How can Christians justify natalism? According to their logic, this is what they are doing to the people they conceive.
How can Christians justify natalism? According to their logic, this is what they are doing to the people they conceive
Fuck off back to r9gay or reddit you absolute turdmuncher
"Go forth and multiply and cover the earth."
Some people take God's orders seriously, some don't.
Here's what you don't know. If you and a child were killed in that accident, the child would go to heaven.
You? Not if the accident were yesterday.
No you idiots, I'm talking about Christian eschatology. How much of an asshole do you have to be to think people are automatically born in rebellion to a limitless and wrathful God and think it would be a good idea to put someone else in that situation. Your defense is a specific instruction given to the only two men who could populate the earth. If you actually read the new testament and observed the teachings of the apostles, you'd see marriage is only regarded as the appropriate outlet for lustful desire and that they, especially John call on the church to remain celibate. And as a matter of fact if you believe the tribulation is soon by reproducing you are actually directly disobeying God.
"And woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck in those days!"
Matthew 24:19
God doesn't care if there are 7 billion or 7 billion and one people. Of course if Adam and Noah hadn't reproduced there would have been no people. There is no such risk today.
Oh, that's how.
Then I guess my Christian parents willingly screwed me.
I don't understand why you'd force someone into the world full of pain and suffering as a result of "free will" when they'll just be cursed with original sin for being born
That's a good point. Indeed, logically speaking if you believe in Christianity you should be able to imagine throwing a wrench in God's plan by the whole human race refusing to reproduce. It would cause some sort of determination of the scheduling of the eschaton.
Christians don't want to throw wrenches into God's plan though. That's just dirty gnostics.
>Christians don't want to throw wrenches into God's plan though.
Yes, but they should. The God of the Bible is a monstrous psychopath who, if it was real, would deserve to be opposed by all righteous people.
Who are you to judge God? There is NONE righteous but him
>The God of the Bible is a monstrous psychopath
Not strictly correct, God's character morally develops throughout the Bible
t. Jung
good cannot exist if no sapient beings exist
>God is murderous psychopath.
Dude how would you prescribe human moral compulsions to a literally infinitely powerful being?
god has a higher death toll than hitler + stalin
prove me wrong
because according to my understanding that is the only possible conclusion. Its like asking me why I don't think he looks like a Dachshund or why I don't think there are 5 of him.
Let's stop and think
>Superficial charm
>Arrogance and inflated sense of self worth
>Easily bored
>Incapable of remorse
>Emotionally shallow
You're right. Nice masonic dubs.
How are the parents responsible for their kids sins? In fact , according to the Bible its the opposite way around.
be fruitful
got ya covered family
Christians can bring forth God to this world.
ablublublublu ububub ppl i dont like r mean
Fucking Letzter Mensch
abububub im smerter than an infinite being
None of those points are correct, nor determining of morality.
>give succ