Why do the working class, blue collar laborers (miners, factory workers, construction) tend to support reactionism/nationalism?
Why do the working class, blue collar laborers (miners, factory workers...
Because they are the ones that would be paying for all the "progressive" liberal bullshit that the left wants to implement
You're being far too broad. The working-class is still the base of left-wing parties in most cuntries, and when it isn't it's almost never monolithically right-wing.
its because theyre dumb, not intellectuals like me who program apps
but for real it is because they do not have experience in the higher education system, which is wholly dominated by anti-traditionalist/nationalist thought
and furthermore they are bonded to their land than liberal cosmopolitans and have higher incentive to protect it from perceived or real threats
because white supremacy is less hostile to them than white collar supremacy.
*more bonded to their land
If you want to understand why there has been a tremendous swing to the right in the coalfields, it's worth exploring the dynamics of industrial disputes and organized labor. What's clear in retrospect is that tight labor markets in booming industries allow for a great degree of labor militancy and for labor issues to be placed at the forefront of the political discourse. When labor markets implode over long periods of time, leading to industrial decline, traditional labor issues become alien to the concerns of the public and solidarity/social trust is degraded. Generally speaking, deindustrialization has brought management and labor closer together, forcing the hand of organized labor and pushing it towards management. In periods of scarcity, labor's chief concern is to "save the furniture" by making concessions to corporations and by lobbying the government to use whatever mechanism is necessary to save jobs. Initially, unions blamed automation for mass layoffs and unemployed. After being bludgeoned by deindustrialization for a decade, unions shifted their stance so that there was a kind of "unity of interest" with management and this meant that unions began to lobby the government to reduce regulatory burdens on corporations and to create tariff barriers to protect industry.
In single-industry steel-producing communities, the finger was first pointed at multi-national corporations and management before it was pointed at foreigners.
In single-industry coal-producing communities, the finger was first pointed at ruthless coal barons before it was pointed at the EPA.
In America, right/conservative is usually considered as: less taxes, economic freedom, capitalism etc, they are mostly in for economic reasons. As for nationalism, they don't want to be replaced by cheaper labor force outside the US.
Capitalist class bla bla class continents bla bla neo-liberal think tanks bla bla 1st worldism bla. [Spoiler] burgers can't into class [\spoiler]
>In America, right/conservative is usually considered as: less taxes, economic freedom, capitalism etc,
It's clear from the success of Trump though that the working class prefers protectionism to economic freedom
this goes double for the boogie liberal central planners and social engineers thinking they are exempt and that it will turn out differently this time.
Because they don't want to be replaced by Guatemalans and have their daughters raped by Somalis.
Besides, they don't have money for Thai food or to hire a Filipina maid.
They support any populist flavor of the decade ideology. In years past they could be communist, social democrat, etc
Like free healtcare, making the rich pay more taxes and free education?
Because leftists don't have to suffer multiculturalism from their gated communities
Men like Bill Kristol who embody everything wrong about neo-cons made it clear that though the WWC would most definitely be losing, his ilk wouldn't care.
So they start voting according to their interests, just as Singapore warned.
Buchanon was right.
Because they realize that leftists would open the boarders, crashing any welfare state that they had built for the blue collar workers
people don't want to pay to keep niggers and spics alive and breeding. That's literally the only reason and anyone telling you otherwise is lying
Holy shit are americans right wingers this stupid?
>loving your people is stupid
By all means give a counter argument.
This. Immigration is quickly becoming the only political issue people are really concerned about. In poll after poll it is shown that a large majority of Americans want illegal immigration stopped but it never is. It's why trump won. He just picked up the thousand dollar bill he saw lying on the ground.
Nativism is for brainlets.
Why do Lilly white rich kids who never got their hands dirty for a day's pay in their life insist black people are gud bois who dindu nuffin and that the knuckle dragging factory workers of the world should be empowered to run society into the ground?
>Welfare state
>Open boarders
pick 1 and only 1
Only informed and detailed answer
Mind if they into your house then?
The left in America shows complete contempt for the working class anyway. Factory workers and tradesmen are portrayed as primitive cavemen by the liberal elite so it's pretty hard to trust them when they say the democrat party will help you, especially while they advocate for driving down wages though illegal immigration
A country is not a house.
>deflecting his question
haha you lost pal better luck next time
The Hatred the American left has for white men cannot be overstated, they have basically adopted a strategy of demonizing whites in order to acquire minority votes. The white working class has only two options. Not vote or vote for the capitalist party that doesn't hate them for thier race.
Oh m8
You just got schelockled.
Well, arguably yes, since most unskilled jobs have moved outside the US, that's were the whole nativist/nationalism comes from. Most voters don't care about social matters anyway. But the right here is usually associated with what I say on previous post. Neocons/liberals plague their respective parties.
You wouldn't have a house without a country.
Why do open borders fetishists never think this shit through?
