Isn't Monero just a more private and decentralized Version of btc and therefore worth to buy?
Isn't Monero just a more private and decentralized Version of btc and therefore worth to buy?
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the creator is literally called 'fluffypony'
No it is the first fungible decentralized digital currency. It is digital money. It is what bitcoin was supposed to be. Yes it's worth a buy.
The only market for monero is shady people that what to hide their money trail
Btcs market is billions of people while moneros is probably 10s of thousands
yes, I just bought 100k myself recently.
The creator was called thankful_for_today and he was just doing a fair launch of cryptonote invented by some Dutch sounding guy Nicholas VanSaberhagen or something. Probably a fake name like Satoshi Nakamoto.
>The market for shady things is 10s of thousands
So the global markets for offshore private banking, drugs, arms, and other generally private shit would be a combined total of less than 100k?
Not to mention bitcoin can fuck you, not just on the darknet, but in everyday life.
>The most critical flaw in Bitcoin is its lack of privacy. If you give me your Bitcoin wallet address so that I can send you a payment, you immediately compromise your privacy. I can see as a matter of public record how much money you have in your Bitcoin wallet (there are messy workarounds to attempt to fix this problem, which we will address shortly). The same situation applies even if you are the one sending Bitcoin. Any recipient can then see how much money you have in your Bitcoin wallet, both now and in perpetuity. To understand how critical this privacy problem is, consider the following scenarios:
>1. You are travelling through parts of a country with a medium to high violent crime rate. You need to use some of your Bitcoin to pay for something. If every person you transact with knows exactly how much money you have, this is a threat to your personal physical safety.
>2. You are a business that receives a payment from a supplier. That supplier will be able to see how much money your business has, and therefore can guess at how price sensitive you are in future negotiations. They can see every single other payment you’ve ever received to that Bitcoin address, and therefore determine what other suppliers you are dealing with and how much you are paying those suppliers. They may be able to roughly determine how many customers you have and how much you charge your customers. This is commercially sensitive information that damages your negotiating position enough to cause you relative financial loss.
>3. You are a private citizen paying for online goods and services. You are aware that it is common practice for companies to attempt to use ‘price discrimination’ algorithms to attempt to determine the highest prices they can offer future services to you at, and you would prefer they do not have the information advantage of knowing how much you spend and where you spend it.
>4. You sell cupcakes and receive Bitcoin as payment. It turns out that someone who owned that Bitcoin before you was involved in criminal activity. Now you are worried that you have become a suspect in a criminal case, because the movement of funds to you is a matter of public record. You are also worried that certain Bitcoins that you thought you owned will be considered ‘tainted’ and that others will refuse to accept them as payment.
>Monero solves these privacy issues by automatically applying privacy techniques to every single transaction made. You can have confidence that it is not possible to own ‘tainted’ Monero. This is a concept in economics known as ‘fungibility’ and is historically considered an important characteristic for any currency to have.
tl;dr, you want to hide your shit by default in everyday life, not broadcast it out for everyone to see and use against you.
At least have some actual use and is not buildt upon promises and bullshit like the mayority of coins out there.
Also consider divorce cases. If the judge sees how much bitcoin you have, you can't get out of losing half your shit. But with Monero...
>The only market for monero is shady people that what to hide their money trail
oh you mean like the people involved in the most profitable and global industry in the entire planet? Those shady people?
Yeah theres definitely no value in having an currency that enables money laundering and facilitates anonymous purchasing of illegal goods. None.
you dumb cunt
I am torn between Zcash and Monero?
Aren't both ultimately anonymous and used for drug lords?
No zcash is a Jewish CIA backdoored coin that isn't even fungible if you took away the backdoor.
Monero is completely anonymous and untraceable while zcash has two sides to it, which is why banks love it. One side is public and the other is user, and taht's why goldman sachs is pumping into it cause they love it.
> huge gains
if you're smart and HODL unlike dumb kids still trying to convince their moms that they are "day traders".
Monero's price has been really stable. Given the recent cataclysmic events in the darknet drug markets and what not, it is almost a certainty that monero will start to replace bitcoin as the primary transaction for darknet marketplaces.
That will give monero significant growth, but IT IS NOT a replacement for bitcoin in general.
IMO, the only two worthwhile coins are bitcoin and monero, everything else is garbage.
how about waves with its DEX? I'm looking at BTC XMR and WAVES to invest and maybe DCR cause they seem the most promising for HODLing.
It is a replacement for Bitcoin in general because the only real use of bitcoin is making censorship resistant transactions. It is a replacement for bitcoin because Bitcoin's lack of fungibility makes it basically unusable once you need to it's it in the real world for real world things.
Monero is solid as fuck, OP.
Do your own research and figure out if people will use it.
Personally yes, it is a better bitcoin, because contrary to bitcoin fags, privacy is important, and Segwit is trash.
Read this to see why privacy by default is critically important for a coin to be used in any serious capacity:
So yes, hold it and hold a lot. It has serious value.
