>lies about wanting to keep USA out of the war
>sends material aid to Britain
>even sends American destroyers to escort their convoys
>gets butthurt when a German U-Boat attacks them
what was his fucking problem?
Lies about wanting to keep USA out of the war
Other urls found in this thread:
He had polio.
It was for the greater good.
i still dont understand
>dumb gooks attack USA
>britain is LARPing in africa and losing while isolated in an island
>greatest war is happening in the east
Sinking American ships is an act of war against, regardless of the reason for doing it.
If those ships are aiding your enemy, then there's literally no reason not to sink them.
Doesn't matter. If you attack any American ship, for any reason whatsoever, you'll suffer the consequences of your stupidity.
But the US didn't enter the second war because of German U-boats, it entered because of Pearl Harbor.
How can stupid Amerifats recover?
Germany declared war on America.
He was America's first fascist President
Foreign aid, sadly
Does that make it any less of an act of war?
FDR was a Champagne Socialist. He hated fascism and loved communism. He knew the sanctions on Japan would lead to conflict. He knew the attack on pearl harbor was coming. He wanted it all to happen to get Casus Belli to wage war on fascism. Japan was always a secondary concern to him.
So what you're saying is, Democrats were the bad guys back then. Why didn't people vote for the Republican party, why'd they have to vote for Faggot Dildo Roosevag?
previous president, hoover, was a republican. the depression started during hoover, and his policies made things worse.
FDR pops in as a democrat and like a good socialist says the government can fix it all by giving poor people money.
>He knew the sanctions on Japan would lead to conflict
He put sanctions on Japan because they were literally raping China.
>He knew the attack on pearl harbor was coming
The entire USN knew it was coming, the only question was when.
And where. One of the reasons that the carriers weren't at Pearl Harbor when the Japanese struck is they were delivering aircraft to bases that were considered more likely to come under assault; Wake Island and another base I'm blanking on.
Eternal anglo
He wasn't an Anglo
who were the others?
Because japs bombed them
>and his policies made things worse.
Not really, they just didn't make things any better (although neither did FDR's). The War brought the USA out of the depression.
>war brings usa out of depression
>FDR lays out the ground work for revitalisation of industry,agriculture and infrastructure improvements
>brings US closer to war to fully utilise industry
Was he a genius?
You're a dumb retarded numbnuts.
Could FDR sell an european war to congress had Hitler not declared war?
>>FDR lays out the ground work for revitalisation of industry,agriculture and infrastructure improvements
FDR had no knowledge of economics and had absolutely no idea what he was doing during the Depression.
>What is Israel paying the United States money for damages
It's okay to see the truth once in a while, user.
>what was his fucking problem?
Literally Hitler.
>let me shoot your son in the face
>woops sorry I thought he was an Arab
>here are some shekels to make you feel better
I bet your wife left you for another man because you were a pathetic role model for her son
Pearl Harbor was a false flag
The attack was not; the "surprise" element may have been.
>omg why would they lie to the people thats so wrong
Literally pleb tier thinking. It's totally ok if a country lies to the populace to protect it's interests
Why would the United States NOT support the nation who shares their language and is absolutely crucial to America's trans-atlantic trade?
The eternal German was his problem.
So the new deal and all the other stuff was a fluke huh? Want to source that?
It wasn't a fluke, it was a disaster.
Would you care to explain how it was a disaster? And cite?