>tfw just got my bachelors in History
anybody else? what were your final papers/classes on?
Tfw just got my bachelors in History
Enjoy serving me coffee at Starbucks, cuck
I did my paper on the pagan histories of Scandinavian culture
I did mine on the rum trade within the royal navy and early american colonies.
>getting a job that makes you into a wageslave
>calling others cuck
Nightie night wagie!
I already have a full time IT career, you don't need an education for that kek. I just have a bachelors that might make it easier to move into a public service field if I ever decide to.
that sounds interesting, what primary sources did you analyze? I always wondered why Scandinavian pagan culture is so much more well preserved than Celtic pagan culture
my undergraduate thesis was formed around the theme of "commodities" but I find it really hard to give a shit about that; I'm much more interested in philosophical, theological, and political motivations behind history, so I wrote about how the change from silent film to talkies changed hollywood into what we know of it today
Did mine on linguistic transitions in the Scottish Lowlands. Looking forward to starting my Master's in September, got a scholarship for it.
I was always told to not do a bachelor history, I should've done it
How'd you get an IT career? I'm gonna try and get a history degree and IT is my 4th backup plan after teaching English to chinamen overseas and moving into the woods and becoming a survivalist
Probably because Celtic culture had more contact with Latin and Greek culture so it either mixed with them or fought them and lost
I got lucky with having a family member get me a recurring summer job for 5+ years that looked good enough on a resume to be picked up by a real company doing service support/business end development
desu it's the most patrician BA out there
Graduating next year with a bachelors in finance/history
gotcha. are you that user? would you mind posting your paper?
>cute girls to work with all day
>great environment with amazing smells
>no work stress
>make enough to live simply and read history books in small comfy apartment
What's wrong with a comfy job at Starbucks?
>make enough to live simply
since when? if you make less than 40k/year there's no way that this is comfortable living
Did a number of regression models on things that effect the duration of civil wars, building of previous literature. Did a number of case studies too.
Worked in intelligence for a bit, now I work in finance lol.
I compared the equally incredible outcomes of the Russo-Finnish winter war and the battle of france to explore why they had such unpredictable and divergent results.
Where do you live? All you need is some cheap apartment. Let go of the capitalist Jew inside your head telling you you need MORE STUFF and you'll feel happier.
Finished my master's with a study of the travels into the Mongol Empire by a french franciscan, Guillaume de Rubrouck
I'd like to read this paper as well
I'd post he paper that I wrote for my final course, but it references images that you wouldn't have available to you (they're in a hard copy book my professor and I both own) so most of it would be lost.
>mfw I live off of 18k a year
Same here. I am now in my second year of teachers college, working as a private tutor for decent pay.
Job market can be hard. In Canada, look into military jobs. There are a good amount my guy.
My dad has a bachelor's in History. Can't remember what he did his papers on but he's told me. Either way now he's just a claims adjuster so doesn't ever use his degree.
Initial reactions from the international scientific/religious community towards Darwin's Origin of the Species, in particular the Huxley/Wilberforce debate of 1860. Research concluded there was virtually no opposition to the theory of evolution from any side of the debate, merely the methodology whereby Darwin hypothesized natural selection. All such complaints were later corrected by further development of evolutionary biology. Additionally discovered was the variant religiosity of individuals involved; atheism and anti-theism in the life sciences were all but unheard of before the twentieth century.
Glorified STEMsperg.
Fucking viKANG.
>glorified STEMshit
Maybe if you mean 'bourgeois ideology' then sure.
I've been wanting to pursue my degree in history, but I'm concerned with time management. I hesitated going to college out of high school because I had initially intended to join the military and get my degree after I figure out what I wanted to do.
Recruiters jerked me around for about six months (this was when the US was starting to dial-back its recruitment because the overseas wars were dying down), so I got tired of waiting and decided to try attending college. Did so for a couple of semesters, realized I had no idea what I wanted to pursue still, and stopped before I wasted anymore money.
