Explain how this failure piece of shit got so much fanboys

Explain how this failure piece of shit got so much fanboys.

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People can't stop bringing it up

freedom of speech

fascism arises from disgust of communism and post modernism.

Enough people hate Jews and Hugo Boss uniforms

Talking about genociding minorities and dressing in edgy cosplay uniforms brings a sense of purpose to losers who work shitty jobs, have no long term prospects, and have low self esteem

Uhh that's an image from Star Wars.

They're edgy with nice aesthetics. Mental gymnastics also helps. It's not just Nazis, though. There are some communist LARPers are my university who unironically think Stalin, Mao, Kim Il-Sung, etc. dindu nuffin complete with Soviet propaganda to prove it


appealing to us/them mentality and scapegoating groups of people is easymode propaganda. people eat that shit up, especially during times of economic hardship.

they fought against bolshevism, middle class children fear that so thats a great start

they are also an underdog who put up a great fight although if anything, they should see the avarage german soldier was betrayed by the nazis

Most of them are legit retarded. Just read any stormfag in Veeky Forums.

How can the ultimate badass mad men of history directly responsible for probably the last mass mechanized conventional war of history NOT have a certain allure?

It was literally a bunch of autistic losers who controlled a nation, were worshipped as Gods and killed their enemies.

>they should see the avarage german soldier was betrayed by the nazis


They were sent to die in foreign countries and take the blame for no real reason.

It was the last push against the Capitalist/Communist systems which were destroying Europe. Hitler was an everyman who hadn't been bought out, who had fought as an underdog against powerful interests. He also was one of the first politicians to point out the glaring flaws in modern democratic governments.

>One speaks about freedom, one speaks about democracy, one speaks about the achievements of a Liberal system meaning nothing but the stabilization of the regime of a section of society, which, thanks to its capital, is able to get hold of the Press, to organize and direct it, and to create public opinion. Thus, in a State commanding the riches of the world, having gigantic living space at its disposal, in a State with altogether hardly one inhabitant per square kilometre, in a State so blessed by nature, millions are excluded from these benefits, and live in greater poverty than the population of any of the over-populated central European States. The country which is a paradise for a few, is nothing but continuous misery for many, that is, for the masses. Misery in nourishment, misery in clothing, misery particularly in housing; misery in security of income, and in the entire social legislation. And if all of a sudden a British Labour Secretary, who, incidentally, as a member of the Opposition, is paid by the State, appears and says: "After this war, after victory, England will have to tackle social problems; we will have to care for the wide masses," I can only reply, "We have done this long ago."

>Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it.

>muh innocent wehrmacht dindu nuffin

I didn't say the SS was clean but that all German soldiers took the blame for Hitler's government and ideology. That certainly didn't help anything.

>hopeless losers drawn to fatalistic death cult

>hitler fought against capitalism by privatizing shit, giving slave labor to corporations, and increasing the capital share of income
>hitler fought against communism by splitting poland with the soviets and later allowing them to occupy half of europe

First name on there I looked up wasn't even Jewish. Listing a shit ton of Jews really doesn't prove anything. I especially find it funny coming from the right, who cry when leftists discuss the disparity between whites and blacks to cry about how Jews are only 2% but are overly successful in proportion to their size.

I'm not talking about the SS. German soldiers committed all sorts of atrocities and actively cooperated with the SS. The end-game of the Eastern Front was to displace and exterminate Russians, Jews, etc. and the Wehrmacht had no problem going along with this.

So essentially you're claiming that the "Blaming Jews for everything wrong in the world is no better than a leftist saying " it's white men' fault ""

You have to prove that, the similarities between what whites say about Jews and what blacks say about whites.

But fuck it. Firstly it is easily disprove, Jews occupy positions in banking, media, academic social sciences, and politics all of which are predatory and rent seeking, and don't actually produce anything, whereas whites make up the bulk of the workforce in America (we'll use America as an example). The Jewish media/banking/political machine relies on the taxes and labor of the whites in America, without which the Jews would have no relevance or influence- this is why they have focused their immigration in America predominantly. Jews don't give anything positive (keyword there) socially, whereas whites have given blacks both monetary and cultural subsistence. I could continue but frankly it is a waste of time. Jews need whites, especially in regards to funding and maintaining their state in the Middle East, whites don't need Jews. Alternately blacks need whites, or rather rely too much on them.

Where would Jewish Hollywood be without the white masses to suck from? Where would Jewish banks be without the white masses to plunder and squeeze? Where would Jewish academics be without the white populace to infect and subvert?

Heil Hitler

the nazis were drinking campaigne in their mansions while fraser died in some god forgotten place

considering the war was lost at kursk the latest,
thats 2 years of fighting, for nothing
what kind of leaders send a generation to their meaningless death, traitors, thats who

I tried, but - even regardless of the content - this is legitimately unreadable. This shit is so uninspired, my brain glazed over the second it passed through my eyeballs.

