>fascism is inherently racist and blames all its problems on one set group of people
I get the correlation, but is this even accurate?
>fascism is inherently racist and blames all its problems on one set group of people
I get the correlation, but is this even accurate?
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It's a confrontational ideology that supposes enemies both internal and external to its ultimate goals.
Italian Fascism actually wasn't racist at first, but Mussolini, after a few years of rightfully opposing Nazi autism and protecting Austria's independence, passed the Racial Laws which alienated Italian Jews (many of whom were loyal Fascists) and made Italy subservient to G*rman foreign policy.
>Fascism inherently racist
I'm not a fascist or anything but that's not entirely true. Mussolini didn't seem to care terribly much about race afaik.
which I think is more the problem, in that it's as racist as its ruler is or is not. but it's not inherently a racist ideology.
>In September 1920, Benito Mussolini stated: When dealing with such a race as Slavic - inferior and barbarian - we must not pursue the carrot, but the stick policy.... We should not be afraid of new victims.... The Italian border should run across the Brenner Pass, Monte Nevoso and the Dinaric Alps.... I would say we can easily sacrifice 500,000 barbaric Slavs for 50,000 Italians....
Mussolini made several overtly racist statements against Slavs even before the race laws
Mussolini has said before that the masses are stupid and if you contradict yourself they will soon forget. He cared not for the people, but attaining power.
Racism is extremely common, but not required.
Nationalism, even if not directly a result of racism, creates racism by intensifying perceptions of ethnic differences.
all nationalism is cancer and will easily devolve into vulgar racism
there is no reason to go beyond patriotism and into nationalism
Quoting Robert Paxton
>fascism is a form of political behavior marked by obsessive preoccupation with community decline, humiliation, or victimhood and by compensatory cults of unity, energy, and purity, in which a mass-based party of committed nationalist militants, working in uneasy but effective collaboration with traditional elites, abandons democratic liberties and pursues with redemptive violence and without ethical or legal restraints goals of internal cleansing and external expansion.
It's more about MUH DALMAZIA,
The term "race" was used much more liberally during those times. Mussolini was what /pol/ would call a civic nationalist
what is even the difference betwen patriotism and nationalism?
What is fascism without jingoism? Socialist economy where service to the state is encouraged/enforced?
Nationalist Class collaboration/corporatism unlike a socialist state with muh working class, muh equality, muh central planning
He hated Slovenes while hitler loved Slovenes how tf was this allowed how can such a disorganized bunch be allies was Mussolini just hitlers bitch and that was muss pathetic attempt at rebellion ?
Why do g*rms always have to ruin everything?
>blames all its problems on one set group of people
what? they liked to blame everyone but themselves.
You guys kind of have it bass ackwards. Mussolini was a HUGE racist, but Hitler sperged hard about how much purer the Germans were, and this turned Mussolini off enough for him to say "y-yeah, well, who needs purity anyway", but then eventually Mussolini got his head back on his shoulders.
Early on Mussolini had spoken about the need to protect the white races from the rising tide of color and all that.
jews pull the right strings
Basically Musso hated blacks. Not as much as Hitler did the Jews, but about as much as any racist hates blacks.
You'll see it reflected in a lot of places, particularly Italian propaganda, which even after Ethiopia was often a bunch of "the enemies are niggers lol" stuff
We use racism too liberally when observing historical subjects. If racism is defined as either A.) hating a group of people or B.) Thinking your people is better than another people then you won't find a single group, whether the most isolated tribe to the biggest empire builders who weren't racist.
this is shit Churchill could have said or any other politician of that era
mamma mia!
>fascism is inherently racist and blames all its problems on one set group of people
By this definition feminism is racist (rather than sexist) because it blames everything on men.
Not really though. Like the policies in the Italian colonies were straight up racist and the rhetoric was blatantly so.
Patriotism is just a general support for your country. Nationalism is the want to create a nation state, usually along with a fair degree of patriotism for that nation state.
>Hell yeah, Taitù, we're starting to become civlized: this one came out white
Mussolini was equally retarded and had no idea how to wage war
You dagos need to stop letting Sicilian garlic shits run your country