Is solitary confinement unethical? Why do most people do terrible in solitary confinement?
Solitary confinement
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>Is solitary confinement unethical?
Yes. It's basically a form of cruel and unusual punishment.
>Why do most people do terrible in solitary confinement?
Because humans are social beings. A social being can be destroyed by taking away its social relationships.
But if an inmate is a danger to other inmates and guards, why should he be allowed to wander freely in general population?
Obviously they should not. Solitary confinement as it is usually applied comprises more than that, however, and is commonly used as a punishment.
If you are acting up in prison, what should the punishment be? Getting the shit beat out of you by guards? Taking away commissary only works for so long. Defiant inmates compromise the safety of guards, who are more often than not out numbered.
What about pedophiles and child murdereres? Putting them in general population would be dangerous to their own safety. Why shouldn't they be put in 23 hour lockdown for their own safety?
What if?
We put a social animal in solitary confinement?
All Americans prisons do is make better criminals.
When you put a really fucked up one in solitary they get even more fucked up.
It's fucking brilliant.
Take a petty criminal and put them in general population and they will graduate to felonies.
Take a felon and put them in solitary and they will graduate to being a serial killer.
Then we'll let them all out onto the streets where they commit new crimes and we'll wonder why the fuck they don't magically become productive citizens.
American prisons are criminal colleges.
They teach you how to be a better criminal.
Petty criminals rarely go upstate for long term prison sentences. You have to really fuck up to keep racking up misdemeanors and a judge decides to send you upstate for hard time. At least here in Florida.
>What about pedophiles and child murdereres? Putting them in general population would be dangerous to their own safety. Why shouldn't they be put in 23 hour lockdown for their own safety?
>23 hour lockdown
I don't know what exactly you mean by this, but as I said, solitary confinement as it is usually applied comprises sensory deprivation and complete deprivation of human contact. These are not needed to protect anyone.
Whatever the punishment for misbehavior should be, it shouldn't amount to torture, as solitary confinement does.
look, all reports from ''patients'' form these places in liberal societies show how it is awful, between the crazies, the lack of money to fulfill the desire of liberals to confine the crazies, the lack of cares of the liberals working there.
the easiest way to go there is to claim to some ER doctor to be suicidal, then to agree to everything those liberals/doctors say. then good look luck getting out of there.
Pedophiles and child murderers are usually bullied in prison by other inmates. They are often separated from other inmates in general population for their own safety and spend their time in solitary as well.
If you are violent toward other inmates, or defiant toward guards (which often times lead to riots) why take that risk and leave them in general population? Especially with someone serving a life sentence?
Not this meme again
FYI, Oz is not realistic
Stoners and scammers aren't going to the same prisons as mass murderers and drug lords
Do you even read my posts? Segregated housing does not necessarily equal solitary confinement.
Not necessarily, but more often than not, the pedophilles are kept in solitary. It's the safest place for them. Why should they be placed in general population, or segregated housing where there is still high risk for them? Most segregated units are for open homosexuals and trannies. No one wants them around.
In my state pedos have their own facility. Generally speaking pedos view children as you or I would view a woman. In that they actually believe that the child is coming on to them. Pedophelia isn'tsomething that can just be erased away with a prison sentence, it is an underlying mental issue. In addition pedos and murderers have the lowest recitivism rates out of all offenders. Solitary is a short term solution to a long term problem, prison does not act as an agent of change. Any programs that are put in place such as GED or work training programs are either underfunded or non existentent. Education is the only proven deterrent of recidivism yet it is rare in prison. I could keep going on but this is already a paragraph. In the United States at least prisons are a 200 plus year failed reform movement.
Link and pic very much related
>After 30 days, the "total isolates", as they were called, were found to be "enormously disturbed". After being isolated for a year, they barely moved, did not explore or play, and were incapable of having sexual relations. When placed with other monkeys for a daily play session, they were badly bullied. Two of them refused to eat and starved themselves to death.
That experiment was monstrous. No being should be put through such suffering.
Read "Acres of skin" if you want to know how prisons work.
Poor monkeys
replace american prisons with work camps
>Not necessarily, but more often than not, the pedophilles are kept in solitary.
Hume's guillotine. This discussion is about what should happen, not what actually happens. Child abusers could also be segregated without the extreme deprivation of solitary confinement.
If a prisoner if routinely a threat to other inmates or guards, or continues to run a murderous enterprise outside the prison through intermediaries, and punishment doesn't work a panel should be able to sign off and then the threat is taken outside, knelt, and dispatched with one quick bullet to the head.
Problem solved, no need for torture.
Edgy. I'd like to preserve both the lives of those prisoners and the Rechtsstaat even if it makes prisoner management somewhat more difficult.
Solitary confinement ? Unethical ? I've been practicing it for years.
Because you are trapped with yourself. You are your worst enemy.
I recently quit my job as a correctional officer. I worked at a state prison for 5 years, 2 of which were in maximum security. prisons are slowly starting to phase out solitary confinement. It makes already violent people more violent. I saw 5 attempted suicides in solitary where prisoners would get a hold of a razor blade and start cutting themselves.
One kid hung himself 4 days after being let go out from solitary confinement period of 250 days. Solitary is terrible for the human mind. Any chance a criminal might have at rehabilitation gets thrown away when you place them in solitary. Toward the end of my star in maximum security, when working the solitary cells I would try to bring the guys books and talk to them, even it was for 4 seconds. They still tried to fling feces at me, but after a certain point I couldn't blame them. I would rather beat the shit out of a guy than send his ass to solitary, and would always try to talk my supervisors to convince them to let certain guys not go into solitary. Before I quit, the prison adapted a policy of only allowing a prisoner to spend 15 days at the most in solitary confinement. It just doesn't work.
