How does it come to be that we know almost little to nothing about the ancient celts and where there origins are
Could it be jeolousy?
Celtic mystery
Celts never bothered writing their shit down before being exterminated by Romans.
>before being exterminated
One could only wish.
I know Veeky Forums probably hates on the German castle but it looks pretty coovw
>Nordics were barbari-
>How does it come to be that we know almost little to nothing about the ancient celts and where there origins are
What would you like to know? The information is out there, you just have to look a little harder for it.
That image is bullshit.
Romans didn't exterminate the celts. Perhaps you're thinking of druids. I think even they survived in Ireland until they converted to Christianity.
i live in celtic land
its really a shame that the celts did not leave any writings besides their cuneiform art
just that they used the "Gal" root a lot
>Gales, Gallia, Galitzia, Galekia,
Where were there origins
Those "germanic pagan temples" were originally christian though, most were built during the 12th century, but in a norse style to appeal to the heritage and take care of the culture that was still strongly rooted in the people and permeated much of the christianity there.
Well when you talk about "Celts" you're talking about dozens of individual and distinct groups reaching all the way from Ireland to Turkey. The original Celts, if you like, probably originated in central Europe what is now Austria and spread outwards from there.
Galicia, Galatia.
>literal indians in picture
>"""celtic"""" land
Sure thing, pajeet.
There were celts in turkey?
Yes. The Galatians.
crazy right? Eastern Europe too.
What to turks have in common with irish that they can share this celt name?
celt just sounds like a synonym for european at this point
they weren't fucking Turks. Turks weren't even in Anatolia at that point, 3rd century BC.
Yeah isn't there a conspiracy theory that Galatians were the modern day Israelis? it seems as if both sides say this the Palestinian,The Afrocentric " all whites are evil" crowd and even some Israelis
The Turks came from the Iberian Steppe and conquered Anatolia around like 500 AD I think?
The Celts in Turky where there after the Romans took over. It was a part of Rome made up of migrated Celts.
It was well known for producing Celtic mercenaries.
For some reason I know alot about Celts from the internet. They fascinate me, I can probably awnser a lot of qeustions you have.
Except for there boats, dont know anything about there boats.
>Invent pants
>Invent mail
>Gets naked to fight
The celts migrated until Anatolia centuries before the Turks did. Like many communities of the past eventually they assimilated into other groups and just disappeared.
The Irish had these things called Currachs
The "modern Ashkenazi Jews aren't Israelites but actually [x]" conspiracy usually cites the Khazars, a Turkic nomadic group whose leaders followed Judaism for a time in the 8th-10th centuries
>mfw i will never be able to chill with Celtic mercenaries while we work for egypt.
Shit forgot pic
Technically speaking you could still do that today lol. Some Irish mercenaries fighting in the Mid East spending time in Egypt.
Yeah but I saw some autistic documentary that said that the khazers are just Celtic proto slovakians or some stupid shit
You do know their main source is out of context bible quotations
The Halstatt and La Tene cultures. Before that, they were part of the Urnfielder culture, and before THAT they were part of the Yamnaya culture.
Gal means something like "blue-green", and is probably a reference to the sea.
The Greeks recorded the arrival of the Galatians into Asia Minor, it was one of the last places the Celts expanded to before they got pwnt.
Just nuke Stockholm this will literally fix the world also a majority of the Middle East as well we will nuke that too
>tfw the tweets real
You think wrong. The Turks came with the Mongols in the 11th and 12th centuries.
The Welsh had something very similar, usually translated as a coracle. Seems the Celts weren't big on naval stuff.
Why are Germans during ww1 equated to Huns was it because Khan was literally hitler during the time period
The ones who owned mail probably didn't fight naked. the nakedness was a form of magic intended to protect the warrior, if you have real protection you're unlikely to forgo it in favor of magic.
Pretty much and they were pretty barbarous towards the Belgians allegedly
the Irish aren't Celts, they're native Mileseans who adopted a Celtic culture. The Keltoi were a tribal federation in what is now France.
According to Wikipedia the Mileseans were Gauls.
The Huns long predate the Mongols, Attilla and his boys were ~6th century.
As to why Germans are called Huns, it's the fault of Kaiser Willhelm who said the following in response to the Boxer uprisings in China, circa 1900:
>"When you meet the enemy, he will be defeated! No quarter will be given! No prisoners will be taken! Those who fall into your hands are forfeit to you! Just as a thousand years ago, the Huns under their King Etzel made a name for themselves that make them appear awe-inspiring in tradition and myth, so shall you establish the name of Germans in China for a 1000 years, so that a Chinese will never again dare to look askance at a German."
Then Wikipedia is completely and comically wrong. Mileseans predate the Indo-Europeans, and gaul is a germanic word that is not related to the terms Gael / Galatian / Gallia.
If that's the same King Etzel from the Nibelungenlied then that quote is referring to the King of Hungary.
Oh I misread it. The word was gael.
Etzel is the German form of Atilla, the character in the Niberlungenlied is Atilla the Hun, bot the king of Hungary. The song commemorates the destruction of the Burgundians by Atilla when they made the mistake of not submitting to his authority.
you're telling me red-haired, fair skinned fey folk were playing bagpipes everywhere from modern day france to hungary to turkland?
they had enough linguistic and geographical diversity it seems that "celtic" may as well mean "european".
idk, seems they had to be brown types. kinda bums me out.
nothing against asians and arabs and stuff; i weeb out all the time; it's just that imagining celts and their resemblance to shire folk carries a certain novelty for me.
