Why haven't the arabs been able to destroy Israel?
Why haven't the arabs been able to destroy Israel?
The Jews have higher IQs.
Most dishonest, biased image I've ever seen. Israel received billions in aid from the UN (and still does from american cocksuckers), Arabs had outdated soviet technology. Also it wasn't "the entire Muslim world", it was about 6 countries
Because God was on their side, hehe, based Jews.
>he doesn't get the meme
also Israel never got "UN aid"
>supporting Israel
>He thinks the UN supports Israel
The same reason why the Germans couldn't destroy Russia. When you have a world superpower applying pressure to your enemies while gifting you hundreds of tanks and aircraft it is hard to lose.
>A few Sherman tanks
Bullshit, America had sent over 200 M48s and 4 dozen Skyhawk bombers as well as many F4 Phantoms to Israel. That isn't including the hundreds of millions that had been sent as well.
Arabs lack the discipline and teamwork necessary to compete with modern professional militaries
Well if Israel is able to murder a UN representative with absolutely zero repercussions, then yeah. It does look a bit dodgy.
What are you referring to?
Don't make me post it.
Everyone thought the Israelis were super soldiers until the Gulf War. Now most military experts recognize them as simply a decent army that has the luck to be fighting complete putzes. Arab countries simply cannot fight a modern war. Every attempt, from their various attempts to destroy Israel to their engagements against the West to Libya's invasion of Chad to the Iran-Iraq War, has ended in disaster.
No, do.
Was Iraq's military under Saddam the high point of modern Arab militaries or were they just better equipped with fun toys
Ashkenazis do but this can more easily be attributed to their privilege than their genes. Do you think Jews in the ghettos had higher IQ's?
>most intelligent race
>get rounded and exterminated with most of you being naive enough to believe it's not happening.
Even if we accept the high end avg for Ashkenazi jew intelligence (115) that's still only one standard deviation away from 100. Given their tiny population relative to Muslims, the Islamic world is still producing more geniuses.
>Viewed romantically, Israel was the nation of pioneers who had turned malarial swamps into a land of milk and honey. "We live by the faith that what has been wrought there," Johnson wrote to one Jewish leader shortly after becoming President, "someday will be achieved in all the lands where men aspire to live in freedom, under peace, enjoying justice as a right and prosperity as a result of their labors." Five years later, Johnson told a B'nai B'rith meeting about his biblical connection to Israel. "Most if not all of you," he said, "have very deep ties with the land and with the people of Israel, as I do, for my Christian faith sprang from yours." The President explained that "the Bible stories are woven into my childhood memories as the gallant struggle of modem Jews to be free of persecution is also woven into our souls."
>Also the consummate politician, Johnson recognized that Jews are a political force in this country. As a leader of the Democratic Party, he developed close associations with a number of influential Jewish leaders, several of whom were among his closest friends.
>Was Iraq's military under Saddam the high point of modern Arab militaries
No, that's ISIS's military
>Johnson's dependability was tested immediately when the Israelis began to pressure the Administration to sell them tanks and planes. As early as January 1964, Deputy Secretary of State Robert Komer was complaining that Myer Feldman was badgering him about supplying Israel with tanks. Feldman, the holder of the "Jewish portfolio" as an aide in the Administration, meanwhile wrote to the President in May that he had "rarely been exposed to as much pressure as I have had recently on the question of tanks for Israel." In the same memo, however, Feldman reveals how the White House successfully exerted its own pressure: "It has only been after considerable effort that members of Congress have been restrained against making speeches on the question, the Anglo-Jewish press has killed several articles and responsible leaders of the Jewish community have demonstrated their confidence in the Administration by keeping silent."
> "It has only been after considerable effort that members of Congress have been restrained against making speeches on the question, the Anglo-Jewish press has killed several articles
Hilarious how a Johnson aide and liaison to the Jews in America recognized the "Anglo-Jewish press" Anyways-
>In February 1966, the State Department announced the U.S. sale of 200 Patton tanks to Israel. In May, it announced a new agreement to provide Israel with Skyhawk jet bombers. Militarily, these sales dramatically improved Israel's offensive capability. The symbolic impact was also great, since this was not only the first major sale of offensive weapons to Israel, but also the first public acknowledgment that the U.S. was not only willing to sell; but was actually selling, the equipment Israel needed to maintain its defenses.
>Israel and her supporters were not satisfied with the U.S. arms supply agreements reached in 1966; still outstanding was their request for Phantom jets. This request took on greater urgency as the bellicose rhetoric of Nasser began to push the nations of the Middle East toward war. The Americans remained unconcerned, however, and Levi Eshkol told U.S. News and World Report (April 21, 1967) that the American attitude was: "Don't spend your money. We are here. The Sixth Fleet is here." But Eshkol, fearing that the U. S. fleet might not be available fast enough, preferred that Israel be strong enough to defend itself.
