What the fuck is going on with CFI? Will we see a moon mission soon?

What the fuck is going on with CFI? Will we see a moon mission soon?

Nothing but suffering from here on out.

even MYST is doing better

>tfw you're writing a trade bot and it glitches and accidentally puts $20,000 USD into CFI

Explain how you can make money owning CFI

Give it to me, bro. You don't have to handle that burden alone.

What's happening is that we're stuck in a scam, that's what's happening. I think it would be nice for everyone who bought CFI to start participating in Cofound.it's slack and start questioning the developers' project of adding value to the currency because the way it is this "priority pass" the currency will only devalue

you guys got a priority pass alright, a priority pass to poor town. lmao

Can't believe I took part in the ICO...awful.

Do we sell now for a loss?!

Exactly! How will you make money buying CFI? When I bought CFI what was announced was that we would have priority in the ICOs. This is not a lie, we have a "priority" but that is not so high priority and the way it is more expensive to buy ICO using CFI.