Personally I just hold Bitcoin as a legacy, moneymaking tool at this point. I don't really believe in it's long term use/utility. Other coins eclipsed it years ago.
XMR is at a pretty good price right now if you want to invest.
It's been holding within about 5-10% of the current level so it's a good coin for holding value.
> everything else is garbage
thats my opinion, I'm not sure how much clearer i can phrase it. I have money in altcoins, but its a case of I'm literally waiting for some retarded hypejob to get them to $1 so i can sell and make a tidy profit which i will summarily invest back into BTC/XMR
Agree with all of this. Anonymity and fungibility are critical to a future cryptocurrency becoming an actual currency that can be used just like fiat cash. I'll always be a long term BTC holder but I sincerely hope XMR beats out Zcash.
I also hodl ETH and LTC but fully realize they are just fucking memes compared to XMR.
What do you guys think of Dash? I think it could be used for daily transactions if you don't give a fuck about privacy
BTC - Not exactly gold, but a store of wealth
Monero - Private discrete transactions
Dash - daily credit-card-like payments
If Monero actually did real world volumes of transactions, like bitcoin, would it be able to still run smoothly or would it crash / freeze up / congest like bitcoin and ether have?
Protip: you don't know.
Fuckin stupid noobs, how does dash always get you? No, dash is shitter than shit.
we'll find out soon enough.
why tho? They are expanding Dash labs into Asia and it seems like a legit way to spend crypto. I don't hold any Dash anymore, but I'm still interested in it
Protip, yeah we do. Monero already accounted for that, they have a dynamic blocksize. Blocksize goes up if needed, goes down if needed.
That's another reason why it has a better long term future than BTC. The dev team don't work for a company that directly discourages on-chain usage.
ok you're kinda dumb so I'm gonna try to type on your level:
Yes monero has dynamic blocksize. No monero would not scale perfectly. You understand that when blocks begin to get 10mb, 100mb, even 1000mb as more and more people use it, there will be less and less nodes willing to pay the cost of storing/transfering that much data every block.
Now THAT is the real pure dumb shit.
Why aren't blocks 1KB? Why are mining networks getting more and more decentralized all the time despite some coins RAISING the blocksize?
Protip: it's because a 10MB blocksize doesn't mean shit nowadays. Blocks are designed to scale for more users, and with more computing power.
Why do you completely discount the increase in computing power?
Hell if anything, keeping blocks small is what centralizes shit. When you have full blocks, you correspondingly have higher and higher fees, slower and slower confirmation times. Regular users cannot afford that. Big companies and corporations can. A "settlement layer" is just code for "corporate sellout".
Sit down.
The concept of a decentralized exchange is great, but Waves isn't that
It's a platform to exchange your tokens for valueless tokens provided by the creators, it's also literally designed for PnD letting you create whatever token you want like niggercoin
It's literally for braindead pajeets, since the retarded ones can just copy paste some source code and change some names here and there
>the retarded ones can just copy paste some source code and change some names here and there
This describes basically every single fucking altcoin with a few non-Pajeet exceptions, yet people still get duped. Someone post the "Veeky Forums buys here" graph.
The nice thing about the Monero community it's that they actually hire top tier PhD's to work out the science behind out, and they also hire programmers based on what they have contributed
Unlike your average PnD shitcoin whose only reason behind development it's the greed of the developers
Everyone should be holding some Monero. You don't have to cheerlead it and become the worlds most rabid fanboy. You can still have "your" coin that you sperg out over in every thread while still holding a small reserve of Monero.
It's a $100+ coin easily. Once it becomes clear it's more private and more secure than Zcash and Dash, it'll start to siphon more market share from them and of course benefit from the general increase in crypto. It's also slowly being adopted more and more as a general payment method. The active social presence ensures it's always to the forefront of peoples psyche.
I personally keep 5% in XMR but i expect that % to increase naturally over time.
Buy BLOCK, do it, JUST DO IT!
If BLOCK manages to pull through with what it aims to do, it will be unbelievably powerful.
I am 100% sure the team have the skils to pull this off, really excited for this one.
BlockNet is already setting the standard for the future of trustless, interoperable exchanges, it's gonna be beautiful.
Here's something to consider.
It's five years down the track. A few coins have become huge and a lot of the current ones have died off.
Let's say that, for all the coins that have survived, they have gone 10x.
Now imagine you're new to crypto. You see a coin called Monero that is $500. It is a way to turn $500 of your fiat into $500 of extremely private currency.
Let's also assume that the price has stabilised at around this point and you're not expecting your Monero coin to be worth much more than $500 for the near future.
Would you still buy it?
For me, as that postulated future investor. The answer is yes. There is still a strong value proposition for me to turn my $500 of regular money into $500 of completely private money. Money I can send overseas and do other things with without scrutiny or oversight.
That's why Monero is one of the strongest holds. If you can still make a value case for something, if you can still SEE YOURSELF BUYING IT at 10x the price, then a future investor will see it the same way.
