Continuing from Let's try to finish this once and for all, Veeky Forums.
Post as many suggestions as possible.
Veeky Forums suffering chart
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What is that at 100, 100?
Place Riego at 100,100 you fucking mason
Why? He was a pure soul
Solzhenitsyn anywhere on there?
The Two Princes Edward and Richard, 10,30 position
Seriously, /ourguy/ did nothing wrong
Place him at that blank spot at 20, 65
Seconded, it's not his fault that his parents were more related than siblings. Plus he tried to end the Inquisition.
Meant to add the picture
they didnt deserve it
t. Hannibal
Marc Antony at 40, 45
Cicero at 35, 75
I thought we said no countries, just individuals?
I'd say he's at x = 45, y = 100.
I don't agree with some of these. I'm only somewhat knowledgeable of English history.
I believe Henry VIII should be moved up on the suffering level. He did suffer quite a lot.
Moral tummorial believe that God was punishing him for taking his brother's wife. Yes he was quite twisted and threw away people like they weren't much anything during his later life. But he was plagued by the thought he was being punished he also had some fucked up leg.
I think by the looks of it, it is Elizabeth 1 at 30/25 why did she deserve suffering and only 3 places behind her Father.
Unless you explain why, that's as much as I can put him.
True, but do you have a better suggestion at this point?
Only 30 on suffering seems too low for them. Besides there's not much space for your spot.
Countries are mostly meme choices and also the only things that seem to fill the top-right corner.
Check 30,100.
(15, 80) He was actually my suggestion.
If she's not up there, Marie Antoinette (80, 90).
(15, 65)
Nevermind it got taken, instead do (35, 85) for /ourguy/ larry
Imperial Germany.
Fucking traitor cuck fighting for enemy of his nation.
Radola Gajda
suffering 80
deserved it 15
Put Jewytsin instead of Tojo
>using cuck
go back
He kept up the fight against communism regardless of what side he was one
not an excuse
Not to mention most NVA were more nationalistic than communist
Gajda here fought communism his entire life and did not cucked himself by joining Hitler and betraying his nation.
Finally it is back
Varg Vikernes, 40, 15.
He's right though. The guy fought for the Nazis and killed civilian Vietnamese in a pointless conflict.
(55, 10)
filling 65, 15 with Gajda would be good too
Thousands of people have been crucified and it doesn't even rank up there as one of the most excruciating ways to die.
What do you mean though there isn't much space for my spot? I don't understand, aren't we filling in the chart?
Also if its too low, perhaps bump it up to 70 suffering 40 deserving?
Balthasar Gerard at 100 up, 65 across. Assassinated William I of Orange in 1584.
>At his trial, Gérard was sentenced to be brutally – even by the standards of that time – killed. The magistrates decreed that the right hand of Gérard should be burned off with a red-hot iron, that his flesh should be torn from his bones with pincers in six different places, that he should be quartered and disemboweled alive, his heart torn from his bosom and flung in his face, and that, finally, his head should be taken off.
Yes but it's about suffering and his whole life was pretty much suffering at the hands of nonbelievers and pagans. He was also literally to hell and back.
So...what exactly did Latvia and Lithuania do to deserve suffering as much as GENGHIS FUCKING KHAN? Seriously what did we do?
Shit up this thread.
Please add the coordinates to these guys so I can move them right.
Already there somewhere.
That's as much as I can fit him now.
Please consider the taken spots and if the historical figure is already on the chart, Anons.
>Scholasticus then introduces Hypatia, the female philosopher of Alexandria and the woman who became a target of the Christian anger that was inflamed during the feud. She was the daughter of Theon and a teacher trained in the philosophical schools of Plato and Plotinus. She was admired by most for her dignity and virtue. Scholasticus writes that Hypatia ultimately fell "victim to the political jealousy which at the time prevailed". Orestes was known to seek her counsel, and a rumor spread among the Christian community of Alexandria blaming her for Orestes's unwillingness to reconcile with Cyril. A mob of Christians gathered, led by a reader (i.e., a minor cleric) named Peter, whom Scholasticus calls a fanatic. They kidnapped Hypatia on her way home and took her to the "Church called Caesareum. They then completely stripped her, and then murdered her with tiles." Socrates Scholasticus was interpreted as saying that, while she was still alive, Hypatia's flesh was torn off ὀστράkοις, which literally means "with or by oyster shells, potsherds or roof tiles".[29] Afterward, the men proceeded to mutilate her and, finally, burn her limbs.
Way to out yourself, Baltic.
Is Huey Long on here?
thanks OP
Hans Staden (35, 90)
“For me to live is Christ; to die is gain,” says Paul (Phil 1:21)
Felicitas (101 – 162)
Her life is celebrated on November 23 by both the Roman Catholic and Orthodox Churches. She and her seven sons were all martyred in Rome. Her tremendous conversion efforts were noticed by the pagan priests who then notified the Emperor. Before being martyred, she witnessed the death of each of her sons. The authorities gave her the opportunity to recant her witness after each son’s death, but she refused.
John Green belongs at 0, Inifinity
So he doesn't deserve suffering but he has an infinite amount of suffering?
You don't acknowledge the sacrifice that was his whole life. Also, he's literally divinely pure and didn't deserve any of his suffering.
At least you explained it. I'll put her in 40,85.
