Does anyone here actually make money daytrading shitcoins? I feel like predicting the market is near impossible and basically same as gambling.
pic unrelated.
Does anyone here actually make money daytrading shitcoins? I feel like predicting the market is near impossible and basically same as gambling.
pic unrelated.
No, no one makes money here. We do it for fun.
correct. unlike the stock market, it's impossible to do any fundamental analysis because many of the coins have underlying value or current real world usage. the prices of the coins are greatly inflated due to speculation that crypto will see widespread adoption in the next couple of years. even if it does, only a handful of today's current altcoins will survive 3-5 years. right now, price fluctuation are based off of random pump and dumps that are impossible to predict. the people who have profited here are likely people who bought coins in march-may.
made money daytrading status and unbreakabke yesterday got a little to fancy and tried trading the smaller dips but its hard and i should of walked away sooner
I have turned an initial investment of $100 USD into $107 USD day trading crypto. I'd say the math speaks for itself.
so you wasted your time.
I've been doing it for a week while I work. Made $900 wagecucking during that time. $7 earned is still $7 earned tho.
I can't seem to time the market, what % gain do you guys usually take?
>got into crypto within the last few months
>missed the joke
>jesus fucking christ
just kill me now
this board is full of nothing but retards and suckers
I put in $18 last year, bought some servers and stuff with BTC to be anonymous, traded the leftovers, and now I have $263
It's basically gambling. If you make 10% on one coin, there's a chance you'll get caught in a dump and lose 20% on your next purchase. I wouldn't advise doing it. You'll have better luck if you choose a handful of coins that have long term potential. Research the development team and the progress that they're making. If their work isn't shit, there's a good chance that the market will realize it and you'll make money. Always read news on your picks and buy/sell as needed. It's better to choose a handful of coins that you can research continuously rather than 10 coins that you don't know anything about.
Don't index or daytrade.
During a single day? Only small amounts periodically - i.e. between $60-$100.
what do you honestly expect from Veeky Forums?
it's only gambling if your dumb
Lol, just because you can't do it doesn't mean other people can't do it.
>implying you can do it
it's gambling nothing to argue about that
well during april and may, the gains made during short-term trading were incredible
no effort needed. just buy whatever shitcoin caught your eye, hold for a few hours until it went up and sell. it was automatic, $ hundreds every day no matter what.
now you actually have to try though...and the success rate is much lower. i pray those days return.
I've been here since 2007. It used to have a bunch of intelligent slackers having a good time., but now it seems to be nothing but genuine fucktards as far as the eye can see .
in my limited experience, I think this is the GOAT strategy:
Invest the most in the top steady (relatively speaking) coins that you believe in. When they dip, instead of panic selling, buy the fucking dipo and continue to hold. If I would've followed my own advice months ago I would've been sitting pretty now.
Set some play money aside and invest in shitcoins/memecoins that have a chance to moon. You need to treat it like gambling and be ok with losing that money
well. fads come with tards.
Its really sad... I've been here since 06 and the site has gone to shit.
I started in 07 as well. It saddens me both to see what the site has become, and to still be here 10 years later.
This is how fucking newfags cope when they can't time the market lol
The fucking trick is to think "ok...what will everyone else do?' "ok, now that everyone else is gonna do that, what will the whales do to counter that?" "OK, now that the whales are going to do THAT, what can I do to take advantage of that situation?" And you win.
It's all fucking accumulation - distribution. Not hard.
it's still a waste of time for most people here since they have like ~100 dollars worth of btc.
If you're willing to keep your margins really really low, it's possible to make some.
I've made over 80k from cryptos. Any market with this sort of volatility is gambling, trying to convince yourself otherwise is baseless.
InfluxCoin (INFX)
Boolberry (XBB)
Both Ready as fuck to be pumped
If you want some quick gainz
easily going 40-80%
They get pumped all the time and its happening again soon, very low risk.
youre welcome user.
Check it out on BITTREX
it is gambling.
Listen, most people here are fucking NEET faggots living with their moms who are serial fantasists and like to pretend this is a real job that is earning them a real living.
its bullshit. There are only two coins in all of crypto that have real value and use, and a few others that *might* have value in the future, the rest are fucking bullshit.
there is no "trading" other than dickheads patting themselves on the back for turning $5 into $6.
The only investment strategy worth pursuing with crypto is researching, selecting and investing a significant sum of money into something you think has a future, and then holding on for dear life, despite all the FUD bullshit that will surely be thrust upon you by these neurotic neet bastards.
Trying to "play the market" with cryptos is a sure fire way to lose all your money.
p.s bitcoin and monero are the only two worthwhile coins. That's not up for debate, either.
Yes but not on shit days like this weekend.
I'd still say good chance all crypto ends up worth 0 but agree with your points
This is as much as I can gather.
There's Bitcoin, which is a mature and now expensive form of online currency, there's ETH, which is kind of a Bitcoin alternate that might have its niche in its business model but is most likely a meme, then the rest, which are without a doubt 100% memes trying to capture the kind of meteoric success of Bitcoin.