Sat around for a few more years, and only recently did I finally realize that history was really the only thing I was passionate enough to pursue higher education in. But I'm nervous about sticking with school until I get a doctorate (since that's really the only level you're taken seriously at; Master's at the very least), especially when it comes to balancing classes with a real job, which I'm getting soon. Internet college would probably make it a bit easier, but I have trouble paying attention to that kind of thing.
But I would like to teach history some day, even if it's only community college level (hell, I think I may even prefer community college level, not sure), maybe write a book or two on it, and there are very few jobs that don't require a college degree that I have any interest in.
I've been reconsidering military again so that I can do a class or two on the side, and then live of the GI Bill for a while and just go to college as my job. I had a couple of friends do it, and it worked out well for them. I have a fear of change, although I'm pretty certain the change would be good for me. I think my biggest issue is that I've become too complacent.
How in the world is history "glorified STEM"?
nigga you just replied to a person who unironically used the word "bourgeois", and dismissively at that, in other words a literal marxist, there's no reason to pay attention to anything he has to say
Systematic horseshit, safe, dullard's play.
>rejects history
>somehow a historical materialist
>if you make less than 40k/year there's no way that this is comfortable living
If you live in the city and drive and spend a shit ton on groceries maybe
>I always wondered why Scandinavian pagan culture is so much more well preserved than Celtic pagan culture
Is this a Veeky Forumsmajor's way of calling you casual?
Economic impact of the Banana Wars. Too broad but was pretty fun.
Didn't study history but I graduated in Public Administration with a paper on the relation between state stability and and tax pressure in the dutch republic between 1650 and 1795
I definitely want to read this paper
>only recently did I finally realize that history was really the only thing I was passionate enough to pursue higher education in.
this was me almost flunking out of engineering school from depression
everybody point and laugh
I'm actually far more interested in the military side of the banana wars, since they mostly followed WWI and predated our modern ideas of guerilla warfare/military occupation
fellow B.A. history here
my final paper was on anti-communism in 40s & 50s Hollywood - Ayn Rand, Walt Disney, Ronald Reagan, etc
I went to law school
Scandinavian culture is probably note well preserved because of the intense amount of trading and warring they did with their neighbors through the Middle Ages, where as the Celts got btfo early in antiquity.
my undergrad capstone was on the role of pets in the (empire) roman household
next semester ill be doing my masters capstone, which I plan to fill in the big gap in jesus' life pre gospels, not including the made up birth narratives
whoops wasn't meant to quote this
Research Master colonial history at Leiden (Netherlands), my field is the socio-economic impact of water management in Africa
Capstone paper for my b.a covered the complex relationship between Truman and James Byrnes, my m.a. thesis was a micro historic examination of Welsh-British relations using a protest movement in the early 60s as a lens
I'm an incoming college freshman. I'm interested in journalism, history, philosophy, and poli sci. I'm leaning toward poli sci, but I'm not sure what path to pursue. Does anybody have any tips?
History and philosophy have better theory, it will make you a better thinker. Poli is mostly models but the truth can't be summarised
But seriously, do his
Don't pursue journalism.
t. journalism masters student procrastinating his thesis project by endlessly scrolling through Veeky Forums
History graduate here from a top uni. I specialised in modern political history, diplomacy and international relations (in combination with studies in French and German) to make myself employable.
Currently pursuing a career as a diplomat / foreign policy consultant. I don't want to end up as a history teacher.
I'm kinda in the same boat. Got B2-level certificates in both English and French and took Japanese classes for 4 semesters. Currently working as a copywriter for an eCommerce business while doing my Master's degree.
Final thesis was on analyzing Southern Sakhalin's status between 1905 and 1945 as it transitioned from colony to prefecture officially, but showcased traits that would somewhat continuously place it inbetween those 2 categories.
>I plan to fill in the big gap in jesus' life pre gospels
so you plan on writing a fiction novel?
