What is considered a successful life? Sex? Money? Power?

What is considered a successful life? Sex? Money? Power?

What is the bare minimum of a life that would leave you feeling like you would do it all the same twice, if given the chance?

It's different for everyone, but, generally, the creation of many children who lived will make people feel successful, because instincts make that a pleasurable action.

what about for homosexuals

Homosexuals have the desire to raise other people's children, like those of a dead sibling, for example. However, homosexuals are a very small segment of the population.


Following evolutionary urges is the only way to happiness, really. If you think being a genetic dead end fulfils you, you've huffed some strong ideology.

Basically living like your ancestors and producing an heir to your bloodline is the best hope we have for any conception of continuity in the modern world.

I honestly do not understand all the autists on Veeky Forums who are obsessed with having children. First of all, sex is disgusting. Second, have you ever SEEN a child? They're terrible, they're like dogs that can run on two feet and consciously destroy things and bother you and they don't even have the courtesy to shit outside. It costs millions of dollars to raise a child who will spend most of their time living with you in a hormonal rage. To top it off, you have to literally give up all of your dreams. How the fuck is that appealing for you weirdos?

You are a completely retarded buffoon and your argument is non existent.

the bare minimum of a life is a weird think to consider because in any given situation, I will be consciously shaping life. Even if everything goes horribly and circumstances go against me, I will be consciously shaping my way out of a "bare minimum" situation into something.

I think that's likely the minimum for having a good life. That you tried. That you made it better than it had to be. I don't think most people die regretfully.. Most people die with family or friends, happy they tried and happy they got to.

>you must actively shape your own destiny and the destiny of the world


>B-but muh white race must continue to exist!!!! praise Odin!!!!!!!

It's full of depressed, suicidal fathers and mothers, having children is easy for most but unfulfilling, what is difficult is to find a partner you really like and who will bear you good children, anyone can fuck an ugly slut but that won't be fulfilling for anyone with a brain

This guy
Is a buffoon

But my dreams involve having lots of children.
Sex is great, and family is the best thing in the world. Nothing feels as good as spending time with those who love you.

Free will is an illusion, sorry my dear.

Objectively, having kids.

A homeless heroin addicted alcoholic with schizophrenia who knocked someone up once is objectively more successful than a rich healthy man who never had kids.

Obviously not you idiot. Only the individual feels satisfaction. You can't feel the satisfaction of your ancestors because you aren't held responsible for their actions.

The only purpose in life is to procreate. Everything on the planet continues to survive only because they wish to have more children. If you do not have children, you have failed your biological purpose and are thus an objective failure. Everything else in life is fluff to get some extra dopamine, do not be fooled by artists who self-flagellate because they think there is more to life than hedonism.

living within that illusion is the only way to be happy

The number of times people say your name.

pick one

I wonder who could be behind these posts

Your body would not be naturally driven to seek sex if you were not meant to have children.

in the short term.

In the long term the thing your illusion is ignoring will come back to bite you.

Holy shit you guys are my people. Where has this board been my whole life?

Being remembered.

>cant connect why you ought to do this, because of how your biology is
>laughing scot.jpg