Guys, we need to focus on the minor cheeky historical cunts and those who influenced history almost as much as they suffered in life. No more historical victims or historical assholes for now.
Well since he might as well put Estonia there too, it ain't like they had suffered less
t. Scipio
Who is the guy to the left of Extreme Radiation Sickness Man?
Where would you guys rate Cesare Boriga?
I'd put Carl Gustaf Mannerheim at 25, 15. He was a Finnish Military commander and a statesman. He was part of the Tsarist military until Finland declared its independence and fought against the communist forces in the Finnish civil war and won. He was the commander-in-chief during the Winter and continuation war and was the president of Finland till 1946 when he died.
Pchu I
>president of Finland till 1946 when he died
dank meme
Ian Smith (30, 25).
damn it, I should have double checked. He didn't die in 1946 but in 1951
Bless you for putting Jesus in the upper left corner, but now add a column to the left of your first numbered "How Much They Deserved It" column for "0".
Thank you.
That cozy AngloAmerican bottom center feel.
Jesus should be in the box marked 100 as he is our metric of suffering.
Chiang Kai Shek
(55, 15)
>Jesus should be in the box marked 100 as he is our metric of suffering.
So, how many millichrists do you suffer daily?
I'm just glad to see this thread.
I thought the OP gave up.
I suffer around 14 centichrists every single day.
Keep going, Veeky Forums.
Oh God, it's almost 1 Cromwell daily! Some don't suffer that much their whole life.
John of Austria
Victor Emmanuel III
50 suffering for being a severe manlet who saw his country ruined and died in exile, 60 deserved it because it was his own damn fault
Put Corneliu Zelea Codreanu at 55 up, 45 down. (if you haven't added him already)
Move Mother Theresa to x: 25, her being a sicko is a fucking awful meme.
Instead, put Józef Piłsudski on her place (x: 35; y:20)
I guess he was pretty comfy, with taking part in regaining independence for Poland and doing whatever the hell he wants during the 2nd republic. On the other hand, he took part in a few terrorist attacks back in 1900s'; honestly, I'd put him a bit more to the right if I could, but then he wouldn't be in the same line as Casimir the Great.
This guy, Frederick II and others. Why do you post people who were influential figures in their countries and had a fairly normal death then put them in the middle of the chart as if they suffered anything?
How did JFK suffer? Seems like a bullet through the skull you don't even expect is pretty painless.
There are also Casimir, Descartes, Kim il Sung and Sargon on y: 20, what's your point?
My pick is actually justified pretty well. For a good part of his life he had to fight for the forces occupying his homeland; and when it finally gained independence, he was stuck, looking at absolutely abhorrent government for almost a decade, before he took them down with a coup.
He was by far the most sickly president suffering from constant back pain and drug addiction. He was a wreck and would've died a young man anyway.
Then his gang ruined the country after he died. Not that things were perfect while he was alive.
Oh, forgot about Cadorna and Hötzendorf. If they can be at 20 suffering, then the other guys I've mentioned should be put even higher
(that would be too problematic, though).
Well, it wasn't THAT bad. I wouldn't say ruin, rather - they went too far with a few things, and were fucking blind with other.
>ywn protect his smile
Who's the yelling guy at (40,60)?
Why are we using a picture of Ali to represent Muhammad?
Why not use Muhammad's seal? pic related
Robespierre should be at 70, 85 because what he did was indisputably bad (mass execution) and he was murdered like Leon yet I'd argue Robespierre deserved it more than Trotsky
woops I meant 85, 70 x,y
Suleiman the Magnificent 30x,10y
Added Israel as a nation to fill space. By the looks of it, it was forced and painful to everyone involved in creating it, also including the people who live in there. Don't take it too seriously though. If better propositions appear, I'll swap the countries with them.
I don't think we could measure our suffering to Jesus', because of many factors.
The easiest factor is we have human limits, and He did not. He could suffer infinitely. And likely did.
I saw user above say many people were crucified, and this is indisputable.
What is in question is suffering, not physical suffering, but total suffering.
Palestinians probably fit better there desu
>George w bush
explain this
>jesus at the top left
& humanities strikes again
So many people bitching about where Christ is but offering no alternatives or anything else constructive.
Bobby Sands at 50, 50. A terrorist who starved himself to death.
>chiang kai shek at 25,95 and 55,15
make up your mind user
put lord shang at 25,10
Prevented communism from entering Japan.
>Prevented communism from entering Japan.
more like (30,-100)
Albert Fish
Why is Carthage 100 deserving? Rome at war was way more evil and they're not even 75. Forget the sacrifice rumors, look at the big picture of nations if you're going to include them.
>sacrifice """rumors"""
Fool. Those are real as the sun.
>using contradicting coordinates on the same sentence
Most I could fit him.
Rome isn't in the chart yet. Also, Catharge's rituals were shitty, their war practices were apparently shitty too and according to user, their destruction was totally deserved.
Keep posting suggestions, lads. I'll come back soon enough to use every single one.
Yukio Mishima at 65,85
Testicles crushed at Nuremberg, murdered and then burned by French communists.
Had a penchant for using incendiary ammo on wood and straw villages and may or may not have been responsible Malmedy.
Huey Long
25 Suffering, 50 deserved
More like (75, 75). He killed defenseless American POWs by shooting them in the back.