Who are monero competitors?
its the only coin with total privacy by default, therefore nothing comes close, literally not even other cryptonote coins.
What are the other strongest holds right now?
To a point... but eventually having the massive resources needed to mine and store 1GB blocks will only be availiable to large corporate miners
Zcash, but that requires trusting Jews (srs, look it up)
Just buy Pivx instead.
so wat? they can't censor transactions (unlike bitcoin) and they can't rewrite the past (unlike bitcoin).
Zcash until Alphabay got busted. The findings from that basically showed Monero has no competitor at the moment.
Monero has mostly one use: money laundering.
[initial currency] > shapeshift > monero #1 > monero #2 > etc > shapeshift > [initial currency]
That isn't to say that it is worthless, on the contrary. But it's still unethical to buy this coin. Just as it's unethical to use Tor etc.
but you can make a new address for each transaction
Everything else is a long shot, but look into IOTA, SIA...
Send 0.1 BTC to your temporary address, from your horde of 100btc... immediately spend it on something. Still fairly obvious yeah?
you seem bothered by the fact, stay triggered.
fuck is this
the value of the coin wont make it any more or less private, i don't see why it would be unethical.
BTC is only worth that much because you can use it for drug ebay
It doesnt make it moral, just putting up its value
If Monero is really that solid, it makes it really useful and not unlikely to be worth a lot long term
Are Monero wallets safe? As a newcoiner, the entry point is Bitcoins but in order to ensure safety, I'd rather get a wallet on a USB key that I'm sure will never be hacked.
Is a Monero wallet can bring more privacy and safety than Electrum, I'm all in in this coin.
Monero has their own official GUI Wallet and you can backup it in your USB key, so, yeah.
Nice, just bought 100k
I have confirmed at least two new darknet markets are adding Monero as we speak.
this is going to be the greatest pump since Bitcoin went to $1000
how high is XMR going to go based user?
Sourcery and Enigma, that I know.
not even the sky is the limit,
Source on gif?
>mfw Fluffy pony was behind the raids of non-compliant markets who refused to implement Monero.
>this currency is unethical because it is anonymous
Are you fucking kidding me?
Zcash is kiked to hell. Fuck zcash and fuck the jews.
the least scalable coin
Have you heard of Ethereum?
We need things like Monero and Tor just to make sure that people like you have no power over us.
>privacy is now unethical but mass surveillance is not
War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength.
Weird that Alphabay added ZCash since it's obviously backdoored.
And it got busted right after they added it. Hmmm.
I hate you "HODL" fags
Yes. Just had a thread a day ago about the FBI busting some darkweb drug site and they seize so many zcoin, bitcoin, etherium and an unknown amount of Monero.
Monero has been proven.
>Investing in a CC which already mooned
Find other suckers for this shit.
>thinking Monero has mooned yet
Nigga, this coin has more moon potential than ethereum and ripple combined but during the last few months of pumps it's basically the only coin that hasn't moved against BTC. This is the megapump waiting to happen.
It's like if you were here a month ago telling us Sia had already mooned because of that time it got over 100 sats in 2016 (the same year Monero "mooned").
>Pic related
This coin should honestly be worth more than bitcoin and the fact that it isn't at least #2 is a travesty. At a market cap of under a billion, Monero is so undervalued it's like picking up free money at this point.
>this coin has more moon potential than ethereum
literally how? when metropolis comes, monero will be made redundant
This was once a solid coin, a very respectable one. It's sad to see it happen but it won't be around for much longer. Sorry user.
If you truly believe this you are beyond helping.
This, also, there are only two other alts that utilize cryptonote. Those being, boolberry & digitalnote.
thats nice. I dont think about you at all.
have fun with LARPing as a "trader" on the most volatile market around.
> coin is about to come into primary use to facilitate darknet marketplace transactions
> "has already mooned"
> "find other suckers!"
no one gives a shit about you moron, stick to scam coins.
>Monero has mostly one use: money laundering.
nice bait, bro.
literally any money (traditional or crypto) is good for laundering, as long as you're able to create your entrypoints and exitpoints.
cryptocoins just enabled any 12 years old dude to instantly become an International Launderer.
btw I'm not yet into Monero because I don't yet see how those claims about privacy would make it better for me than Bitcoin.
They're just assuming that everyone has a roaring cash flow from/to fiat.
>but that requires trusting Jews
top kek
I've heard about it because of multi-million scams, like the recent $31M one.
>if you're smart and HODL unlike dumb kids still trying to convince their moms that they are "day traders".
Kek. So true.
>Unethical to use Tor
Nice bait. Almost got me
>I don't see how privacy helps me
Monero is not truly anonymous, anybody saying otherwise is lying or misinformed.
Which coin is truly anonymous then? If you answer with some smartass shit like ''no coin is truly anonymous'' I will ignore you.
Monero is truly anonymous, anybody saying otherwise is lying or misinformed.
I would buy some if I knew how/trusted the exchange I could buy it on.
>tfw monero is doing better than your litecoins
De-anonymize me then.