Can we have a thread on good flags, as well as the history of flags?
Can we have a thread on good flags, as well as the history of flags?
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Sure but why do you have a shit flag for a shit city in a shit state as the first pic?
Cheeseheads BTFO
Much better flag. Why is Wisconsin the worst midwestern state?
>having your name on your flag
I seriously hope you guys don't do this.
We do. Although Ive only ever seen the flag like two times in real life
have fun not making the playoffs
>sign glennon to a multiyear contract
>draft Mitch "Bigger Bust than Jamarcus" Trubisky at No. 2
full JUST mode
Fake and gay
Can confirm. I live in Sint Paul and I didn't know that was our flag.
I'm actually not from Chicago, though my dad is. I rep pic related.
Because fat hairy G*rmans suck
fade me senpai
Edgy AF but stylish, brtter than the ISIS retarded flag
Flag of St. Louis.
Alt flag.
I love the Greek Flag.
thats a flag for a beer festival
high school dropout tier
injun tier
trying hard there KuK?
tattoo shop tier
having your seal on your flag tier
epileptic tier
injun tier
get rid of those stripes
Yeah. Throughout the balkans, that same boring three streak bullshit, and then suddenly this beauty
Bad, but passible city flag.
And I only show you that to show you this abomination
This flag is kinda cool
Fuck Portland though the traffic there makes me want to blow my head open
actually fuck this all your flags suck
im posting good ones now
Baltimore knows whats up
Maryland knows whats up
I've been searching for this thanks
flags aren't important to cities and states in the USA
the only flag any one of us needs for official occasion is our own stars and stripes
best flag
prove me wrong
This was settled a long time ago.
This would be ok if it were a little bit stylised. Not much, just make the island a cleaner saucepan shape and remove the beige tower for the lighthouse or whatever, just leave the green triangle and enlarge it so you can actually see the fucking thing. A flag should represent concepts, not be a fucking picture.
In fact, fuck that. make top half white, bottom half blue, with a thick green line as a divider, and a green triangle at the center of the top left quadrant.
Not gonna lie, this is tough to beat.
This is the official flag of my home town. It sucks total balls, with the only redeeming feature being at least they avoided getting into a lot of garish, ugly colors.
Shame made me forget to attach mage.
Yeah it looks pretty shit
This is the unofficial flag which is about a million times better, though given the importance of gold mining in the early history of the city the white part should be gold, probably.
What is this
I love the design compared to the previous proposed one.
God-damn it.
Scottish flag is simple, yet beautiful.
I have seen a lot of people say that this flag somehow works despite breaking multiple rules for good flags, any explanation why? Is it just cultural attachment, or did it manage to make a good flag despite itself?
Bears are cool
The font is nice
That's all I got
The bear is too complicated. A flag needs to be drawable by a spastic child. Also, flags shouldn't have text.
Has someone posted that video on vexillology yet?
>AYY I'm wavin' here!!
Amsterdam is a cancer
But they have a badass looking flag.
But there is already a flag thread
New Mexico's flag, though ripped off, is objectively gorgeous
Three best state flags right here.
Arizona is certainly up there
Check this bitch out. Totally looks like some kind of South American fascist movement. That symbol in the middle ALLEGEDLY represents "the burning wheels of industry" or some bullshit. Ironically enough the town was destroyed and ghettoized when steel industry closed. Worst city in the worst state in the whole country.
Obligatory video for vexillology threads.
Did a lil' retouch a while ago.
Is that the flag of Disneyland?
Observe the NAP
The problem is, if you adhere to those rules too strenuously, everything will look like it's designed by fucking Apple.
That's why I like the California flag. It breaks the rules, but it works as a whole.
California has a bad flag, but it's not as shitty as the three dozens of seal-on-a-bedsheet US state flags.
Arizona's flag is extremely overrated. It looks awful
You are wrong.
yeah mke's current flag is hideous, i actually really liked this flag that was designed for that people's flag of milwaukee contest. i see a couple people hanging this one (which i think won the contest) on houses in the east side.
It is a great city flag.
I mean, aesthetically speaking it IS a good flag...
>black, red and white
I honestly love the Canadian flag. The simplicity of it is fantastic and it is just so pleasing to look at imo. Yeah it has a leaf on it, but it is way better than how every other country has stars on their flag, plus it looks really good on backpacks, hats, etc.
Are we the baddies?
Yes, but...
It's alright
The maple leaf is aesthetic af, I don't know why so many people complain
shut up your dumb /pol/ meme for one second and explain what's wrong with a leaf, especially the very distinctive leaf from the strong and resilient maple tree which is historically important to canada as a main source of both wood and sugar
Should have gone for a regular cuckstamp as you're still sucking the queen's cock like the tame colonial that you are
People who aren't autists realise that "muh flag rules" are only a guideline and that despite the fact that they're generally good ideas there are still several great flags that break at least one of these rules.
California being an example.
I love that 80s aesthetics to this
Its really symetrical so it pleases my autism. Kind of like how some people feel really releaved when they watch videos of pimples being poped, thats what the canadian flag is like for me