>mfw I actually believed Tsarist and Nazi propaganda that Jews were the majority members of the Bolshevik movement when actual figures show they were a small 1 figure percentage
Mfw I actually believed Tsarist and Nazi propaganda that Jews were the majority members of the Bolshevik movement when...
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Is this some new meme? I used to be /pol/ but now I've seen the light? I just think it's odd that we've had so many of these in the past few weeks.
1% sounds too low tho
Fuck, I read that as "1 percent". Nvm.
Why do Jews WE WUZN'T so hard when it comes to communism?
because they wuz
These are the actual percentages. Jews were over-represented, but not as over-represented as Latvians (the big ones), Estonians, Lithuanians, Poles, Ossetians, Finns, and Georgians.
In truth you notice here that all groups were disenfranchised under the tsarist system so it's no surprise they supported violent revolution
I consulted with the elders on this and the reason is that is a double bluff, we are trying to draw more attention to Communism in order create a smokescreen for Austrian School economics, which we also created.
We outsmart the goyim at every turn.
Wasn't he a Tsarist Weeaboo who refuse to accept Tsarist Russia was Shit to the normal people?
>Tsarist Russia was Shit to the normal people
no worse than jewish communists
He was a nut who said the sun revolved around the earth
Only about 14% of the early central committee (ruling group) of the Bolsheviks was Jewish.
Really tingles my noggin with the whole "Jewish Bolshevik" thing
Besides Lenin, no Jew has ruled the Soviet Union. Stalin made sure of that.
>Trusting this Tsarist cuck who continues to propagate falsified figures
stalin only started purging them from their positions after massive human sacrifice and that was like in the 50s, when the damage to Russian ethnicity was done
Lenin wasn't either.
You really don't know shit about the soviet union, do you?
Nobody in the government of the Soviet Union was Jewish as it was an atheist state. Some of them like Lenin were of Ashkenazi or partial Ashkenazi descent though.
more than you that's for sure
A 100 Million Died due to Jewish Bolshevik rule
For me it's entirely true, and I'm not even white
It sucks you up because it warps your worldview into "everyone is the other"
>Nobody in the government of the Soviet Union was Jewish as it was an atheist state.
And you really think they give a fuck about that. Christ, they make sound as if Trotsky ruled instead of being Ousted by Stalin.
why do people stick up for jews on this board so much? Marx was a jew, trotsky was a jew, lenin was a jew. Most of the soviet spies caught in America were jews. Many entertainment industry communist sympathizers like Trumbo and Arthur Miller were jews. Communism undeniably has enjoyed a ton of support from the jewish community. Stop acting like they dindu nuffin.
What do you mean by 'Jew'?
Do you mean religion? Because they weren't religious.
Do you mean ethnicity? If so, please provide evidence that the ethnicity of Jews provides a propensity towards such activities.
>Marx was a jew
He was German
>trotsky was a jew
And Everyone hated him for that.
>lenin was a jew
Nobody knew, not even himself.
Your emotions don't trump facts
>He was German
Marx was born a protestant, became an atheist, married a protestant aristocrat at a church, had non jewish children, had a german as his best friend, was heavily antisemitic, and was influenced almost entirely by europeans. Lenin was born an orthodox, was given a christian name, and believed in jeezus until his father died and he became an atheist.
In any case, I don't give a fuck about jews, but I will defend them as long as stormfags keep using them to further their disgusting lies and ideology.
Marx was a member of a German nationalist movement and wrote an anti-zionist book.
they are an ethnic group that acts to further their own collective interests. its pretty simple.
Marx and Lenin were jews there is no lie involved there. Marx himself actually descends from a long line of rabbis and is as Jewish it gets.
The real issue is that jews are still pushing Bolshevism and Marxism today
Lenin wasn't a jew in any sense, even by nazi standards. Marx was a jew genetically but had nothing to do with jews in his entire life, so the only way he was part of a conspiracy is through some kind of magical genetic conspiracy.
But Marx and other ethnically Jewish figures didn't act in the ethnic Jewish interest
What members of the first people's commissariat were ethnic Jews? What leaders of the German revolution were Jewish?
Look up figures for Lenin's inner circle and the NKVD, not the whole fucking party...
Obviously, for all 300 thousand party members, the proportion of jews mirrors their proportion in the russian population.
doesnt have anything to do with their religious beliefs. they are an ethnic group and behave as such. most of the jews that run the media in the west today probably arent ultra religious, but they still act in their own people's interest.