>The pressure to provide Phantoms to Israel not only failed to move Johnson, but even had the opposite effect. He was particularly irritated because those exerting pressure for Israel were not willing to support his Vietnam policies. He was especially concerned about the opposition of the pro-Israel lobby since he counted on the support of American Jews in his campaign for reelection.
I know this is a joke but during the time Jews had WWII Sherman tanks, in the late 1940s, they also had Soviet support.
By the time the Soviet started shifting towards the Arabs in the mid1950s Israel had better and upgraded versions, plus newer other tanks.
>Although Administration officials denied that Johnson had made support for his Vietnam policy a condition for U.S. support for Israel, the President's obsession with protecting his own credibility led him to suspect Israel lobby demands were somehow responsible for the opposition to Vietnam. When it comes to Israel, he told Israeli Minister Evron, American Jews are interventionists, but when it comes to Vietnam, they want the United States to be a pacifist. Johnson could not understand the contradiction and believed that the Jewish community was too selective. Abba Eban recalled being told by Johnson how a group of rabbis who had come to visit him in May 1967, asked him to put the whole American fleet in the Gulf of Aqaba to show the U.S. flag in the Straits of Tiran. In the meantime, Johnson asserted, they didn't think he should send a screwdriver to Vietnam.
>Soon after...the Israelis requested 27 more Skyhawks and 50 Phantoms. The State Department recommended selling the former, but preferred to put off a decision on the latter until the middle of the following year. The Joint Chiefs, on the other hand, opposed all arms sales whatsoever. The State Department opposition to selling the Phantoms was based not only on strategic grounds - that is, the Joint Chiefs' opinion that Israel did not need them - but also on State's persistent belief that the U.S. could prevent an escalation of the arms race by simply refusing to supply Israel with more sophisticated weapons; as a consequence, it was hoped, arms limitation would make it possible to reach a diplomatic solution to the Arab-Israeli conflict. No decision was reached during the remainder of the year despite a deluge of letters from Congressmen urging Johnson to sell the planes to Israel.
They have help from some Arabs.
>Another factor underlying the President's decision was the probable impact of his actions on his chances for reelection. Prior to the war, Johnson had received a memo titled "1968 -American Jewry and Israel" which observed that though the Administration enjoyed great support among Jews, they were upset by the United States' "overreaction" in joining the Security Council's censure of Israel the previous November for its retaliatory attack against Jordan; by State Department policies calling for the return of the Arab refugees; and by U.S. arms sales to the Arabs without counterbalancing sales to Israel. The memo also made it clear that the Vietnam policy remained a problem. If Vietnam persisted, it warned, "a special effort to hold the Jewish vote will be necessary."
>The pressure to sell Phantoms to Israel mounted at the beginning of January 1968, as the Administration prepared for the visit of Israel's Prime Minister Levi Eshkol. In anticipation of Eshkol's renewed request for Phantoms, the various agencies prepared their assessments and without exception recommended against the sale. The Navy and Air Force were opposed to the sale not only of Phantoms but also of Skyhawks, fearing that reducing American stocks of these weapons would have "a serious effect on the operational forces" in Vietnam.
>When Johnson met with Eshkol, he promised to keep Israel's military needs under "active and sympathetic examination," but he made no commitment to sell Israel the needed Phantom jets. The President did say, however, that he would make a decision during the coming year. Johnson offered to provide 30 Skyhawks, and he agreed to sell 10 more if they were requested. Informally, the President was less tentative about the Phantoms as well. "Awh, Eppie," he is reported to have told the concerned Israeli Ambassador, "you know I'm going to give you the Phantoms ...."
>Throughout Johnson's term, individual Congressmen lobbied on behalf of Israel but it was not until June 1968 that a legislative effort was made to force military sales to Israel. The first stage of that effort was initiated by Senator Stuart Symington. Johnson needed to get the Military Sales bill passed to complete arms transactions. Symington threatened to kill the bill if the President did not deliver the Phantoms. Besides the usual motivation provided by pro-Israel voters and public opinion, Symington was no doubt interested in the sale because the planes were built in his home state of Missouri.
>The Administration took the threat seriously and began to discuss possible tradeoffs. State Department Near East expert Harold Saunders wrote to Rostow asking, "What are [the] advantages of holding off on Phantoms longer versus having no military sales bill? Would Phantoms insure passage? If F-4s are going to be sold anyway, might as well go ahead and get credit with Israel and Congress now. In exchange [we] might get [a] commitment to consult before acquiring missiles, [a] commitment to sign NPT, or some limited agreement regarding negotiations with Jordan and UAR." The President, still unwilling to announce a decision, suggested that the decision had not yet been made.
