David Irving BTFO

David Irving BTFO
Holocaust deniers BTFO

Never forget the six gojillian goy. You can't argue logic against stories mixed with emotions goy.

Other urls found in this thread:


Was a second thread entirely necessary?

I wonder what kind of name that is

A second reminder of those who lost their lives in the holocaust is always necessary, goyim.

how about we actually talk about our experience with the holocaust being taught in schools. In my 7th grade reading class we read Night and had a bit of background knowledge prep with a lecture or two on the specifics of the holocaust. never learned about it through school again until 10th grade when my english class read Night again (I had moved so I was in a different district). also I had AP world history that year in which the holocaust was briefly glossed over in the wider subject of wwii. hardly what I'd call indoctrination.

I barely got anything about it, it was mentioned as part of general atrocities in WW2. The genocide that got a lot of coverage in my high school career was Rwanda, not the Holocaust, although some of that was that it was recent at the time.

oh yeah, my freshman year we watched hotel rewanda to fill up time at the end of the year

11 million threads are necessary you stupid anti-semite

>You can't argue logic against stories mixed with emotions goy.

Did you even watch the video? She uses facts and logic, and you made this thread purely out of emotion.


I went to elementary school in New York. Our teacher led us to the classroom where we learn choir as an extra curricular activity. The choir instructor was an old Jewish lady. As soon as our teacher left us in that classroom, the indoctrination began. That's when she brainwashed us all about how evil the Germans were and how they mistreated the Jews. Most of us were only 10-11 years old, and we hadn't even gotten the education to learn about global history until later in life which is in 10th grade in school. Not to mention, our school district was literally controlled by Jews. It's not even a secret. They openly do it, and they steal our county budget every year and invest that money into Jewish communities and Jewish education institutions.

This is a video of my hometown. Here you can see a Jew trying to outjew a Jew.

This is who controls our Board of Education:

It's no wonder we were fed that nonsense in that choir class.


Orders for the ovens used in the camps

lol,mods delte this shit trhead.go back to pol/



wtfff I love kikes now?!







Oh i got plenty more

Not him, but when you go against a person like this, the best way to do it at this point is to debate calmly, make fun of them, or ignore it and sage. If you stoop down to their level with memes, it's just feeding them practically.


Not even that guy, but these are fucking hilarious and you just sound assblasted because Veeky Forums won't let you get away with spreading lies

Im just shitposting at this point because these usually shut them up

nice renamed file and anecdotal evidence there stormfag


Not him, and not the guy who's getting his shit pushing in:

under normal circumstances you're absolutely correct but these /pol/tards are out of fucking control nowadays, they don't even want to hear your carefully reasoned arguments, they just start shitposting as soon as they're confronted with evidence which dismantles their little worldview. Trolling the fuck out of them is every Veeky Forumstorian's responsibility as a way of letting morons know that they will find no platform for their lies, here

>implying the Jews would pay someone this bad at spelling to shill for them

nice samefagging by the way. It must be really hard changing VPN so often.

Nice cherry picking faggot. Who cares about the name of the file?


I still haven't seen a stormfag respond to this: if the protocols of the elder's of zion is not a forgery, is darwinism a jewish conspiracy as the protocols say?

get in here

>putting a ted talk rather than the actual trial documents or Peter Longerrich's book

I want to know where all the trains packed with explosives are, or were if they're not there anymore.