
Is this a more or less correct evaluation of the Abrahamic faiths?

Judaism - The original monotheists, discovered God or were rather "found by God." Founded ideas of cleanness, holiness, and God's law based (largely) on the flesh.

Christianity - The Jewish Messiah comes to bring the Spirit of God and the new covenant based on that spirit; the spirit is love and joy. Does not do away with but "fulfills" Judaism and expands it to all peoples willing to accept the Christ of Yahweh.

Islam - A "final" and "complete" revelation is come to Muhammad that restores the original faith of Abraham (and all other prophets including the Christ) ; is based on the spirit and the flesh and includes spiritual and physical Jihad in order to submit humanity to God and restore righteousness to the earth.

Mohammad changed the Old Testament scriptures to support his narrative (Muslims will say that he just "corrected" them because they had become "corrupted") so Islam doesn't really have a genuine link to Abrahamism because it tampers with the source material.

This is different than Christian and Jews who although they disagree on the meaning and interpretation of the Old Testament still both use the same text whereas Muslims use an edited version.

Islam is really just Arabic paganism with a thin veneer of Abrahamism; Allah was originally a moon deity which is why the moon is the symbol of Islam and there is no analogue to the Kaaba or "black stone" in either Christianity is Judaism because venerating stones is such an obviously pagan practice.

*no analogue to the Kaaba or "black stone" in either Christianity or Judaism

>there is no analogue to the Kaaba or "black stone" in either Christianity is Judaism because venerating stones is such an obviously pagan practice.

The tabernacle you fucking pleb

t. Jack Chick

I bet you also think Islam is a Catholic plot.

There's no "remarkable stone" in the tabernacle and Jews aren't mandated to make a pilgrimage to it and pray towards it 5 times a day

You clearly don't even know what it is, just stfu and go make a pilgrimmage to some saint's rotting arm.

Jesus is not the Jewish Messiah. He is the messiah for all mankind, Jews and gentile alike. If he was the Jewish Messiah, then the Jews would have accepted him, but they don't.

Also, Christianity predates Judaism. Judaism wasn't a religion until the Babylonian Talmud was complete in 500AD. Christianity began since the days of Genesis, with the Old Testament making references to the inevitable coming of the son of man which is shown in the New Testament.

Furthermore the location of the Kaaba is also revealing about how Islam doesn't fit in with the other Abrahamic faiths; in both the Old and New Testaments Jerusalem was always the location of central importance because it housed the temple and was where Jesus was crucified but then Mohammad shows up and suddenly out of the blue Mecca is now the important place.

Makes you think.

You're not a true Christian if you don't believe allah means moon god.

>You're not a true Christian unless you're retarded

Checks out.

An adaptation by "legal scholars" and community leaders known as Rabbis of the sacrificial cult of Israelitism to diaspora conditions.
A religion whose contents were determined by majority vote at councils. Purportedly based on the teachings of Jesus, a charismatic Jewish man. Out of the various alleged eye witness accounts of his ministry only four were chosen as valid. The interpretation of this teaching was determined long after his ministry at the aforementioned councils, and the texts of Paul, a Jewish man who claimed to have seen Jesus in a vision, were also taken as authoritative.
The belief that there is one God, the only true reality, who is the originator and maintainer of all contingent existence. He has sent prophets and messengers to all peoples and those teachings have been passed down in more or less distorted forms. The prophecy of Mohammed, aka the Quran, is believed to be the final and clearest prophecy, a guidance and mercy meant for all mankind.

Yo Op, you forgetting Sky Daddy part 4, Jews in Space!

Joe Smith fulfilled the prophecies and gave us new faith for the space age!

>Islam is really just Arabic paganism with a thin veneer of Abrahamism

This is bullshit. It's clear you've never read the Quran.

Judaism - Be careful what you eat

Christianity - Don't worry about it

Islam - Ok but no pork

Story of the covenant God made with man, that every man of all kinds has their obligations.
Jewish boy born out of wedlock, mother told him she was a virgin so he got the funny idea he was God. Basically proto-communism, Jesus was the original Marx
Muhammed rewrites Christian and Jewish texts to be arab-centric. LARPs as a descendant of Ishmael and Arabs forge a whole lineage to "prove" it. Out of nowhere says Mecca and Medina are both holier than Jerusalem for some reason

>Basically proto-communism

Why don't more people understand this? "Render unto Caesars what is Caesars..." Fuck that i'm not down with that Bolshevik bullshit.

>using the torah in any sense beyond meaningless ritual
Nice try Shlomo

>Islam is really just Arabic paganism

Islam is the most monotheistic of all Abrahamic religions

>Islam is the most monotheistic of all Abrahamic religions


Mr. talked to the devil and also kind of said "oh yeah it's actually okay to worship pagan idols" then said "wait jk bout that"

The Devil isn't real, it's as pagan as it gets.

This is not a coherent post. No one here besides you has any idea what you are talking about.

He's referring to the satanic verses. Which is as far as I know, an apocryphal Islamic text that depicts Mohammed praying to the pagan goddesses of mecca.

>Judaism - The original monotheists

Nope, in fact Jews were merely monolatrists until AFTER the influence of Christianity. The first true monotheists would be the Greeks (not all of them of course, but the neoplatonists and the Orphics were both monotheist in the modern sense while the Jews were still recognizing the existence of foreign gods but worshiping only their own).

>Christianity - The Jewish Messiah comes to bring the Spirit of God and the new covenant based on that spirit;
Jesus was a failed Messiah, and the religion he is credited with founding bears little resemblance to what he taught, but rather is Greek monotheism with polytheist and judaic elements.

>Islam - A "final" and "complete"

I know you put complete in quotes but Islam is far from complete, it's a crude plagirism of a handful of stories from the Jewish bible, mixed with Arabian folktales and the absolutist and totalitarian additions of a psychopathic narcissist.

Mormonism is LITERALLY Islam for white people.


Yes, now think that trough. One day, Mormons will rule the world.

Do you know what the holy scriptures teach about the ruler of this world?