Did the world actually go downhill for a while after Rome fell?

Did the world actually go downhill for a while after Rome fell?

nah that's just correlation

real cause of the downhill were all the Steppe fuckers


everything that comes from there are nothing but trouble for everyone

Also yes

A lot of early western medieval history is people playing catch up to what was lost from the classical period. This can be seen in the degradation of Latin and Art.

Though I argue that happened DURING Rome's time in the crisis of the third century

>the entire world is 1 country
>this country's government gets fucc

It's not that hard to figure out why things went so less-than-stellar between 500 and 1300. Also the byzantine empire was the most beta empire in history and they were completely unable to restore order in yurop.

It's a myth to go along with the myth of progress. 'Progress' history needs some big downfall to compensate from.

While the 'civilized' people wrote down laws, steppe people and tribes invented the rule of law in general.

Carolingian art is more advanced than ancient art and Latin reached its highest point. No one was playing 'catch-up' in any way.

Huns ruined the west

Mongols ruined the east

Roaches ruined the center

Steppes, not even once

Define "fall"

For around 100 years after western Rome "fell" in 476 AD barbarians ruled like they were Roman emperors and day-to-day life didn't change much. It wasn't until Justinian's reconquest that things started to go to absolute shit.

wtf is the second letter in that??

The fall of Rome was the culmination, not the beginning, of a great decline.


No, Rome was not "the world"

Dark ages, basically barbarians from the north overtook a weakened Rome and created a flash of chaos.

Then fastforward a few hundred more years and Islam (basically barbarians 2.0) took over the raping and pillaging game.

Not until Charlemagne does the West Recover, and only recovers thanks to the Catholic church cultivating and preserving all ancient/classical knowledge which the west began to harvest under the comparably stable times.

Christian dark ages my ass

This. Shit had been going downhill for a while by the time Rome got sacked.

Both of the persons are European...

made your Indian look more indian

>Carolingian art is more advanced than ancient art


I'm inviting examples


The dark ages were already well underway. Society continued to progress and adapt to change as it always has.

The church destroyed about 90% of classical books which did not agree with its dogma.
If it was in the business of preserving stuff.europe would have still had that greek computer

It never recovered.

horse fuckers, sand niggers, africans and roma people

Urban populations collapsed as the infrastructure to maintain them vanished.

Juleii to constantine just in time to hinge power through the church to then Clovis through barbarossa. The eventual world order restablisation taking great global powers of Iberia on water, Germany and France on land, and england and dutch somewhere inbetween. That Germany took a thousand years to eventually be conquered proper

Yes. But in some areas it wasn't that harsh, and in others it was terrible. e.g. compare Gaul to Britain, or the Mediterranean basin to Pannonia.

Its another LARPing "Lets romanticize Rome beyond a sane measure" thread that will inevitably turn into /pol/ tier content.