If you want a race war, you gotta learn your readin' and writin' first.

>First name on there I looked up wasn't even Jewish
Pretty common in /pol/ infopics, since they count non-jews who happen to have some far off jewish ancestors (or who have been accused of having them by stormfags) as jews for propaganda purposes. On top of the obvious cherrypicking. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_CNN_personnel

>"you have to prove that"
>proceeds to sperg about muh conspiracy without a single proof

Which name buddy
>I found one mistake out of 99 accurate points

Proof was already provided. Proof is obvious everywhere someone is willing to look. There isn't a shortage of evidence, there is a shortage of people willing to point it out.


The burden of proof is on you, not me. It was "Donna Specialie," no proof anywhere at all she's Jewish. The one and only person I looked up, because it's not worth my time to type into every single one of their names into google to find out if they are Jewish.

You stormfags are pathetic. It's embarrassing that someone spent time to even make that chart.

No, proof wasn't provided. Proof may be self evident to you but it isn't for people who haven't been brainwashed by /pol/.

>The one person I looked up
Yeah, and it will keep happening until something drastic happens.

The whole caricature in pic related was because they thought this Armenian girl was Jewish because of her "Jewish features." They still claim her to be Jewish because that's enough evidence in their minds for someone to be Jewish.

Like I said, the burden of proof is still on you. You constantly lie about who is Jewish. You count anyone with any distant Jewish relatives or married to Jews as Jewish. You are deceivers and tricksters. Everything you claim Jews to be.

>tfw both right wing reactionaries and swj reactionaries are product of capitalist and consumerist disinformation and result of decades of trivial culture

Why would anyone waste their time looking up each and every one of those peoples names to find out if they are really Jewish? How much of a basement dweller are you?

t. heodor

The smart ones lie on purpose, the rest are retards that buy into their shit. Her caricature was useful for redpilling/brainwashing /v/irgins. The same way I've seen them trying to convince people that stalin and beria were jews in Veeky Forums these last few days. They don't give a fuck about whether their propaganda is true or not.

because it was a success, it was so successful, half the world united to fight and destroy it

>because it was a success
>not because they said MUHH LEBENSRAUM and declared war on the world

sure thing buddy

Holy shit dude

Yeah but he was fucking right.
>inb4 muh jew
You are a result of what he was trying to change

Almost as successful as black death.

>You have to prove that

YOU have to prove that, but you haven't been able to. Just blabbing on about how "Jews don't produce anything." Give me an objective analysis to back up your claims, of how Jews are doing these things. Can you? Can you give me proof and statistics? Or just .jpgs with text on them listing quotes from Jews?

>the similarities between what whites say about Jews and what blacks say about whites.

>So essentially you're claiming that the "Blaming Jews for everything wrong in the world is no better than a leftist saying " it's white men' fault ""

>You have to prove that

>Why would anyone waste their time looking up each and every one of those peoples names to find out if they are really Jewish?

If determining whether your media controlled by a ethnocentric cartel bent on controlling information is "too much work" for "basement dwellers" then maybe boards like Veeky Forums aren't really for you.

Idk what u took away from that post but Adorno was unironically great

You're an idiot. You dumped a image with a list of people with stars of david on them. The first person looked up is objectively not Jewish. Then you say the burden of proof is on the people who are supposed to disprove your faulty JPG with no proof behind it? This is why you have a containment board.


before nazis germany was bankrupt

after nazis it was the primary world power

it didn't fail economically or socially, it "failed" because it was invaded and destroyed by agressors

Edgy, disgusting children

Prove your claims then come back. You don't get to post a picture with cherrypicked Jews and some non-jews who you decided to lie and say were Jews because you are dishonest.

No one is buying you.

-President of Turner
-President of CNN
-CSO, CMO, CLO, various execs
You gotta learn what the term cherrypicked means.


I'm starting to buy into the Horseshoe theory. Right-wingers sound identical to SJWs. Just crying about their failures and how a group is more successful then them.

It completely is cherry picked. Some are not Jews. You're straight up lying in your infographs and now you're just scraping. You don't get to make up people being Jews and be surprised when I say you aren't credible whatsoever.

>Edgy, disgusting children

It doesn't matter if 50% of the people in the infograph aren't Jewish. The media is 99% run by Jews, you would be cherrypicking to find non-jews. It's immoral for a minority group to have so much power. Why should Jews have more power than white people when we're the majority of America? It's simply not fair. These are valid concerns compared to what black people bitch about.

The thing is, your conclusion doesn't follow your premise, so going through the tedious job of looking name by name serves no purpose besides exposing /pol/ propaganda. On the other hand, I've seen you faggots lie so much that anything that requires some effort seems pointless.

Most of the execs in en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_CNN_personnel are not in the pic, so yes, cherrypicked.

>On the other hand, I've seen you faggots lie so much that anything that requires some effort seems pointless.