Celt is likening saying Slav today. I'm sure they had phenotype variety.
Celts are still alive, chi twpsyn.
Red hair was always a minority trait, bagpipes are a medieval invention, but yes the Celtic culture-area was very large at its peak.
Welsh aren't Celts, they speak a Celtic language but racially they're mostly of pre-Celtic stock and culturally they're Anglo.
>King of Hungary
The Hungarians arrived many centuries after the Nibelungs, and their name is unrelated to the Huns of Atilla, but comes from Onogur, the tribal federation that included the Magyars.
How can Irish and welsh people not be celts genetically?
Because it's possible to adopt another language and culture, but not possible to adopt new genes. Or do you think Nigerians should have English dna because they speak English and have an Anglo political system?
you don't know anything about stave churches
I think you should delete the thread mental midget
Nope, Gaul is a cognate of Wales and comes from Germanic walhaz, meaning "romanised Celt", and is unrelated to the term Gallia (the modern form of which is Jaille, still used in some french placenames).
>before being exterminated
French still exist they write thing
Isn't it related in the sense that both terms refer to Celtic people?
In Latin.
We so fucked up Latin that it can barely be considered as a Romance language
French belong to the Celtic Category
Try following the train of posts, imbecile.
>a few hundred Celtic loanwords, most of them just geographical features
yeah, no, french is close to pure Latin.
It started with user saying Celts used "Gal" a lot and I understand that "Gaul" is a Germanic word but do you think it is a coincidence that the Germanics happened to choose a word that sounds identical to the word the Celts used to describe themselves?
>We so fucked up Latin that it can barely be considered as a Romance language
>French belong to the Celtic Category
Except it is considered a Latin tongue, alongside with Romanian and Portuguese, and they all sound like shit.
Get over it.
Yes it's a coincidence, as I just explained the origin of Gaul is well known and it is not a Celtic word.
You don't think it's possible that the Germanics and Celts interacted with each other and the Germanics started calling them that because that is what they called themselves?
I'd say Celtic
If we didn't know the origin of the term you might think that but since we DO know it, the answer is "no".
You'd be wrong.
The origin of the term is "romanised Celt" which is what they were.
Actually the origin is "foreigner", but it came to mean "romanised celt" because those were the first group of foreigners to come under Germanic rule. Besides which, Gaul is not Celtic, so the fact that it begins with a G is irrelevant when comparing it to the many Celtic demonyms that also began with G.
"Gaul" is a Germanic word to describe Celtic people who also used "Gal" in their own place names. It seems unlikely to me that the Germanic word developed independently despite your continued insistence otherwise.
Gaul comes from the French Gaulois(French)
Gaulois comes from Gaulish Galos/Gali(Strong one) which gave Gaillard in French btw
Galos/Gali comes from the Proto-Celtic Gal (Might, Strenght, Power)
You talk like you have a micropenis.
Do you normally get bullied for talking about historic peoples? It's okay, we're anonymous.
>t seems unlikely to me
I don't care what seems unlikely to you, it's a fact that the words are unrelated. The people of Roman Gallia wouldn't have called themselves "gaels" or any variant thereof anyway, they would have used the term "Roman".
Your quote says nothing about the origin of gaul you stupid ponce. It's talking about Gallia / Jaille, the origin of which is *gal-.
I'm just saying the sounds are related.
Gaul wasn't always Roman.
>gets BTFO
>I'm just saying the sounds are related.
They aren't, and your quote doesn't even claim they are.
>Gaul wasn't always Roman.
At the time when the Franks conquered it and began using the term "walhaz" to refer to the natives, it was Latin speaking and identified as Roman.
Its not remotely proper to say "Europe" and "celts" are the same. There were dozens if not hundreds of different peoples in Europe it just so happens the Celts were one of the most successful/widespread...besides "European" populations/culture got as far as India (Alexander/Successor States/Bactria)....Celts do not however
It uses Latin grammar and Latin words and even Latin phrases
its closer to Latin
It seems possible that the ethnic Celts living in Gaul would have continued to use "Gal" to describe their ethnicity even if they were Roman citizens which is why the Germanics chose that word. Either way I don't expect to convince you but it's fun to speculate about. Goodnight.
It might seem possible but we know they didn't. You realize they were literate, right? Also, walhaz doesn't begin with a g, that happened much later when the Franks adopted Latin and replaced their Germanic W's with G's (as in the name Guilleme, Germanic William)
>their Germanic
You mean their Celtic*
Fine one more post. I don't think we can speak with any degree of objective certainty about the linguistic subtleties of languages that haven't existed for almost a millennia and yes they were literate but just because Latin was the written language that tells us nothing about what they may have spoken among themselves.
Are you now claiming that the Franks didn't speak a germanic language? I'm done with you, you're obviously too stupid to believe.
>HURR I know we have written records that blow my theory out of the water but I choose to believe it anyway :^)
You are a true moron.
The celts were the Mesopotamians
Everything I just said is true