I appreciate that, but the pragmatist in me feels that it'd make me more employable off the bat. Maybe a more broad communications major, paired w Poli Sci?
I hadn't thought of that perspective before. History is my passion, but I fear I'll be unable to get a job
There are tons of graduate jobs nowadays that just look for a high grade in any sort of degree.
Technically Philosophy major here but my final paper was on the history of philosophy.
It was more or less a modern version of Cicero's De Natura Deorum, with detailed explanations of said belief systems, how they differ, their practitioners, how they were received, who created them and out of what thought process, and so on. Stoicism, Epicureanism, and Skepticism.
did my dissertation on local reactions(in britain) to the french revolution but my year long focus and exam will be on the carolingians
big frankaboo here
I had to write an undergraduate thesis. Turned myself into a hermit for like three months or so. It's a long time ago, though.
>the pragmatist in me feels that it'd make me more employable off the bat
the pragmatist in you is wrong
why won't any of you faggots post your papers?
congrats on being slightly more employable then you were 4 years ago
I just finished my first year of postgrad classical history today! Wrote a paper on interdisciplinary approaches to archeology. So: Chinese and Byzantine Eunuchs, linguistics of indo-european ancestry of different european paganisms and ethnography of agricultural life in Cyprus as it relates to early Greek agriculture.
Feels good to finally finish and begin a free summer Desu?
>implying he's even a wageslave
nice trips, only person i know that has a degree in history is some liberal faggot who works at Lowe's. So I agree with
Two more degrees and you'll be qualified for the only job you'll ever have in your field!
Teaching the same stupid shit you just learned!
Well i'm not gonna say that you ruined your career with a shitty field but goddamn you just made the worst mistake of your life
I'll have a cheeseburger with small fries, please.
I graduated in December, but my BA thesis was on labor reform in the German colonies.
I'm hopefully going to be studying philosophy and sociology next year. Wish me luck.
pls elaborate
Used primary sources to show connections between the Maji Maji Revolt and labor reforms that followed the Hottentot Election. The labor reforms in question fit Maji Maji demands almost exactly. And before anyone asks, yes I'm the guy who posts in the book threads.
>not including the made up birth narratives
Back to r*ddit
I know that feel. My thesis was on the diplomatic relations between France and the UK during the second world war.
I hate that I had to specialise in sub-optimal subjects (relative to my interests) just to be employable. Too bad the spots to become a professor are so limited, otherwise I truly could pursue my interests
>no work stress
You've never worked food service, have you?
What about BS in History over a BA?
Bruh, people around me make
It was rushed and a bit shitty but I still got an A- on it.
Using primary documents, I discovered Charles Darwin was, for the first 30 or so years of his life, despite his father being one of the few genuine atheists (though culturally Christian and not, strictly speaking, hostile to organized religion) in the world, was a very devout Christian (Anglican I believe), who had memorized the entire Bible. It was not until his exposure to the vicious realities of nature on his Beagle Voyage that his belief began to wane slightly, but he never ever considered himself atheist, merely a spiritual agnostic, probably a theistic agnostic, i.e. almost certainly a deist. This is a very interesting aspect of the father of evolutionary biology that goes totally ignored by fundamentalist young-earth creationists and anti-theist zealots of the decidedly non-scientific religion of scientism.
Secondly, the famous(or infamous) Huxley/Wilberforce debate at Oxford in 1860 (of which documentation only exists in the form of journalists' accounts and the participants later memories of the event, there are no firsthand verbatim texts) was not a particularly serious or formal affair, but really a sort of intellectual picnic where the elite of England gathered to take the piss out of one another. It was more or less all in good fun, and despite a few ruffled feathers from the banter on both sides, all the participants in the debate parted amicably and nobody really "won" because it wasn't much of a fight to begin with.
