who had the most sex in history?
Who had the most sex in history?
Genghis Khan
Most likely.
i dont really mean rape i mean consensual
Hello dumbfucks. The person who had the most sex was most likely some nobody who had a lot of free time around slaves. Not a leader with tons of stuff going on who aimed for reproduction rather than just sex.
you're retarded , khan has millions of living decedents he raped entire cities
Pretty everyone who live 1000 years ago has millions of living descendant
Anyone who lived 3 or 4 thousand years ago likely has billions
Every person alive with european ancestry is a direct descendant of charlemagne
Hugh Hefner.
Once again you're being retarded again. The question was who had the most sex not who had sex with the most people Raping entire cities could just mean each person 1 time. Some nobody with a lot of free time could have sex with a handful of slaves countless times.
Some guy having loads of descendants doesn't mean "he raped entire cities". It just means he had a bunch of kids and those kids had kids themselves, etc. Do this over thousands of years and you will have loads of people who are related in some way.
All humans are related to Mitochondrial Eve. Does this mean she raped everyone?
Genghis had hundreds of children of his own through his concubines. We only hear of his four main sons because they were from his main wife. There are certainly thousands, likely millions, of lines of direct descent from Gengis Khan. And direct descent is usually descent by patrilineal reckoning.
your mom lmao
Wilt Chamberlain is the one we can actually falsify I guess
This guy is said to have had 867 children
> direct descendant of charlemagne
How does that work?
Yeah, of course it was a Muslim
Fidel Castro slept with 3 women a day for over 60 years.
Wilt Chamberlain.
>According to Rod Roddewig, a contemporary of Wilt's, Chamberlain documented his love life using a Day-Timer. Every time Chamberlain went to bed with a different woman, he put a check in his Day-Timer. Over a 10-day period, there were 23 checks in the book, which would be a rate of 2.3 women per day. Chamberlain divided that number in half, to be conservative and to correct for degrees of variation. He then multiplied that number by the number of days he had been alive at the time minus 15 years. That was how the 20,000 number came into existence.
It doesn't - it's just in a lot of old church records, if they couldn't figure out your ancestry, they connected you to Charlemagne by default.
Why do Southeast Asians and South Americans always resort to this insult? I guarantee you're probably an edgy Indonesian or some gay shit
>Raping entire cities could just mean each person one time
How many people do you think live in cities you retard?
I guess he seized the means of production,
But why didn't every worker get a share?
Catherine the Great
How much alpha brain did someone like Khan have to be on? How did he have time to impregnate 3+ women a day and still conquer everything? Was he a one pump chump?
No, he just had to kill and set on fire the people protecting them.
Probably the most alpha person on the planet at the time, possibly today.
isn't like women had to be forced to serve the big powerful lord in exchange for a comfy harem role
I'm sure he didn't mind some screams and tears on the side tho
most chinese emperors died in their early 20's from oversexing. (and opium mb)
Why were all the great dictators and strongmen sexaholics?
this, why is Veeky Forums so mathematically illiterate.
Mind-blowing if you're an absolute brainlet.
Suleiman the Magnificent would have to be a contender surely,
also do we count animals? boys? objects? masturbation?
number of times came??
Why are all women sexaholics?
Because this isn't Veeky Forums. Hardly anybody here can do math.
cuban population in 1959 - 6 million
cuban population in 2017 - 11 million
Fidel was only setting an example
I don't know about the most but Mussolini got tons of poon
as if that means anything. you still have sex with 1 slave more times than that if you had more free time plus the logistics of it are much simpler
Donald Trump is a strong contender I think
>Charlemagne lived in around the year 800.
>That's 1200 years ago.
>Let's say a generation is 20 years.
>1200/20=60 generations
>charlemagne had 10 kids at least
>every human throughout history has an average of at least two children, who have two children etc
>initial children*average number of kids^number of generations = charlemagnes descendants
>10*2^60= 11.5 quintillion
>this is far, far, FAR too high
>even with considerable inbreeding, everyone in Europe is almost certainly descended from charlemagne (and also everyone else in europe in the year 800) unless they're a first generation japanese immigrant or some shit