You stupid uneducated piece of shits. Are you saying that a bunch of spic coming into your country are the cause of the dying of the working class? You think 3 carlos that don't even speak english are stealing your job? What about all the corporations that offshored their establishment? What about indebiting the shit out of you for college and studies? What about making those spics work, work for 2 dollars a day, because they cost less? On top of this put proibitive healtcare prices. But is the spics fault they control the economy!!!. Jesus fucking crist now I know why you elected a stupid fucking buissness man kike lover as a president
They want a strongman who appears in control and will tell people he will shepherd them
College only took me from liberal to nationalistic and fascist, and I graduated with a 3.7 in STEM with a poli-sci minor. The indoctrination is just as disgusting as that fed by the right. There is no "liberal" free thought in college, the only thing that goes is toeing the line. Many of my essays were written through neoliberal and progressive viewpoints while I gritted my teeth, because I didn't want to fail the opinion portion of them for having unacceptable opinions.
It didn't drive me away from my nationalist right wing beliefs, it formed and solidified them.
Nice anecdotal evidence. Sure convinced me.
>You think 3 carlos that don't even speak English are stealing your job?
>What about making those spics work, work for 2 dollars a day, because they cost less?
Honest question, do you realize you are contradicting yourself or do you have autism?
It wasn't always like this.
The left betrayed the workers.
>Why do the working class, blue collar laborers (miners, factory workers, construction) tend to support reactionism/nationalism?
Because they have spirit.
Yep, just like all the pre-election anecdotes by no means meant that people were actually going to jump ship and vote Trump.
I'm not trying to convince you of anything, just sharing how college affected me.
>The left betrayed the workers.
Socially speaking workers were always reactionary.
We don't fault the Mexicans, we fault the horrendous policy.
Undercut and stagnating wages?
Increased demand for services and work in the public and private sector with shrinking supply?
All a result of idiot policy.
>But is the spics fault they control the economy!!!
Are you a strawman? Nobody says that, we know that multinationals benefit from cheap labor that doesn't have to follow any form of Labor law, hence all the offshoring to foreign sweatshops.
Don't type like a retard as well!!!
>Many of my essays were written through neoliberal and progressive viewpoints while I gritted my teeth, because I didn't want to fail the opinion portion of them for having unacceptable opinions.
I know this feel too well, it's disconcerting to myself how well I can write their viewpoint as if it were my own. Whilst biting my tongue and holding myself back from the counter-arguments I already hold.
That they did.
The left has been hijacked by a bunch of bourgeoisie cosmopolitans who have everything purchased for them by their rich parents. Apparently supporting the right for men to cut their dicks off makes you leftist.
Do you realize that is not the spics fault if they want to work for 2 dollars but the guy who owns the establishment and who picks them?
The racial polarization of the political parties in America has begun. It's literally just the white party versus the anti white party at this point. All other debate about it is just clouding the real issue.
Someone post that picture of a horrified Stalin looking over his ideologies children.
Doubly funny when you consider what Stalin did, but now the ultimate insult.
A movement of sissies and the ultimate Bourgeois.
>Because leftists don't have to suffer multiculturalism from their gated communities
>Because they are the ones that would be paying for all the "progressive" liberal bullshit that the left wants to implement
>Because they don't want to be replaced by Guatemalans and have their daughters raped by Somalis.
>Because they realize that leftists would open the boarders, crashing any welfare state that they had built for the blue collar workers
Their arguments are so generic that it's easy to do, especially since I am a recovering progressive. Say x is offensive to y because a oppressed y with x.
I never said it was the spics fault, its big business's fault. The problem is that bussiness needs to be punished AND the boarders need to be closed.
The left wants open boarders and the right is unwilling to punish business for importing spic semi-slave labor.
If every nation is multicultural, does any nation have a culture?
>yfw in your lifetime you will witness all the the globe united under one (((multicultural))) consumerist MCculture
Doesn't the B in LGBT imply there are only two genders?
He could have stopped it. We didn't listen.
Rational self interest
Hitler has a great hand in it, don't make a hero out of him.
Oy vey Logic is a white supremacist construct goyem. Don't think with your mind think with your emotions.
He also could have not fucked up by overruling his generals and being high as fuck 24/7
At least he tried and lost instead of just committing suicide like modern day white countries are.
>Many of my essays were written through neoliberal and progressive viewpoints while I gritted my teeth, because I didn't want to fail the opinion portion of them for having unacceptable opinions.
what kind of shit tier liberal arts college did you go to?
>instead of just committing suicide
lad I don't know how to tell you this but...
Realized the irony of the metaphor immediately after I posted it
Shitload of nationalist propaganda targeting them specifically by upper classes to keep them occupied.
Allegheny College
Which branch of the upper class?
Why keep them occupied?
Just like the propaganda the dems flash at minorities. Divide and conquer.
So they can keep reaming us. If you divide the plebs to think they are being fucked by the other side, they will never come together as one united front.
Who is us?
>one united front
Are you a socialist or communist by any chance?
Reddit thread.
Working class people aren't indolent bourgeois people (who created and masturbated over retarded '''''economic''''' theories). They don't like the weird perversions of the bourgeois elite that informs communism. They don't agree implicitly with the anti-Human grey mass globalism. They like their traditions, their ethnicity, their race, their culture, their ancestors. They don't want to be further deracinated and turned into economic units on a bureaucrat's duty roll. Marxists will never win because ultimately their ideology is founded upon the bourgeois decadence and material abundance that they cry about so much.