LIE? /pol/ is the only forum on this website that won't ban you for telling the truth. That's why in every thread about (((them))) /pol/acks shred apart Veeky Forumstorians with pure facts and statistics. If I say too much about (((them))) on here you ban me.

Sure buddy, keep fighting the lizard people.

>The media is 99% run by Whites, you would be cherrypicking to find non-whites. It's immoral for a minority group to have so much power. Why should Whites have more power than people of color when we're the majority of America? It's simply not fair. These are valid concerns compared to what white people bitch about.

If you don't see the hypocrisy you never will

At least TRY to be funny or ironic.

That's the point

>didn't list all CNN personnel
>therefore the photo filled with evidence of Jews infiltrating the media is false

You realize this is a fallacy, right? You've yet to be able to refute

holy fuck you Veeky Forums people are retarded... Thats Anita Sarkeesian, a known feminist and cancer, that collected hundreds of thousands of dollars in kickstarter and personal funding to produce content. In short, she promised the stars, the moon and a rose garden while she only released 5 videos (10 min each).

Thats why they have drawn her on the fucking merchant caricature, not because they think shes a "joo"

You Veeky Forums people are so utterly wrong sometimes, i wonder where you get your info? Or if its just another hivemind/echochamber with different leanings from /pol/
Also, shes got a big fucking nose

> the media is 99% run by jews
You said this shit 3 times already and you are yet to provide any proof for it.

That's basically what I was saying. Plus the fact that nazis are retarded

>> That's why in every thread about (((them))) /pol/acks shred apart Veeky Forumstorians with pure facts and statistics.
Yes, a bunch of uneducated basement dwellers BTFO amateur historians with articles from the daily stormer.

Nigga it was a war economy. It wouldn't lasted much longer without a war

>he doesn't know

Your previous post was basically arguing that the picture wasn't a cherrypick because it included execs and important people. But a lot of them were missing, including the CEO. And yes, if your list isn't comprehensive it says nothing, even ignoring its mistakes, because it doesn't measure the degree in which they are overrepresented (which is why /pol/ loves giving lists of names when it wants sell a narrative). But, as I already said, all of this is useless because your conclusion doesn't follow your premise.

Responding with retarded memes as substitute for an argument doesn't work outside of /pol/.

>when asked for proof, make fun of the querent for not having proof already.

See that triangle next to the post number? Click it and use it to do a reverse image search.

No, they were calling her a Jew at first. To be fair, she kind of looks like a Jew, but she wasn't. She just never confirmed or denied at first.

You're either Jewish, or haven't looked at the evidence. It's all around us. Everywhere you look. People are waking up.

>self-made Jew with nothing becomes super successful
>this repeats itself

Why is this supposed to be a conspiracy? Europeans appointed a Court Jew, then had those court jews marry with other court jews around Europe, suddenly you have the Rothschilds and people are crying about what they created.

>But, as I already said, all of this is useless because your conclusion doesn't follow your premise.

This isn't even coherent. It's clear your just a pretentious teen with a sub-par IQ who hasn't woken up yet, but that's okay. The conclusion is Jews run the media. The premise was that Jews run the media. These are proven facts, it's just politically incorrect to point it out.

im honestly ashamed of my fellow Veeky Forumstorians for falling for such obvious bait
One of the posts even called Veeky Forums a forum, it's evident these posters aren't serious

>One of the posts even called Veeky Forums a forum

You realize stormfront made a whole page dedicated to infiltrating /pol/? I lurk sometimes and there's always a "I'm 50" post. I wouldn't be surprised if they thought it was.

> world war is generally said to have begun on 1 September 1939[6] with the invasion of Poland by Nazi Germany and subsequent declarations of war on Germany by France and the United Kingdom.

>muh Wehrmacht nichts gemacht good kameraden defending the fatherland against the evil Russian invaders... in Russia

imageboards are a type of forum.

If Jews are secretly controlling the world and have all the money, then why are there poor Jews???

>We're defending the US
>in Germany

This is how dumb you sound

>then why are there poor Jews?

Those are just the ones who are still actually Jews and not just atheists LARPing as Jews.

People usually have a soft spot for the underdog.

>On 11 December 1941, four days after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor and the United States declaration of war against the Japanese Empire, Nazi Germany declared war against the United States

>Germany invades Poland without declaring war
>because of defense pacts UK and France declare war on Germany two days later
>"WW2 wouldn't have happened if the eternal Anglo didn't declare war on the nichtsgemacht Germans!"

>Hitler was a major treaty breaker no one could trust
>Why did Hitler honor his treaty with the Japanese
>defending the US
>across an ocean
>past a massive island
>past a channel
>past 2 countries
>against a nation practically beaten with no long range aircraft

>some wewuz manlet declares war on your country
>not going there and beating the shit out of him in return

I like your thinking.

fucking kek

Edgy teenagers and man childs