Is 21 years old too late to turn your life around? I'm starting to lose hope.
Is 21 years old too late to turn your life around? I'm starting to lose hope
Start fucking boys and install Linux
Worked for me
I already installed Arch
No you dumb faggot. Get your shit together.
no? plenty of 40 year old losers went to prison for stupid shit and turned their lives around after. stop being a pussy. and go back to r9k
> 21
> still an edgy teenager with too much hormones
>not using a source based distribution
>plenty of 40 year old losers went to prison for stupid shit and turned their lives around after
like who?
I went to college, got in a lot of debt. Had an existential crisis that wound me up in the funny farm with people thinking I am psychotic or schitzophrenic. This was all at the age of 21.
I am now 23 and I am just about to have a positive net worth for the first time in a long time. Things are looking very up and I will probably be a millionaire by the age of 50, maybe sooner. Work hard at it OP, and you will be at least fine.
This one guy I know called Smiley Joe Depesco. He was in jail for 9 years for aggravated assault, now he owns a VCR repair store.
How did you recover?
>VCR repair store
You are literally starting your life at the age of 21 faggot.
I got Veeky Forumszy. Quit college. Got a full time job right away. Showed up early, stayed late. Took most over time opportunities. Got four raises and two promotions. I am second tier Pareto distribution- an actual competent person. It also helps that I dwell in my mother's basement for a small rent. Health insurance and other stuff paid for till 26/27. It helps if family helps dude.
>millionare by age 50
Is this a joke question? At 21 you're practically still a kid. No one would even bat an eye these days if you graduate at 25-27 years of age. Why the hell would you think 21 is too late? You're not even in the prime of your life yet.
fuck off, faggot.
People here be like "If I don't make it by age 35 I'm gonna kms"
I invest, a lot, the more I accumulate and hodl, the more my investments snowball. I have done math assuming 7%/yr. The charts I put together are promising.
>If I don't make it by age 35 I'm gonna kms
But it's truth. What's the point in having money if you are old and can't fully enjoy life anymore?
lol you can literally achieve anything you put your mind to....i wish i can be 21 again....instead im a depressed 30 year old....dont be like me
If you are lucky you still have half of your life that you can live as a /comfy/ NEET.
give me your advices
Lmao and what the fuck do you think everyone on this site did in their youth?
You can play video games, shitpost, and masturbate at any age.
No, it's not too late.
How drastic a turnaround do you need to do?
Look normie you don't have to patronize us here.
21 is young, but I'm 24 and still thinking of which tree to hang myself from.
I'm 21 too and just failed the exam to start programming college, will have to try again next year, but i'm not depressed because of that, i could get a job and pay to get in law school instead, i just don't do that because i'm lazy.
Laziness and STEM college don't go so well together either. Freshman year is easy, like highschool. But gets exponentially harder if you are in STEM courses. Cultural Marxist indoctrination is easy.
Ultimately any software is based on a source.
There is no time, there is only now.
Is he selling his arse now or is he back in jail?
The fact that you want to change it is a great start
figure out how to change what you want
look online research as hard as you can and then take action based upon what you have just learned
Youll make it OP
Were all gonna make it brah
Yes, I didn't get a "real job" until I was almost 26. Before that I had a drinking problem, pill problem, and a DUI. That was 3 years ago. Just hustle, keep your head up, and work in skills. Get an internship or apprenticeship, go to trade school. Keep your eye out for opportunities. I'm still a depressed drunk, but it feels manageable now. You're gonna make it bro.
if ur parents didnt buy u a bsba in finance from a big school u missed the boat friend
I just turned Wizard and worked maybe 2 years of my adult life. AMA
My life started at about 29.
Every single thing I did before then was fucking retarded.
How did you support yourself on two years of work?
1. enjoy your youth and don't just spend all day on your computer. Yeah normie shit but you are gonna regret it once you get to my age and missed out on everything.
2. Figure out what you wanna do for a career, something you won't hate at the very leasts and pays reasonably well. Be it a degree or trade. What interests you? Computers? Go get a computer sci degree or learn coding or whatever. In the mean time get a part time job and earn some cash and research/invest in crypto little by little.
Autism & parents.
You mean like going all in on fidget spinners before they mooned to 3rd place market cap?
I'm 29 and I live with my parents, have no job or income or friends. I'll be 30 by the time I finish my degree. If I can cling to some tiny last bit of hope, so can you.
After I graduate and get a real job, I can still bag some qt3.14 that's 10 years younger than me for marriage.
No I mean having autism and PTSD, being unable to work due to social disfunction, and would probably be homeless or suicided otherwise if my parents didn't exist.
All I've got is top memeing.
35 is only old to young kids who think that getting a grey hair means the end of the world.
21 still lots of time. Im 41. Everyone has given up on me
i'm 30 and already have grey fact i got my first gray hairs at 24/25 and now i have a bunch. I'm not scared of gray hair, i'm just afraid of turning 40 and being depressed and alone.
>socially acceptable for a man to date a girl 10 years younger
When did it all go so right? All of the chicks my age (30) are super salty about the fact that I can marry a 20 year old but no one under 37 pays attention to them. Feels good man
This is another meme peddled on Veeky Forums to give losers hope.
I'm 27 and most of the 21-23 girls look at me like I'm their dad if I tell them my real age despite having a good job and being Veeky Forums. (I look young so I lie anyways).
A lot of things have to fall your way to get a 21 year old into a serious relationship once you hit the late 20s/30 mark. It's a lot easier than being a woman though I guess.
you must be ugly.
Im a 29 year old phd student and I routinely bang 18-20 year olds
>phd student
It's a different game when you are still a child yourself, you are around a thousand teens a day, and they see you as a peer. I'm talking about people making real money surrounded by adults all day. You will understand when you finish school and get a job.
It becomes a lot easier to meet 18 year olds when you spend all day on a campus filled with 18 year olds, at least when compared to spending 10 hours a day in an office of 40+ year olds. Most guys will not have this luxury.
Protip: there is no "turning it around". It's not an overnight thing, it's an uphill battle every day. Life is a bitch. Learn to embrace that fact and enjoy the struggle because if you can't find some way to enjoy it, it just eats you alive and you'll end up killing yourself or just being miserable.
Look up ilardi's 6 steps for beating depression
user is right about the ugly then in your case, or you're just boring.
Im 26 and i have no trouble with girls younger than me and many are gravitated to me because they see me as well travelled and worldly.
>being this salty and insecure
Just be confident and approach girls. Unless you are balding or have awful skin, 27 is still young. I'm 30 and I regularly get attention from younger girls
You can go to bars you know, nobody forces you to be an autist that only goes from work to home and viceversa every single day...
youre pretty cool and i dont want you to kill yourself
I'm 31 and you are a beta faggot thats why, young girls eye fuck me regularly