How the fuck such unfonded and ignorant cospiracy theory/meme is taken seriously today?
Cultural Marxism
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Fascists are militant social collectivists who are obsessed with sex/reproduction/race issues and operate conspiratorially in politics - so, in order to make themselves seem credible, they always have to find enemies that they can portray as being even more threateningly collectivist, obsessed with sex/reproduction/race issues, and conspiratorial than they themselves are. And if such enemies do not exist, fascists will invent them. Fascism requires a certain kind of narrative to sustain its own emotional thrust - the nation is surrounded by enemies and in danger, society is crumbling and needs revival, and so on. Of course fascists are no better than the enemies they supposedly fight, but stupid people get sucked into the narrative just like they get sucked into cults like Scientology or Bolshevism.
Because anyone paying attention can tell that the left lost the economic argument when the Soviet Union fell and are now attempting to implement a new type of relativism that is based on uniting "oppressed" minority groups with different interests against the one common enemy of western civilization.
Instead of the capitalists, its traditional white culture, instead of the proletariat it's anyone who's brown or a sexual deviant
Mods, please clean up these reddit raid threads. He's spamming hard. Redditors go home.
>u n i t i n g
Nigger do you not actually pay attention to the nightmare menagerie of leftist creeds and how they all hate each other and never cooperate?
I'm not saying it works. Only that that is the strategy.
It's like you didn't even read his post!
It's amazing you managed to learn to operate a computer.
I don't particularly like the term "Cultural Marxism", but what else would you call today's left bullshit flavor of Gramscian Marxism mixed with Post-Structuralism?
>Gramscian Marxism mixed with Post-Structuralism
What did you mean by this?
>Posting on Veeky Forums is somehow indicative of the ability to operate a computer
This is news to me, to be honest. Phones hardly count as computers. Odds are that that faggot is running Windows 98 on his mother's microwave out of basement somewhere.
Neo-social liberalism.
Would gulag them too desu
You know, that sort of 'wah wah give me hegemony or I'll replace your social construct with my own without your consent wah wah what do you mean I'm just intimidating people and not making good arguments, fuck you wah wah welfare state is the end of history wah wah I love the WTO wah wah' retardation that defines everything between Jacobin and the New York Times.
The idea of cultural marxism predates the term and silly conspiracy theory, actually. The nazi party called it cultural bolshevism, and it certainly had validity insofar as it seemed the soviets had some funny ideas of social organization of the family unit and sexuality and such, at least compared to the ideal social organization envisioned by the nazi party.
These days? Someone going on about cultural marxism and secret plotting by Adorno only display how far we of the right have fallen intellectually.
Stop using words you don't know the meaning of.
Marx didn't fight for anything, he was a NEET who literally never held a job in his life and treated most of his intellectual followers with palpable contempt
doesn't cultural marxism just refer to materialism and atheism and that kind of stuff?
more or less
Jewish culture
Adorno secretly wrote about weaponising trannies to to bring about the destruction of the white race.
It was somewhere in between him masturbating over the classics and complaining about how modern society is degenerate.
"Particularly" means something like "specially" or "specifically".
You're missing the forest for the trees. Yeah, those groups squabble and whine and snipe at each other but virtually every single one of them - through one vector or another and with massive and usually intentional overlap [see: "intersectionality"] - use historic materialism and/or other Marxist or Marx-derived derived methodologies to target what could be (for lack of a better term and the sake of brevity) "traditional western civilization". That is the uniting factor. Cultural Marxism does not mean DUDE MARX SAID THAT ALL WHITE PEOPLE ARE RACIST LMAO, it is simply the application of Marxist and Marxist-derived methodology in the field of social sciences. Getting bogged down with word games, "no true Marxism" and other silliness is just an attempt to dodge the very tangible (and at this point downright aged) aged and very documented practice of Marxists and others of similar persuasion taking the same philosophical wrecking balls to human history and interaction that they do to economics.
Leave Islam out of this!
Identity politics?
Even if this was true it is patently not Marxism.
OP, cultural Marxism is just a way for /pol/tards to criticize liberalism and associate it with spooky scary Soviets.
what the fuck
is that true
>Marxist and Marxist-derived methodology in the field of social sciences
confirmed for not knowing anything. Marxist methodology has utterly nothing to do with intersectionality. it's like saying nation of islam actually practices islam
Almost every single person who says it-s a conspiracy will agree that it is actually real (and maybe even agree with it) if you describe it without calling it "cultural marxism".
In other words, you're just complaining about semantics.