Marxists are the actual stereotype of the bourgeoisie. Lazy, greedy, hypocritical, and smear their self-interest with moralistic pretension.
Good post.
I just realized that all of the self proclaimed anarchists/communists/socialists I know are rich, educated, whites
Because they actually have to earn their money, it's easier for miner to visualize 100$ he will have to pay in tax so tyrone can have (((free))) healthcare and (((free))) food coupons than some faggot watching anime in office, and so it's harder for them to part with that money.
Now you're catching on.
For bonus points, what job did Karl Marx have to support himself whilst writing Das Kapital?
Working class isn't very smart, it's why they are blue collar.
They just do what they are ordered and believe what they are told.
It's literally 2017 and normalfags still watch television. That says enough.
Check out George Orwell's book "Road to Wigan Pier". Especially at the end, he writes why working class people tend to not like socialism
>The first thing that must strike any outside observer is that Socialism, in its developed form is a theory confined entirely to the middle classes. The typical Socialist is not, as tremulous old ladies imagine, a ferocious-looking working man with greasy overalls and a raucous voice. He is either a youthful snob-Bolshevik who in five years’ time will quite probably have made a wealthy marriage and been converted to Roman Catholicism; or, still more typically, a prim little man with a white-collar job, usually a secret teetotaller and often with vegetarian leanings, with a history of Nonconformity behind him, and, above all, with a social position which he has no intention of forfeiting. This last type is surprisingly common in Socialist parties of every shade; it has perhaps been taken over en bloc from. the old Liberal Party. In addition to this there is the horrible — the really disquieting — prevalence of cranks wherever Socialists are gathered together. One sometimes gets the impression that the mere words ‘Socialism’ and ‘Communism’ draw towards them with magnetic force every fruit-juice drinker, nudist, sandal-wearer, sex-maniac, Quaker, ‘Nature Cure’ quack, pacifist, and feminist in England.
The modern world makes no sense.
Capitalists, who should logically support free trade across nations and free migration for cheaper labor and more customers, tend to be the most nationalist and xenophobic.
Socialists, who should support more tight-knit and homogeneous communities so they can effectively collectivize the economy, and not allow in too many people to reduce the value of labor, tend to be the most supportive of globalism and multiculturalism.
It just makes no sense at all. Politics in 2017 is so fucking weird.
Yeah, they also supported each of their countries in WWI, and not forming an international coalition against capitalists or something, like Marx predicted.
They are mostly uneducated and backwards thinking. Not that it is a bad thing, they just need to be guided down the correct path.
It's more nuanced than that, but I agree that modern day politics has flipped on its head a bit.
Capitalists are divided in the neo-con/corp group, who support open borders and free trade for the reasons you prescribe.
But also into the Paleocon/Nu-right who think the economy is secondary to the needs of the nation. A dramatic rebuttal to the McCain or Kristol view of peoples being interchangable cogs with little division from swapping A for B.
The left has greatly disintegrated, the 'End of History' WE MEAN IT edition seems to be failing again. With the EU and neo-lib policies imploding. The old left Commies have either hopped aboard or as just softly offing themselves, the cosmopolitan left has all media influence but is obvious to everyone as an unsustainable social force.
better educated than 90% of humanity
[citation needed]
>The left has greatly disintegrated,
Litteraly this, but I can't undestand why. Was the hijacking from the radicals? Will the left come back good all days style and start gulaging the shit out of these neo liberals?
Big business IS America
Whats good for our economy is good for the country
>making the rich pay more taxes
This has never happened in the US and never will happen. Increases in taxes are always offset by built-in tax loopholes written by lawmakers who's campaign s are funded by the rich. The middle and lower classes who can't afford to buy politicians are the only ones that pay, and even they usually don't, hence the 20 trillion dollar debt.
No, if they win then the USA will go the way of Brazil, or Venezuala at worst. And Europe will go the way of the Balkans at best, or Rhodesia at worst.
And the only good part of a Communist takeover is watching the machine eat the useful idiots.
>multinationals have any loyalty to the nation-state or its people
r u serious m8?
Top kek
China's economy relies on sweatshops.
They have a growing middle class, but at what cost to themselves and their culture?
When did I say anything about them being loyal to the state or the people? The more money they make, the better it is for us.
You are the single most jewish poster I've ever encountered on Veeky Forums
>The more land and slaves the senators have, the better it is for all Romans!
it is not reimbursed to the public it remains theirs because they can afford the lawyer welfare to retain it.
Many know fuck all about history, politics, or culture but rightwing topics get spread around their milieu in many ways like on the radio on the way to work or through the affiliates of the companies they work in coming around who are often tied to conservative politics. It's doesn't take much effort to convince a few to support you during election cycles and with a small amount of people they can build a dedicated following.
Because they don't want you to be a bad disobedient worker.
>free college
>free healthcare
>hehe let's just make it free guys
>like, why pay for it when it could just be FREE?
Why stop there? Why not make everything free? Outlaw money, burn it all.
Why don't you discuss the pros and cons of universalized public services and means testing rather than make strawmen?