Additionally, the reasons given for the opposition to Darwin's initial theory were epistemelogical, not religious; the opponents were not satisfied with the scientific rigor and logical steps taken to achieve the conclusion of "evolution by natural selection." They were not opposed to the concept of the conclusion itself, they wre just sticklers for syllogistic completionism.
who is this qt
Same here but with stats.
If Amerifag:
> Go take 2 years in local community college to get Associates
> Transfer into state university
> Get BA/BS in History
> Teach in public schools for 4 years to have loans repaid
> Use the continuing education requirements of being a teacher to get your Masters over the 4 years
> Go teach Community College and work on Doctorate after your loans are repaid
Boom, you now can make a living with history
Further, I did not uncover any evidence of serious opposition to Charles Darwin's theories predicated on arguments of Christian dogma that dated before the 1926 Scopes' Monkey Trial. I am convinced therefore that the spread of young-earth creationism and virulent anti-evolutionary zeal did not occur until sensationalist journalists invented an ideological war out of thin air for the purpose of selling newspapers.
He said he was getting a BA, not that he has a GED and track burns on his arm.
>he doesn't know
t. American who thinks everyone watches American television
Why is Jenna-posting in Veeky Forums?
Is her career an allegory of the Byzantine Empire?
everybody watches American televison
everybody watches American news
everybody watches American movies
everybody wishes they were American
I only posted it in the OP as my actual reaction to having a BA, but I would be OK with that comparison
1. USA
2. UK
Currently doing my Master's in Renaissance philosophy. Now getting ready for the dissertation, which I want to write about music culture as found in archival material of a specific city (inventories and other similar documents give much insight in which instruments were owned, what their value was, who the teachers were etc.) Not really sure about my research question though.
t. American who thinks everyone watches American television
Did a paper on the difference of criterion of political legitimacy between Confucianism and Mohism.
Not true at all
I got mine last year and the paper was on why the US didn't recognize Ho Chi Minh and an independent Vietnam despite Ho's more nationalist rather than communist leanings.
You got a public history certificate as well right user? Because if you didn't you're just limiting yourself. I got mine and now I have a nice job reporting to the government whether a location has historical relevance and whether or not they should allow construction to go ahead.
public history, my dude. It's the only way to go if you don't want to spend eight years getting a degree that's land you a teaching job
And what did you conclude? Can I read your thesis?
Kill yourself desu
hello Shill Boy the Shabbos Goy
Based on recently declassified materials that were made available through the Nixon Library as well as already known material, I concluded that the widely held belief that anti-communist fervor blinded the US to a possible ally is wrong. Intelligence reports indicate that the United States was fully aware of Ho's nationalist bent, and more than that, they knew that unlike every other communist group in South East Asia, he was not beholden to Moscow. It was never actually about his communist leanings it was about supporting someone that the Americans felt was more important. When the US thought about the future of Vietnam, they never considered that future to be in the hands of the Vietnamese people. Even Roosevelt had no intention of giving them freedom, instead he wanted the Chinese run Vietnam. The Vietnam question was never about Vietnam for the US. It was about helping bolster an ally. Under Franklin that meant helping China and under Truman and Eisenhower that meant helping stabilize the situation for France because of the anticipated fallout that would occur if France lost Indochina.
Cool, humanities degrees can get you basically any media, PR, or academic job if you're talented and driven enough.
My final paper, which I finished two weeks ago, was an analysis on how official conceptions of Marxist ideology changed after Stalin took over the USSR. Just got hired as a newswriter by my local Fox affiliate. I start working tomorrow.
I analyzed how Marxist ideology as understood by the Soviets changed under the Stalin period, particularly in regard to conceptions of revolution. My argument was that Stalinism existed as a distinct and coherent ideology not only in practice but also in theory, even if the Soviet Union purported to follow the writings of Lenin to the most minute detail.
Got hired a couple weeks ago to write news stories for a local Fox affiliate.
Whoa, this really is a small world.
Do you guys know eachother?
Fuck off, STEMsperg.