How exactly is it a conspiracy theory? Marxists have always stated that Western culture is what propagates capitalism (according to their definitions of course) and must be destroyed. And masculinity, whiteness, etc. are inherently tied to Western culture(s). So of course Marxists and their ideological descendants want to destroy the white race and masculinity.
no, but you pol tards fucking believe anything without sources
>How exactly is it a conspiracy theory? Marxists have always stated that Western culture is what propagates capitalism (according to their definitions of course)
100% false.
Base determines superstructure, with the latter being molded to reinforce the base. Furthermore "western culture" is not the only culture to do this. The whole world is capitalist.
>Almost every single person who says it-s a conspiracy will agree that it is actually real (and maybe even agree with it) if you describe it without calling it "cultural marxism".
Describe it then.
it's not really unfounded.
marxism- control of means to production
cultural marxism - concerned with equality and multiculturalism, also anti western society. cultural marxism is the degree to which the state structures social interaction.
or social relationships.
if you are interested in the right perspective on this this is a video:
Post-modern individualism.
>marxism- control of means to production
That's capitalism as well though.
liberal identity politics
as a supporter of socialism its really annoying to be lumped in with the same people who complain about anything even vaguely socialist as "class reductionist" and actively sabotaged a fucking barely left-of-centre socdem as being too out-of-touch, dated and soley focused on white people issues (see class).
>The concept of beauty of Nordic man
And pictured is a Mediterranean sculpture... Nordics, lmao.
Male G*rmanics need to be neutered so they can't reproduce. They're horrible monsters.
that's just a plebs anwser to modern art, kys
The term originates in Nazi Germany and was used to browbeat free thought and dissenters. Notice that most of the artists, philosophers, writers and composers they attacked weren't even Marxists or Jews.
>fighting anything
I'd love to know if there's ANY silver lining, anything redeemable about anything stemming from Marxism, critical theory, po-mo, poststructuralism, whatever the proper nomenclature is.
Anything worth saving. Because it sure seems like it's all irredeemable trash.
>Posting loaded questions on Veeky Forums instead of historical facts or arguments
You're making this board worse.
The majority of the modern left can't be described as liberal. The whole punching nazis and silencing whites thing is reminiscent of communists opposing ""counterrevolutionaries""
I don't think cultural Marxism is a spooky Jewish plot. I just think it's the best way to describe the weird oppression games the modern left is playing.
>The majority of the modern left can't be described as liberal.
Not liberal in the classical sense of course, but liberal in the American left sense.
i.e. an ardent defender of the status-quo who only supports change in the most inoffensive and superficial of ways. e.g. pronouns, word policing, bathrooms and shit like that. No genuine political organisation to actually liberate people.
The fact that these people are considered "radical" for their limp-wristed left-wing larping just shows, to me at least, how sheltered the modern right-wing is.
>I just think it's the best way to describe the weird oppression games the modern left is playing.
Except for its total opposition to class politics or total lack of interest of politics on a global scale. Look no further at how these supposed "leftists" reacted when people pointed out Clinton's foreign policy.
>I didn't fight for this bullshit
I don't think Marx fought for anything in his entire life, he leeched off his family and friends his entire life and led his own family into poverty as a result.
A pathetic human who came up with an ideology which revolves around commiserating and being pathetic.
He worked as a journalist. Read and wrote extensively every day and played a major role in the labor movements of his day.
Fucking burgers can never talk about the man they've never studied without having a triggered meltdown.
> I don't think Marx fought for anything in his entire life
that is where you are wrong kiddo
I like my 8-hour workdays
state control
Marx was a working journalist for large stretches of his life.
Since you're posting Moomin, I might remark that citizens of Nordic social democracies have enjoyed some of the highest quality of life in recorded history with the least crime and poverty. Too bad not even these societies are sustainable in the long term, since they are dependent on the taxation of quartal profits and therefore on the continually increasing combustion of fossil fuels.
Sure there is. Communism doesn't work as a political system, but Marxism does offer some valid critiques of the system that does work (capitalism), and historically Marxism has been an important factor in improving capitalism, adding more humane factors to it. The historical labor movement is one of the reasons why modern Western societies feature free markets plus social safety nets.
/leftypol/ pls go
>historical materialism doesn't real
>Marxist dialectic can't be applied anywhere but economics
>marx got into a fight by defending classical german culture
wew these cryptojews trying to subvert western culture sure act weird
That's not gommunism though
>Nigger do you not actually pay attention to the nightmare menagerie of leftist creeds and how they all hate each other and never cooperate?
This is true to a certain extent, but you're ignoring how the concept of intersectionality is currently in vogue among leftists and it's whole purpose is to unite "oppressed groups" against fucking white cishet males.
It just goes to show how radicalized Jews have become where at one point they at least acknowledged the greatness of European civilization even if they wanted to change to becoming full blown europhobes who want open borders.
More like it shows how anything can fit into the conspiracy.
I want Google's shills to LEAVE