How can we make Veeky Forums better?
inb4 threads get deleted
jesus christ find an op image that doesnt set off my autism
Ban all roaches and catholicucks
Ban Holocaust denial threads so they will stop wasting everyone's time.
Is there any way to force /pol/ into from where it came?
You can make /pol/ have a cooldown on other boards.
Whenever you make a post on /pol/, you are banned from posting on other boards for 30 minutes. Also these don't stack, so its never more than 30 minutes.
Remove &Humanities and ship them back to Veeky Forums and /pol/
Or add a more rigid guidelines as to what "&Humanities" means in the rules thread.
>multiple threads about exactly the same topic being deleted
>WW 2 general
>Hitler/nazi/jews general or better yet, keep that shit in /pol/
>25 years rule enforced
>seperate board for "And Humanities" (though I dont think its that much of a problem anymore then it used to be)
>actual at least one or two mods being active sometime
>somehow trying to not have most history threads die with 2-5 replies among a flood of shitposting; not sure though how this can be done though
>somehow trying to get people with expertise or actual interest in history back to raise the level of discussion at least a tiny bit
Meh, this board is a lost cause tbqh
>How can we make Veeky Forums better?
Remove the "...&Humanities" cancer, Humanities can go back to Veeky Forums.
Also actual moderation, so that threads that would get deleted even from /pol/ don't stick around for hours.
Ban all Anglos, Frogs, G*rmans, Commes, Stormfags, Turks, Polocks and fedora tippers.
Can we just make /rel/ board for all larpers here?
Ban good goy threads so they will stop wasting everyone's time.
I just realized this will be the first summer Veeky Forums has ever had, there is a very real chance it will not survive the influx
Only the biggest few boards get more traffic.
>&Humanities scapegoat
>/pol/ boogeyman
Just have mods actually reinforce the rules.
And Veeky Forumsterics should stop replying and instead report all troll and bait threads.
Stop bumping the "Why did Africa.." thread with 200 replies.
I think perhaps the autistic screeching can all well go to its own board, that includes religion trolls and you damnable atheists
>see garbage thread
>hide and report it
>next day at the office check Veeky Forums
>thread still alive, 250+ replies
it doesn't work
Reporting threads makes no difference at all.
Remember the glorious Anaconda threads from last weekend? Every single one would have survived. There are no mods here
>Just have mods actually reinforce the rules.
This needs to happen.
Delete Veeky Forums. It's a cesspool of Veeky Forums's worst leftist trash.
Honestly we should just get rid of Veeky Forums altogether. That would save us many hours of pain.
ok honest question; is this possible? can anyone explain the downside to this?
>ok honest question; is this possible?
Seems very easy to do. When you submit a post on /pol/, ban the user for 30 minutes. Like 2 lines of code, the ban functionality already exists.
>can anyone explain the downside to this?
People who post on multiple boards, one of which is /pol/, won't like it. Thats probably a large portion of the userbase.
Come on. Kids these days have the internet with them everywhere. There's no point about bitching about summer.
they would see the ban notification though, and then go off on a frustrating rage spree about "ideological warfare"
I agree with other anons, mods and janitors need to actually do their jobs and delete shitty bait threads
You misunderstand, this is the first summer with r/the_donald
Why does the anti whitre left want Veeky Forums to be their safespace?
Can you fuck off already? Why do you think that everyone who is sick of /pol/fags spamming their memes are, in fact, /leftypol/ users?
>sick of /pol/fags spamming their memes
Are the ultra SJW leftypol memes more your style, SJW?
Wow, that sure is a convincing argument. You've figured it out, buddy. I'm definitely a SJW who is looking to destroy DA WHITE CHRIS-CHAN CIVILIZAYSHUN
How about no memes from either side?
without /pol/ ≠ safe space
because you get your safespace.
Why does leftypol want am anti white safespace?
/pol/ isn't pro-white, user
leftypol is 100% anti white
designated shitposting thread for typical /pol/ topics, perhaps a sticky covering
1: reasons for the great divergence
2: why africa didn't develop
3: the holocaust
4: wealthy jews
and more
regulars stop getting baited and triggered so easily and focus on comfy discussions
a clarification on "humanities", it does not mean talking about people in the present like leftist protestors, it is about ideas.
Enforce the fucking rules. It's usually obvious when someone shitposts on Veeky Forums yet all the shit threads get 250+ replies.
Didn't it go private or some shit?
Can we word filter "Greatest Story Ever Told," to "I'm an actual retard guys!"
What is that image from?
In my head this has been true for a long time.
This but put & Humanities in Veeky Forums
>Greatest Story Ever Told
Um, why? It's just a movie about Jesus. Do people use it to justify something or what?
Ban any post 1914 history.
This. Not just Veeky Forums but every board will benefit.
Racebait threads should be deleted on sight
I just want to say that I think Veeky Forums has reached a good equilibrium where both /pol/ and /leftypol/ views are represented but neither dominates.
You might say that this causes "debate" here to degenerate into autists screeching the same talking points at each other ad nauseum, but hey, at least it's not an echo chamber.
Don't you mean Greatest Story Never Told?
/pol/ is an embarrassment to the white race, and I'm not even talking about racism.