Can someone explain to me what Bancor actually is?
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literally unstoppable
Jew scam
eh rolled 8814 instead the other way around whatever
a way for jews to increase there money from goyims. pretty much 99 percent of jews just steal money
Along with EOS, the biggest scam of the whole market. Avoid like plague.
Had dream it reached $20
It's a Jewish take over of crypto. Buy now or be left behind.
Here's your buying sign nobancs
Digits confirm
most fudded
but also best looking project being posted on biz
ignore the retards put 1 k in and forget it for 2 years. thank me later.
it makes its authors rich. Think of it as a parasite feeding from its host.
Jew Magic. Puts money out of one pocket into another poocket. Question is: will it be your pocket?
Jew World Order based on Keynesian economics and one world government
read the whitepaper lazy pajeet
It allows you to (in theory) convert any token to another without requiring a second party to exchange with. It does this through the use of "reserve-tokens," which provide liquidity through "autonomous algorithmic price discovery, regardless of trade volume."
In other words, you can make a basket token that holds a fixed list of other tokens. The basket is an ERC20, just like all the tokens it contains.
...in other words, its used to make token ETFs and/or help you trade tokens far easier and cheaper.
you might want to look up miners front running and It's your money though
Wait for it to dip to $0.10 then buy in.
-buy shitton of eth.
-pump price up.
-sell eth at higher price to people who willingly give away their crypto-money to get ico coins.
icos ..... premined digital nothings that for some reason cost not 1/2/100 sats - more than dollar!
-turn eth into fiat crashing it down. thats profit.
jews tricked a bunch of beta losers into investing their life savings into their shitcoin through using a slightly below average girl as a postergirl
they then proceeded to dump tens of millions of dollars worth of eth, crashing the price about 70%
what happens next is anyones guess, it will probably get pumped eventually like everything else
but it was an obvious sign that there is no future in eth and it is all a big scam
Jew scam.
>and it is all a big scam
Yup, see for reference.
>delete anyones tokens at anytime for any reason
Good goyim
It was a Jewish takeover of crypto, but not in the way you guys think. They literally just dumped your eth for cash and set the crypto market back a couple months that we are just now recovering from...you think any jews actually hold this shit? They just wanted to steal your eth and convert it to cash as soon as possible.
Luckily it really exposed ETH and ICO's, I doubt it will ever hit $400 again. Sell all your eth for bitcoin asap.
Mossad created and backed by thiel.
half the 'fud' is Veeky Forumsraelis that don't want you to buy now, they want you to feel the fomo hard if bnt is successful. the other half is /pol/ (sheep).
nice just burned 6 gorillion
The anti semetism in Veeky Forums is really disgusting. You all need to really stfu with this crap.
check out the Alpha, watch some videos. Bancor will become the Youtube/Facebook of crypto. It can't be stopped just be glad you have a chance to get in early.
stfu fag
we can already tell you would vote for zuckerberg
ITT bancor bagholders desperately trying to recoup their losses
>we can already tell you would vote for zuckerberg
Is this what /pol/ thinks regular people are like?
We get it, loosers like you. love using edgy hate speech on the internet. hopefully you grow up someday.
You niggers are so damn annoying.
You hate us, bother us but yet you don't leave. Don't you retards have a better place to go with like minded people? Is your kind so boring that you rather be between us?
Holy shit, it must really suck to be you.
so it basically has backdoor that allows (((them)))
delete absolutely any amount of any token on any account.
ability to cast famine and poverty on anybody,
yeah. The bancor morons will immediately tell you it's because of security reasons of course.
>this board belongs to you
better kys edgy faggot.
Fuck off back to plebbit then kike
probably cause nowdays brainwashing make
cold = hot
salt = sweet
black = white
getting poor = getting rich
bloodthirsty = peaceful
security = somebody can rob you out your money in one click.
i can tell you for sure than i will never buy such token. even ironically.
>just give me your money and don't ask about it again goyim
nobancs are so salty.
I will think about you in my lambo soon when I look at all those mediocre family cars and think to myself that could have been me if I didnt invest in bancor and was going on /pol/.
You realize just deleting people's coin would cause a huge backlash and lawsuits right? Has hate and paranoia blinded you people to common sense?
Let's call all this criticism of god's chosen coin what it is: anti-semitism.
yet another ingenius scam that retards like Veeky Forums continue to fall for
>lawsuits right
in ((())) controlled courts in ((())) controlled countries. that will be reviewed by ((())) controlled media.
good luck with that!
p.s. how long brave american police was waiting before getting into (((Blake Leibel)))'s house? how long it would take them if it was just regular white/black/yellow/brown dude's home?
Am I seeing wrong or bancor just passed 0.01 eth at coinmarketcap?