It is trading hot air because literally no one is using anything but (sometimes) bitcoin to ever buy anything
well... are you trying to predict the markets few times every day?
You're thinking too much into this. The reason TA works in stocks in the first place is because normies are predictible and are just downright fucking stupid. We have about 70% normies now in crypto with 30% smart players, while in stocks it's 99% normies.
Of course!
Veeky Forums was never good. Read the rules of the internet and come back after.
>I suck at trading and lost money so dont do it so I dont have to feel bad because I cant.
Yes, got first 2 btc back in Feb. Shitcoins give some massive growth compared to "promising" coins. Granted I'm about 40% in some promising atm, but shit coins..dgb, xvg, bitb, etc (not etc coin) helped out greatly when they pumped up
last time I shorted it went from 800 to 1500
second time I shorted it went from 1600 to now
I holded just a bit to avoid risks as much as possible, still, my timing was on spot
is it luck? was I staking? I hate staking
You're retarded and you're projecting.
I've made a similar amount, and I mostly just hold as well too.
But most trades are obvious. Selling right before big news comes up, buying up certain rumors, etc. is usually really easy trading. Same thing with certain coins developing certain patterns of accumulation and distribution. When you watch the coin, you get a sense for how it behaves after a while because a lot of them repeat the same pattern multiple times.
buy high sell low, it's not rocket science.
Why are people so reluctant to acknowledge that they simply suck, lack the necessary skill or mindset to make steady, consistent short-term gains with crypto? There are always people better than you, more experienced and shrewd, I just don't understand the principle "if I am bad at it, no one can do it either". Swallow down your pride, princesses. You suck.
>Why are people so reluctant to acknowledge that they simply suck, lack the necessary skill or mindset to make steady, consistent short-term gains with crypto? There are always people better than you, more experienced and shrewd, I just don't understand the principle "if I am bad at it, no one can do it either". Swallow down your pride, princesses. You suck.
show ur gains
That won't make you feel happier at all
I bet these are the same people who don't believe in IQ or standardized tests.
probably because you don't have any substantial gains.
My gains should not concern you at all, jealous fuck. I am wise enough to admit that there are people making way more money than me, you're (apparently) not.
actually anybody did their research and brought the right coin last week, majority of them have increased in profit from 30% to 100% within a few days. For instance, I brought OMG at $0.70 2-3 days ago, and it is currently at $1.25, ATH today was around $1.50.
>"did their research"
Got lucky and made big gains = did their research
Not so lucky and didn't make gains = did not do their research
Just like you gotta "do your research" at the craps table
that's not daytrading
"Day trading is speculation in securities, specifically buying and selling financial instruments within the same trading day"
so you didn't make anything ok.
not really, i've done my research and saw that for short term (news about Thailand branch of McDonald will do a trial with OMG) this could jump up the price
>so you didn't make anything ok.
I make good cash with my arbitrage bot.
And if it doesn't you aren't going to remember that, it'll be confirmation bias
The truth is there is a preciously small amount of news or activity directly affecting the status of most of these meme coins so you have nothing tangible to use as a predictor, it's just market chaos
Even Bitcoin is barely used in practice, the rest of this shit is a literal joke
I was writing a nice and long post of how I making money daytrading coins and then I tapped
unintentionally the Escape key going my post to hell.
Well the tl;dr was, don't trade shitcoins, only serious coins like ETH, STRAT or XMR, wait for dips, you have to know very well the prices of the coin to see how much it can dip and how much it can moon before it crashes.
>so you have nothing tangible to use as a predictor
Wrong. You can use volume and trade history indicators.
Well this is more like short term investment, if I really want to do day trading, I would do it on meme coins with really active trades or those that are really hyped up. Just based on these condition I can probably make like 2-3 set of buy/sells
They are virtually useless with this kind of volatility
it is betting
and what makes it worse is that everyone involved is simply betting, which adds to the volatility
not like company shares that have long term holders and actual profits/announcements associated with them
I'd call that swing trading. Day trading is about high-volume coins like BTC and LTC. When trading meme coins, you generally use different indicators (like buy/sell walls)
I have no interest in convincing you in anything at all. Talking about sudden spikes in volume, buy and sell walls and how they affect price growth, no. All I can say is this: stay poor
The thing is cryptocurrency trading have a whole new set of style as compared to stock trading. Though thanks for the correction on the swing trading.
Sure you do, you're a few posts invested. The least you can do is post your portfolio and gains to back up your assertion
someones a bit salty
Do you really want me to unravel my exact arbitrage pairs and create competition for myself? The point is, I am not claiming to be the richest or most successful crypto trader out there. I actually know that some guys are making really crazy gains, and I'm nothing in comparison with them. The problem with you, nocoiners, is that you fail to admit it. You can't acknowledge that some other people (and I don't mean myself) have the experience, skill and mindset to make huge gains.
