atheists can't explain why incest (with contraceptives), necrophilia and passive zoophilia are wrong.
Often they actually support those.
This is the world atheists want you to live in
Explain why nutting in your oneechan wearing a rubber is wrong. Go on. I'll wait.
Why are they wrong again?
>consentual incest
not ok
>passive zoophilia
passive? Idk someone should research if animals can give consent
do you think you can force a dog to fuck you in the ass or lick you?
Dont girls use peanut butter to get dogs to lick them?
It's wrong coz I dont like it. problem?
You can't explain those things either.
Anything between mutually consenting individuals is ok.
>incest (with contraceptives), necrophilia and passive zoophilia
And no theist was ever guilty of those. Because believing in God makes you of perfect moral fibre.
Incest, primarily cousin marriages, have been practiced throughout the world for centuries. Children resulting from cousin marriages don't really have an increased risk for aliments usually relating to incest.
>Muh gawd forbid it
Nice explication
I think OP means that christianity gives you a moral standard while atheists have only their coscience influenced by culture, social conditining, conventions etc. so atheists don't have an objective criterion of comparison to decide what is right and wrong
Christianity is part of western culture, believing in God or not you are conditioned by most of christianity's precepts
I don't deny that western atheists too are influenced by christian morality, but I don't think that's the point
The point is that this thread is a huge bait like 75% of the threads on Veeky Forums lately
It is true though that the "do what you will, so long as it harms none" kind of morality doesnt explain why incest and the other thins are wrong
First of all I am not an atheist but this is why incest is wrong, no God involved
Because it violates the ''so long as it harms none'' clause
read OP
It is specified with contraceptives
the common use of contraceptives is pretty recent and morality doesn't change from one day to another
Contraceptives could fail and then spread genetic diseases and other failures
Spreads disease
Spreads disease
Incest isn't wrong, so long as both parties are consenting and contraceptives are used.
Nailed it, of course breathing is also immoral as it spreads disease.
>>Contraceptives could fail and then spread genetic diseases and other failures
Abortion solves that. Also, non-procreative sex. Oral, Anal, Dry humping, etc.
>as long you have incestuous anal sex it's perfectly fine
atheists ladies and gentlemen
so progressive
Funny thing is, theists can't either.
Okay- I'm going to be frank with you. Incest that doesn't aim to birth a child and that doesn't involve abuse of power in a family isn't in itself wrong, and none of you can prove to me it is. Why is this? Simply because you're not opposed to incest because of any logical reason, you're opposed to it because it disgusts you, just as someone might be disgusted by homosexuals. And yet, it's none of your business. Sometimes two adults fall in love with each other, and you can be sure that there will always be some cuntface ready to try and ruin everything because it offends his or her sensibilities.
Whether incest should be legal or not is another point entirely, if family-incest is allowed it could easily allow situations where some disgusting fuck brainwashes his daughter to be his future girlfriend or something. This is of course obviously morally wrong, and it would be quite challenging to differentiate willing incest from abusing incest.
However there's no reason as to why incest with contraceptives and without abuse should be wrong, and none of you is going to be able to show it would be so. Instead attacks against my person are far more likely.
Explain why anal sex is so horrifying that jews have been crying for three thousand years about it
God says so
Because it makes poopoo on your peepee.
Cucked by jew God :^)
I'm an atheist
I think that you can engage in coprophiliac acts with your family members
I dare to call me immoral
You are on Veeky Forums, not reddit, if anything most of us fap to inseki. You don't need to pretend you are going to be ostracised here.
Morality based on (a) religion is equally arbitrary as secular morality.
Having your commandments in an old text is of no added value whatsoever.
of course, knowingly creating genetical abominations is still wrong. that's why contraceptives are in use
They're wrong because they're indicators of a fucked up person in 99.9999999% of cases, and if one has an inclination towards such things he should see a shrink and get his shit unfucked. Reproductive instincts should not be directed towards anything except fertile, living individuals.
And cartoon women.
It's an indicator of a fucked up family relationship if incest is desired by any parties, let alone two or more. It should not be encouraged or allowed because it's an extremely psychologically unhealthy outlet for sexuality.
Where they are closely representative of fertile, living, human women, sure.
people WILL fall for this bait
And dead but still warm catwomen.
It's wrong because it misdirects your bonding impulses on dead ends you retard.
(Also makes you less holy, but the aurgument stands without religion).
I bet you will defend hedonism as 'not wrong' for your next act..
The real danger is deconstructionists and other crypto nilisists in general.
If necrophilia etc. being wrong is a reason to be a theist, then its wrongness is independent if theism and therefore does not require it.