The main problem with solitary is how little space you have, and how little intellectual stimulation you have, not the loneliness.
You can give them a million books to read on an open pasture and they will still go crazy.
You can take the most regular, upstanding person ever.
When you lock them up in a place the size of a king sized bed with literally nothing, they are going to go insane.
Yeah, being alone for long periods of time might make you a bit quirky, but it's manageable.
Lots of people have done it.
>Common sense practicality is now edgy and psychopaths have value to society.
>Preserving a constitutional state and Enlightenment ethics both run counter to "common sense"
Good thing we are not governed by this "common sense" of yours, then.
He is not wrong.
People can sit in jail for years before sentence, and they mingle with the local in for 30 days or less. They all have connections on the outside to the guy who is going away for 10 years as soon as they are released for that minor charge.
t. corrections
shut the fuck up for a second you don't get it or you're intentionally missing the point.
I'm not that guy, and clearly he's far more polite than I am. What is being implied here is that you do not have to put them in a literal torture chamber to separate them if they are a threat. It is not ethnical to use a literal torture chamber as punishment for crimes, nor is it necessary. They do not need to be put under the conditions they are put under, there is a spectrum here and you're ignoring the other obvious implication that there is somehow no other options, you ask, "what else do we do with them?" and when given an answer you go right back to assuming there is no other option. People that argue like this piss me the fuck off. Seriously kill yourself.
Furthermore it is not ethical to socially deprive a tranny or homosexual and subject them to the special conditions under the law, this goes against the constitution. The prison system is extremely corrupt and there is nothing ethical or justified about it. Needs full-fledged reform, but it won't happen because everyone knows they don't actually give a shit about human beings or their mental health and just want free labor slaves. Kind of like how you don't give a shit, so you post in defense of clearly corrupt things because you idolize with their cheeky little schemes and LARP as a big shot business guy on Veeky Forums even though you're just some nerd trying to be a contrarian.
The prison system is currently violating the constitution, and nobody is doing anything about it because it's just a piece of paper and it only matters if someone is willing to enforce it. Everyone in power that could do something about it has so far decided to take the money instead. Completely corrupt, we've literally privatized incarceration and slavery. Don't get caught smoking weed or the feds get another slave, remember kids!
Send u up the road.
>Because humans are social beings
It's mostly the sheer lack of anything to do at all. Without stimuli, its punitive sensory deprivation. I'm a reclusive weirdo with no friends, but I'm merely depressed.
So if man commits 4murders wile incarnated, what should be done with him? If an inmate has demonstrated that every chance they get they will commit violence on a guard , inmate, or worse yet, have gang members on the outside commit murders on your behalf, why would you not separate them from everyone? What would your solution be for inmates like pic related?
Homosexuals and trannies aren't placed into solitary, I was saying that no one in prison wants the pedophilles and child killers near them. Sorry if you misunderstood. I agree with everything you sad about the system itself. I'm specifically talking about solitary confinement. But seriously, in this day and age no one goes to prison for smoking weed. Get this libshit bleeding heart myth out of your head. I got caught smoking while I was driving and got a $100 ticket.
If I ever go to prison, my strategy is to explain to the guards how socially inept I am and hopefully get to spend the entire time in solitary confinement. I imagine I'm not the only one who's had this idea.
Try harder. You gotta keep getting into fights until they decide fuck you go to solitary good luck it's shit. No, you won't be able to read or write ,you will lose your commissary privileges, you wont be able to make phone calls or receive letters. It's fucking terrible.
t. Spent 35 days in solitary confinement in county jail on a bogus attempted murder charge.
So did you get convicted or was that overturned or dropped
Most people have a need to seek out stimuli or else they shut down.
There are however some "disorder" where people can thrive off of solitude. "Disorders" like Schizoid types thrive in solitude and are the opposite of most people, as they do not seek external stimuli.
>Yes. It's basically a form of cruel and unusual punishment.
Does that mean it's cruel and unusual that no one wants to be my friend and/or date me? I'm being serious, by the way.
I won't deny that being alone all my life has fucked me up in an irreparable way, but I don't have sympathy for a fucking convict that gets put in time out for just a few days or weeks. I could do time in "solitary confinement" no problem.
if you learn to meditate, it is perfect.
if you can't meditate, your neurosis will consume your sanity over time.
making someone slowly go insane seems somewhat cruel and unethical, yeah.
You think being on the internet and interact with hundreds of people and unending audio/video content is the same as solitary confinement in an actual prison? Like, how much of a narcissist are you honestly..
Charges dropped.
Yes I would just read books and do push ups
dumbass you don't get books in solitary, they specifically withhold "privileges" aka basic human needs. You'd be in there going crazy like the rest of us.
Gotta love when 14 year olds from reddit say dumb shit though, always funny.
It was a joke senpai
Slavery of prisoners is legal in the constitution and without it being so a punishment of community service would not be legal. Mass incarceration for purposes of slavery is a perverse incentive of the system and labor should only be used by the state. The prison system and criminal law has a lot of issues but community service is a useful punishment it out can be done inserted of imprisonment.
people can go insane from normal jail too tho. should we avoid any punishment for that? it's the reasons jails are there after all, we say re-education but it's more like forcing behaviour by pain and fear. "i know this will happen if i do this, so i wont do it even if i want it badly"
No you haven't if you come here you idiot
>what should the punishment be?
Something more along the line of correctional rather than a punitive response. It seems the only convicts that typically gain access to correctional programs are the ones who aren't all that maladjusted anyways, while the people that really are fucked up are just thrown in a box until their time is up.