Is it possible to imagine a color one has never seen before?
Is it possible to imagine a color one has never seen before?
If we could see wavelengths beyond the visible spectrum then maybe
Doesn't this type of question belong on ?
It is philosophical question and philosophy isn't science.
Impossible to imagine it, but possible to see it. You just need to get more color receptors, man. It'll be possible, soon.
yes, not only color but sound too
smoke weed erryday
Maybe with genetic engineering in a far future, we will be able to see Ultraviolets, Infrareds, Sound and Electromagnetism.
Op. I hate to break it to you but idea colors and sounds exist that I can't perceive is just a fairy tale.
This actually sounds like one of the weird questions that get spammed on Veeky Forums all the time.
Remove your lens and you cam actually see ultraviolet light.
> we will be able to see ultraviolets
That I didn't know. It's probably not a good idea though, UV would burn the retina.
try harder
You can also be born with some sort of reverse daltonism that allows you to see like more base colors than just red, black and white.
no because our eyes can only detect seven colors
You do it all the time.
It's all in your mind.
...and yes, yes it is. "muh qualia" is a Veeky Forums meme as, like every other board, 90% of the posters are trolls.
Sure they look like this.
Can't post pic so here's the link
I'd describe the new color as sort of a light brown.
Yeah or pale yellow and light bluish green. Bees are apparently able to see them. Had the page style set to yotsuba and after looking at the video picture and I could see light glacier blue green on the screen and on the main page.
Is it possible to imagine a sound one has never heard before?
>that webm
That trickery only works with cameras, it's not clever.
Yes. Search for Missing Shade of Blue example, by Hume.
Yes humans do that all the time.
Would your visual cortex actually make up a new color? Wouldn't it just stretch it's pallette to include the new range of wavelenghts? Like, blue and violet would become more similar because you'd need the "qualia" for violet to stand in for UV?
But can you imagine a sound that you have never heard ?
2nd lower tone begins at 0:03
all I hear is "bam bam bam bam" all the way through
I just imagined the sound of having sex
Why would it be impossible? Why would your imagination be limited by your real world physical abilities?
Because your imagination is literally only familiar (real) concepts and symbols formed into a new context.
There's a woman who has tetrachromacy, look it up
Why? Is your claim based on something other than induction? Your imagination is the result of some physical/chemical shit going on in your brain. If someone saw a new color and then imagined it, there would be some physical/chemical reaction, which I don't see why couldn't be replicated in a brain that hasn't actually seen it.
Imagination works by synthesis.
Horse + Horn = Unicorn.. K, fine, that works.
Red + Not Red = ??
Though it's also worth noting that people who do not have a word for blue, cannot distinguish from green. (And in Homer's day, they didn't have a word for either.)
Think about 3% of women pass the tetrachromacy test, but the odd thing is that some men can pass it too, and it should be impossible for them.
Worth noting that of the three man I've read about who did pass it, two were interior decorators and the other was an artist.
human eyes cant see past 30 colors per second anyways