dreams consist of getting paid millions (indirectly) to suck a hot guy's dick. and that's pretty much what they get out of life... free rent to suck some cock, which, as a heterosexual, she tremendously enjoys by default.
Bottom quarter of men have it worst in society. Top quarter live like kings though. Taking into account status/income/looks.
Like in everything men have a higher ceiling and lower floor, women may be afforded more general comforts but they do that at cost of being weak, dependent, and largely not valued outside of what they can offer sexually
So try to work to make sure you're in that top quartile of men
>mfw 23 and virgin for life
This is what happens when you injure yourself and can never be comfortable ever again.
Be careful boys, one wrong move and you're fucked forever.
I agree completely
The thing with women past their prime is since they now get less and less attention from men they often turn out resentful and bitter.
Men dont have this problem (at least not that severe).
hahaha. they do. it is their absolute dream to use their "angelic heavenly feminine beauty" to seduce, control, and use a rich or high status man.
women literally have magazines that say "how to wrap him around your little finger" on the front cover in big, bold pink letters. women absolutely love using sexual power over men to get them to give/grant them money and status.
women dream of being the hottest trophy for the biggest and richest man. women who aren't become you... a witch.
but it is cool to get prime age girls. we all fantasized about them when we were in high school... nothing cooler than making a comeback in life and banging the fuck out of the cheerleader who denied you back in your suffering days.
NO NEED TO FEEL ASHAMED for being a heterosexual male. don't let any ugly fat cunt or mangina shame you for wanting sex with an 18 year old girl. you would be gay not to want to bang a hot 18 year old cheerleader.
oh yeah, because a lack of experience is preventing 18 year old girls from getting laid.
you are retarded.
a fucking 18 year old is not a kid. she's a girl in her prime and the idea that her being easy to get as shameful is horseshit. she's gotten whatever she wants at the drop of a dime her whole life... no shame at all in men getting what they want for ONCE.
I live in Europe's economic periphery where it was never normal for women to stay at home while men work. That's why it's not common for us to perceive women the way you do.
>peak fertility
Yeah, no shame in 18 year olds fucking other 18 year olds. It should be shameful for a 30 year old guy to get involved with that kind of shit.
Eastern Europe? I only ask because as an outsider looking in you have the best of both worlds when it comes to women, they are hot as fuck but not stuck up.
Slovenia (which is ironic when getting this kind of point across (because of melania trump))
Are the women there generally down to earth / not stuck up or is that a misconception?
Sad, cool, call it whatever you want but everything in life shows men prefer teen pussy.
It's true, women here are very down to earth, well educated and mostly employed. This is all due to our economic and political background.
- Ex socialistic country, still high emphasis on trying to be a social state (free college, minimal health insurance costs, state ensured minimal pay, easy to get on welfare ...)
- Enormous living costs. Renting a flat in the capital city will cost you 500€ at minimum, buying one would cost around 100k€; while our average wage is around 1k€ netto. Kindergarten costs like 400€ a month per kid. This makes it impossible not to work as a married couple and have a massive loan on top of that.
I think that is the biggest reason why there's practically no battle between sexes here. We also don't have alimonies and a bunch of other stuff like that.
The situation is quite similar for Croatia, but not for Serbia and Bosnia which are much poorer (+ islam, + a history of war and rape)
they don't have to stay home whatsoever to be the prettiest princess who gets the most dominant alpha. she could be a millionaire who works 60 hours per week. she would still want to be a pretty princess coated in diamonds and luxury goods by a big daddy if she is straight.
>percieve women the way you do
lol what shameless posturing. you are not superior to me and I am no dolt. you are a brainwashed pussy who actually believes women want an equal.
professional masculine tip=she wants a man who is better than her in every way. that's why she cheats on you with a guy who has no interest in being her "equal" aka supplicating wimp. guys who "see" it that way are just the pussy who pays for sex with her when she's 33 and done with all the hot guys who invested nothing in her at all and had her in her prime.
women who work do basically because they have to. you may not believe it, but I guarantee you that 90% of girls/women just wish and wish every day that some multimillionaire successful prodigy of a man would show up in their life take them by the hand and fly them off to his $7.5 million villa in southern California to party and have fun and but also to be free to be feminine, abject to "modern" roles in "modern" societies where they are absolutely forced to assume masculine roles, traits, and behaviors (only because their men don't make enough for both of them anymore).
and I seriously doubt that women were working in factories and not working at home in the 18 and 19th centuries be it London or elsewhere in Europe. women were doing housework and raising children there just as they were in the US at the time.
lmao. keep dating 26 year olds who are just out to use a beta now that they're old.
Of course women have it easy. They've always had it easy. The trick is to get enough capital that you can buy women and exploit their privileges for your benefit since most are too stupid to use it for their own.
>mfw it would be way lower if it wasn't for the law
Well, whatever. Was just trying to help, most of these guys won't even grow up to be as bitter as they are now. Enjoy living your life with a person you deem as inferior
so you force women to act like men because your society is too poor/too socialist for a man to actually act as a provider on his own. that's not something to be proud of.
women want a superior to themselves. don't blame men for that, SJW wimp.
>What is divorce for 800, Alex.
Yes, women are forced to work just like men. That's what makes them free and not dependent on men. This is very much something to be proud of and don't imply that men would choose to work a 9-17 if they weren't forced to, lol.
Why so many pedobears itt this is abiut business and finance so shut up an shill me a coin
EVERYBIDY IN THIS THREAD. please get redpilled by watching BLACK PHILLIP. Patrice o neal speaks the truth. You will not regret it.
Is /r9k/ raiding Veeky Forums again?
That bitch isn't even good looking. She's 40 lbs overweight and wearing $50 of makeup to look bangable
Absolutely not. Men reach peak sexual attractiveness in their mid-late 30s and most women take a nosedive after about 27
Do normal girls actually make serious money of instagram or is this more of a wish thing that girls have have?
I mean how mucj money do they pull with 100k followers?
It's one of those things where a cute girl got big for being cute and a marketer decided giving her free products would be cheap advertising. Next thing you know they are thousands of them all thinking they are going to be sent $2000 hand bags if they get enough followers.
It was a cheap advertising space but is now saturated with unfilled advertising space like you see above urinals.
I'm 5'2... what do?
i pay to fuck 18 year olds lol
You mean beta males.
Chads (what they actually want to fuck) aren't obsolete.
You are either Chad or you are dead, or you cope with escorts.
>Men dont have this problem (at least not that severe).
Lol yes they do. You are dogshit and invisible to prime women as soon as your hairline starts to go south.
You were never desirable anyway if you didn't had good bones.
Accept your weaknesses, play your strengths, be realistic.