>The pressure was turned up another notch at the end of July 1968, when the Senate adopted a "Sense of Congress" resolution calling upon the President to sell an unspecified number of supersonic military planes that would provide Israel with a deterrent force. The resolution was subsequently approved by the House; nevertheless, the President remained unmoved. Johnson then began facing new pressures, however, from both inside and outside the White House.
Remember this when someone says there is no such thing as ZOG or a Jewish conspiracy.
Tl;dr: the United States reluctantly sold (not gave) some weapons to Israel in the 1960s
>omg, such conspiracy
No, it was given, Johnson allowed the Israelis to be permitted to buy American arms with American military aid money (separate from the domestic aid). So all the military hardware was essentially gifted, being "bought" with American tax dollars.
I merely focused on the ridiculous amount of pressure and attention that was placed on Johnson to sell advanced military equipment.
I keep trying to post these figures but it is considered spam- I wonder why.
Kennedy's budget for Israel defense in 1964- 40 million
Johnson's budget for Israel defense in 1965- 71 million
Johnson's budget for Israel defense in 1966- 130 million
Adjusted for inflation that would be 1 billion in 2017 dollars.
kennedy was also pressuring ben gurion (then israeli presedent) to allow inspectors in to check out their "research" nuclear facility in dimona.
ben gurion said no.. kennedy is murdered.. no inspectors go & israeli aid triples
>I wonder why.
Obviously it is the ZOG Jewish conspiracy trying to stop you
>ben gurion said no.. kennedy is murdered.. no inspectors go & israeli aid triples
yes it was the israelis who murdered JFK this is a new one thanks /pol/
>Do you think Jews in the ghettos had higher IQ's?
JIDF pls go
that or the UN is impotent
which is usually the case
Everyone knows why
Israel still used Sherman tanks in 1967 and in 1973 in addition to their more modern ones.
This just confirms my military industrial complex conspiracy more than any jew shit tbhfam.
Ridiculous, it's Syria's Army at this point
The Syrian army is and always has been complete garbage. At this point it's barely a functional entity anymore, dependent on local warlords, foreign militia, and direct Iranian and Russian intervention to survive.
So did Egypt and Syria, as most of the British Mandate's weapons went to the Arab nations. Basically all the excess weaponry from WWII ended up in the 1947 war, possibly the only war where Panzers and Shermans fought alongside each other.
It also helped that Jordan was way more worried about Egypt and Syria winning than of Israel.
not pictured: the entire rest of the world aiding those jews
Congratulations, you just posted one of the two functional, regular military units on the loyalist side. Even then the commander isn't even actual army, but Air Force Intelligence Force, whatever the fuck that is.
The side God is not on.................The side God is on.
Always pick the side God is on. Oh, and the Arabs can't fight for shit, they're more slash your throat when they have 20 buddies with them kind of guys.
No. The Iraqis thought that the Egyptians had poured out their armies and vehicles. We had to keep telling them that this was all our shit.
To that part of the world, Egypt is a big deal.
But the British assisted Egypt, and were instructed to shoot down any Israeli planes entering Egypt, though the French eventually began to sell weapon s to Israel. Czechoslovakia sold to both sides.
They were just better equipped. In actual skill they were little better than the Syrians. They literally could not win against the Iranians with a more than 5-1 advantage in tanks, planes, guns, armored vehicles, and helicopters.
Until 1973, Lebanon was receiving more US military aid than Israel.
because Arabs are shit soldiers in symmetric near peer conventional wars.
they didn't coordinate with their fellow arab nations.
they frequently run away if they aren't winning automatically as per the plan.
at least once during the Six Day War, the muslims could have won. If they had just talked with each other and had an overall command. Then someone could have seen that the Israelis were completely open on one front and driven forces through there.
Syrian "Army" doesn't even exist anymore
The US didn't care about Judenland before '73.
Even afterwards, US military aid to Israel was paired with military aid to Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Iraq.
It was always just a bribe not to start any more wars.
I don't think they ever wanted to up until relatively recently. Even now, I don't think that's entirely the case.
Before the crusade on the Holy Land, they generally shared the land peacefully. If I'm wrong about this, please correct me. Not issuing a challenge mind you, I just legit thought I read that even though Israel wasn't ruled by Israelites, they still generally got along with the Muslims.
Arabs are inbred retards
There are numerous posts itt which prove that wrong.