You aren't capable of ridding yourself of that delusion. There are some people making real bank because they invested and invested early and held. Trying to create a day trading science out of this chaos however is insanity as it stands.
it's only gambling if you think other people's behavior is a dice roll
the only people who struggle with this seem to be the retards who see green and expect it to keep going up
No, I don't mean the early investors. I actually mean day traders and swing traders, as well as bot coders. Sorry, you're an idiot, you just can't admit you're wrong, and you keep telling yourself that bullshit to keep your ego afloat.
I don't think you 100% believe what you're saying and your insecurity is driving you to try to convince yourself """"someone"""" is making sense out of the market and making consistent daily gains out of it
I make consistent daily gains out of it, end of story. And I know for a fact that other people make way, way more than me.
I'm having fun trading BTC/USDT, but I might quit buying back in if the FUD starts to keep BTC below 2800
i made $0.70 with 1000 DGB during this mornings p&d. before commission...
Even if you just get in and out during pump and dumps, which is risky, you can make a nice small profit, you have to be very careful though. They happen everyday, check the smaller exchanges.
>buying high and selling a little higher
I don't think you realise how this works, user
I try to daytrade but honestly I don't see the patterns yet
I buy into the super obvious dips, but then it usually takes a couple days before it's actually profitable. Not sure how people make a profit in a couple hours.
Younger people don't really get it. There is no magic trick, TA is not the silver bullet.
Ever wondered why Buffet never day trades?
TA is based on the past, the past holds no relevance for the future.
Even if we say TA does work you will still run into unpredictable elements like hacks, bad news, market manipulation. And so on.
I will buy and hold, which makes me profit while I let daytraders gamble their money. Best of LUCK
day trading retards, jealous of the holders makin bank just sittin with their crypto. too bad you TA fags can't go back in time and buy BTC when it was 1k or lower, huh.
I made $40 from mining and trading with no initial investment other than my time. But to be fair $20 of it was from dice and $10 from mining (:
BYOB opie. BYOB.
>TFW you are a successful daytrader but you wreck your gains by drunk-trading at night.
>Ever wondered why Buffet never day trades?
Because he's got a huge amount of capital which has a different rule set and he engages in insider trading and fucking lies about it, you naive fuckhead?
>liquidates fox
>oops the ceo had an affair and the stock tumbled lmao
>huh jee wiz that was just long-term strategy and basic fundamentals, goyim :^)
Don't listen to this guy, I liked your post
ETH was never designed to be a BTC alternative and I hate when people say that it is. Also ETH is a shitcoin.
Been on other boards mostly, but I concur. Since 2010 and specifically the election, shit is weird. I wish I had come here earlier. I recall in 2014 gettingnsome solid advice on my 403b and index funds. Now, I feel like there is no one to trust, or even gives half a shit to be quite honest senpai.
It seems to be mostly about not being greedy.
I've tried it a few times with limited success. I was expecting big moons - 2-300%. I lost a little a few times then quit. It would go up but not emough. Then it would come back down (and then some, sometimes).
Today I took a new approach after watching some videos. They all seemed to mostly focus on small gains many times. Made 2.5x my tiny investment over a dozen trades.
all my gains were always lost when I tried to trade past 4am. damn, that's a bad idea.
otherwise, making 2-10% on smaller trades is totally feasible if you're smart. Be smart, don't fall for FOMO.. seriously.. don't buy in high ups, only in dips, watch the larger charts, see what the real trend is, whether it's pumped to be dumped, etc...
I bought 5 bitcoins back in 2014
Should I cash out?
no, hold them at least until 2020
What videos, if you don't mind my asking?
WTF is dice?
Not exactly day trading, but still short term.
I bought the dip on sc and bts and made 60% returns as of yesterday when I cashed out.
Lol, you just don't like the fact that daytraders are cutting into your potential gains.
Markets can be predictable but you basically have to be watching your coins like a hawk.
There is one coin I've made major money on. Not day trading, but by making big moves and the right times. Last buy order took almost 2 months to fill after I sold an ath for about 900% gains. Then the crash came and my buy order filled. Just sold again for 100% gains. Going to rebuy soon after a small correction and ride this thing higher. This trading style requires patience and confidence. Confidence is gained by being fairly intimate with the coins charts. I usually operate on daily charts. 4h and 1h as well but daily informs my big moves.
>During a single day? Only small amounts periodically - i.e. between $60-$100.
It depends on the amount you have invested m8.
This is why we're talking with percentages most of the time.
When I day trade at work, I make like 4% a day on a single currency. (Usually STR/XML).
And 4% of 10k is 400.
>Since 2010 and specifically the election, shit is weird
>I'd still say good chance all crypto ends up worth 0
It's my biggest fear tbqh senpai.
Nothing is more fierce than a jew losing money, wait until the central/world bank take an interest in crypto, or the IMF/UN says it's used to finance terrorism and make it a death sentence/99% tax rate if you use it.
It can happen pretty much any day, and everything will be worth a fraction of what it's worth now, and will never go up again.