Even the jewish daily forward has admitted that jews are not white, and are more of a race than a religious group. This should be evident to anyone who takes a second to think about the fact that they have an ethnostate with gigantic border walls around it. They dont care if the people that live there are religious only that they are racially jewish enough.
Jew is pink.
>doesnt have anything to do with their religious beliefs. they are an ethnic group and behave as such. most of the jews that run the media in the west today probably arent ultra religious, but they still act in their own people's interest.
Epic logical fallacy.
You are using your perception of current Jews as somehow an explanation for your belief that the Bolsheviks were all driven by being Jews when all the evidence posted already shows that the main leaders did not display a keen affinity with being Jewish.
What's it like being pathologically retarded?
Sure, but Marx was still a Jew. I don't care if Trotsky converted to Buddhism, he was still a jew. Why does pointing this fact out trigger you so much? Is calling a jew a jew "antisemitism" nowadays?
>your belief that the Bolsheviks were all driven by being Jews
Not him, but where did he imply that?
>Letter TO Marx
You're a fucking retard
And? My post applies to jews as an ethnic group as much as to jews as a religious group. Neither lenin nor marx gave a fuck about either. The first didn't even belong to it, while the latter wrote a book sperging about it.
So some guy who isn't Marx? Also a quick search on Wikipedia says "Baruch Levy" isn't a real person.
Friendly reminder Stalin reclaimed the USSR for the goyim by purging all the old guard Jewish Bolsheviks and getting the jews so butthurt that mossad assassinated him in 1953 with the doctor's plot.
I don't think anyone's claiming all the striking workers or early Red Guard/Red Army were Jews. It's the startlingly high percentage of organizers and Bolshevik party members, that were Jewish. That's what the point was.
Beria wasn't a MOSSAD spy as far as I know...
Too bad Stalin sperged out though against his old friends, had he only targeted Jews the USSR would've been judenfrei and Jews in the west would treat communists with the same contempt as they treat fascism, instead of actively promoting it.
It's fake anyway.
And I'd like to add that no one is saying that there was a big conspiracy on the part of Jews to implement communism for the benefit of the jewish people. For some reason, the turd like brains of lefty/pol/ cannot understand that.
>And I'd like to add that no one is saying that there was a big conspiracy on the part of Jews to implement communism for the benefit of the jewish people.
What? A ton of /pol/tards claim exactly that.
>it's real in my mind
Right. It's hard to even call it a "Jewish conspiracy", as Jews are neurotic and extremely politically and socially active. If there's a revolutionary vanguard party that supports them (anti-nationalist, anti-ethnic, anti-traditionalist, basically the left) they can be found in zealous participation. See the German communist revolution, early Bolshevik party of Russia.
There's not actually much difference between /pol/ and /leftypol/. The only difference is in how they react.
Nice attempt at gaslighting, dork.
Really, user, I've seen stormfags make that claim all the time. Hell, ask them yourself in this kind of threads if they don't think that's the case.
Show an example of "le evil /pol/ boogeyman" from this thread.
To clarify, Jews are permanent outsiders, by being Jewish, and the Jews' love-affair with the revolutionary left is more a case of "supporting the people who support us" than a full-on /pol/-tier conspiracy. They just can't keep to themselves, yet neither can they assimilate. Hence the invariable eventual progroms and oustings. You can't arrest the nation while not being of the nation's people. That breeds resent and mistrust.
this. any political movement that encourages a multiracial or anti nationalist sentiment is usually embraced by jews because they see themselves as an "other". This is why anti semitic tendencies always develop amonst the native population. jews are never loyal to their host country more than they are to their own people or their jewish ethnostate in the middle east.
>yfw Veeky Forums turns into /pol/ in its attempt to resist /pol/
A good portion of jews supported fascism until it became explicitly associated with antisemites. You can find jews anywhere in the political spectrum.
Some like Marx were originally nationalists but were kicked out of their party for not being "German" enough.
Marx used nationalism in-so-far as it furthered worker revolution and communism, which is ultimately universal. No, he was not a nationalist. Maybe in word, when it suited him.
i dont get why anyone thinks they can escape /pol/ on any Veeky Forums board at this point. pretty much every high traffic board is woke about the jewish question
>You can find jews anywhere in the political spectrum.
Sure, just like you can find Jewish Trump supporters. But the vast majority of Jews were extremely hostile to fascism, even before it turned anti-semitic.
Source? Never heard of that story.
Ultimate question for bonus points: if Marx was alive today would he have addressed the Jewish question as fervently as he did in the 19th century?
