How did Germany produce many great scientist during the National Socialist era? Was it their IQ or could it be the government they were under?
How did Germany produce many great scientist during the National Socialist era...
Here we go again
Name somee of those great Nazi scientists, since from what i know Hitler prevented three scientists from claiming their prize (Gerhard Domagk, Richard Kuhn and Adolf Butenandt).
i meant to put *their nobel prize
What great scientists? Hell, the Nazis were technologically behind the Western Allies in pretty much everything except for jet engines (tiny, 8 month lead) and rocketry (where they did admittedly have a large lead). When you weigh that against all the advantages the Allies held in things like radar, conventional engines, electronics, factory assembly, and oh yeah, the atomic fucking bomb; they were pretty primitive.
its a well known fact that the Nazis got their tech from aliens
>How did Germany produce many great scientist during the National Socialist era?
Like literally who?
I can only think of von braun , I know a lot of Nazi scientists went to America after the war .
I don't think they were outstandingly ahead of the world though
>How did Germany produce many great scientist during the National Socialist era?
They did?
Wehrner Von Braun admitted this.
War economy. US started making advanced shit as soon as it hit the war too.
Also plundering other states. For instance, their first diesel electric sub design was based from captured Dutch prototypes
Also t. /pol/beard
Help that was not of this world.
>Germany produce many great scientist during the National Socialist era?
They didn't. Germany was the world center of science and technology before the Nazis came to power, and the Nazis ruined that forever. So, the opposite of what you said.
US and Soviets hired or threatened many scientists, engineers, etc to join them. Operation Paperclip/Osoaviakhim
German scientists were ahead on rocketry, and aeronautics; however they also had some research on medicine, electronics, and physics.
I hate to admit it, but krauts are talented people. As to the NSDAP itself, I assume they sponsored every war effort that could give them leverage, for instance their own Manhattan Project
>German scientists were ahead on rocketry, and aeronautics; however they also had some research on medicine, electronics, and physics.
You'll find that basically all those people were educated during the Weimar Republic era of German history. The Nazi Party didn't "produce" those people, it merely took advantage of them.
You are correct. I never said the scientists were born under Nazi Germany, the part simply chose the projects that were beneficial for them
War shifts an economic focus onto military science advancements, and due to Germany already being an advanced nation with an excellent education system there was already the groundwork for the crop of engineers and scientists who would develop the V2 rocket or jer engines.
When you abandon ethics you can learn a lot. They weren't concerned about the ethics of human experimentation like we are today.
national socialism was a good political philosophy. no one can dispute hitler revived the german economy. he just couldnt take on the whole world because, well, no one can.
Lots of people can and do in fact dispute that. You might have heard of a guy named Adam Tooze, you might want to check out his work.
Do you mean the brilliant minds who gave us such knowledge as the effects of injecting horse urine into humans, the effects of freezing to death, what happens when you tie two person's veins together, and what happens when you cut out a person's organs until they die? Yeah, Nazis were true ubermensches.
Their IQ enabled them to govern in a such effective and rational way. This in turn created the best social condition for inventions. Society is composed of individual humans after all. Superior society can only be actualized by superior German men.
The entire recovery was based on debts that could only realistically be paid by wars of conquest
Either they dont conquer anything and the economy collapses or they try to conquer and gets btfo, either way nazi economics fail
You mean the fanfic alternative timeline physics they had to pull out of their ass because real physics was too "Jewish?"
Its that magic Jew concrete for Wolfenstein TNO.
They used what left from Weimar education after they destroyed it because real science somehow wasn't compatible with their rule.
No I was referring to how they were able to turn humans into lampshade and bar soap.