I just dealt with them and worked with them alot. Most are painfully stupid and shill hard for communism and neo-conservatism, at the same time (Israelis benefit). They're international people with no home but Israel, and no people but the Jews. Anything else is an outfit to be changed with circumstance.
Great people. Friendly, love to talk that which we're told to avoid, have a thousand shitty opinions. Great target practice, if you're politically or historically-minded. They're all just a little bit unstable, though. There's a Beria or Trotsky inside every one, and you can tell.
I think Marx was completely oblivious of the JQ even in his time. Funnily enough Marx is probably the least tribe-conscious of all the jews involved in the marxist movement.
>majority =/= those in power
Latvians were overrepresented because the entire Latvian Riflemen company joined the Red Army. But unlike Jews, few of them were true believers in communism, they just wanted land and peace and shoot nobles.
That's why Jewish anti-communists hate him so much. Not because they hate communism, but because Stalin got rid of Jews in the Soviet leadership.
That's why they always criticize the Great Purge, that killed a few hundreds of thousands of Old Bolsheviks, many Jews, but never say a word against dekulakization, that killed millions of kulaks, all goyim.
I hate communism, but I hate this kind of anti-communist even more.
You're confirming what I'm saying. Marx was totally oblivious of what you could call "jewish politics", i.e. the mix of zionism and cosmopolitanism. He just prescribes his usual claptrap, renouncing religion and private property.
Neocohens are frustrated trotskyists at heart.
>Implying there's anything wrong with being a communist
I just wish people would understand that the international jew is a communist when it benefits his people, and a neoconservative when it benefits his people. This is why people have hated these rats for thousands of years. They are an international group with no loyalty to whatever nation they are currently parasitizing off of.
The CEntral Committee list WAS Lenin's inner circle
>Letter to karl marx
I love how you make excuses so you can cry about Jews even when Jews are anti-communist.
Actually most Veeky Forums posters couldn't care less about Jews
Oh yes, the famous georgy safarov of the turkestan bureau! I'm sure he held all the reins of power.
Who comes to mind when you think about the October Revolution? Lenin, Stalin, Trotsky, Kamenev, Zinoviev, Radek. 4/6 Jews.
1928? So 40 years after Marx died?
Who are you talking about? Off the top of my head, the most important anti communist jews are people like rand mises or friedman, who complained about collectivization much more than the purges, and others like popper or arendt, who are more concerned with totalitarianism itself.
That's because you consider different people to be a single hivemind. What jew was a communist and a neocon at the same time?
Exactly. They are not actually opposed to world revolution, they are not opposed to collectivization of agriculture and militarization of industrial labour, what they couldn't accept about Stalin was that he removed the Jews from leadership.
They didn't change a single view in their transition from Trotskyism to Neoconservatism. They just changed the cannon fodder, Trotsky wanted to establish global government under Jewish rule using the Red Army as cannon fodder, Bill Kristol wants to use the U.S. Army instead.
>They didn't change a single view in their transition from Trotskyism to Neoconservatism
Seriously, who the fuck is "they". And I want actual people, not an imaginary entity controlling jews.
>under Jewish rule
While I agree with most of your post I think you exaggerate the "under Jewish rule" part. The political ambitions of Jews is to set up a cosmopolitan global government, but not to set it up for themselves to rule over others. Rather they believe that only in a global society will antisemitism disappear.
how the fuck do these jew memes become so prevalent when they have no basis in fact?
Because people believe what they want to hear and Jews have been a scapegoat for European fuckups for a thousand years
I guess Jews aren't overrepresented in Wall Street either because if you look at the proportion of all the employees working in all finance-related industries in the whole country, their percentage of the workforce is the same as their percentage in the population.
Oh yes Jews dindu nuffin
lmao. I love how the actual central committee triggers you so you just hand-pick names so you can say majority Jewish.
No, statistically, Lenins inner circle was 14% Jewish. Just because you haven't heard of many of these people doesn't disqualify them. It just means you're stupid
>No no, ignore these bolsheviks on the central committee
>Lets just pick these...six...yeah. LOOK HOW MANY ARE JEWS
>if you count up the janitor and cleaning jobs, it turns up that Mexicans are the ones actually in control of Wall Street!
That's basically ht
>When Jews are capitalists they are evil and hate the worker
>When Jews are socialists they're evil and hate the people
Jesuits have been expelled from more nations than Jews and I sincerely doubt you think they're part of a conspiracy to control the world