Was eugenics in Nazi Germany both moral and scientifically sound?
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What is that image saying?
Wir stehen nicht allein: "We do not stand alone".
I don't know what it says on the shield though.
At the the Top:
>"We don't stand alone"
On the Shield:
>"Law for the prevention of sick offspring from 7/14/33"
I assume flags around the picture are of countries that had similar laws, though I can't tell what the text next to them says.
Friendly reminder they rounded up disabled or normal but eccentric children and lied to their German parents about them being moved between asylums whilst killing them all:
People got butthurt because the Nazis gassed the mentally ill but forget the mentally ill had no treatment options back then and lived a horrible life devoid of any dignity shitting themselves in mental asylums.
>People got butthurt because the Nazis gassed the mentally ill but forget the mentally ill had no treatment options back then and lived a horrible life devoid of any dignity shitting themselves in mental asylums.
They didn't just kill the mentally ill.
They rounded up disabled/disliked children and killed them en masse, by driving them to particular asylums to be killed on a bus on a regular basis.
I don't know, those old asylums seem like hell.
I'd probably rather be killed off than be imprisoned in one of those for the rest of my life.
It's not your job to murder other people's kids under the guise of them dying through other causes.
It was visionary, in the future eugenics will assist in weeding out disease and genetic abberations.
I generally think scientific eugenics (not plain old "eugenics" in the sense of choosing your mate for desirable traits) is a mistake.
>They rounded up disabled/disliked children and killed them en masse, by driving them to particular asylums to be killed on a bus on a regular basis.
Nothing wrong with that
I don't even like Nazism but retards are a drain on the state and on the family and should be euthanized
Again, retard.
Many of the children were not retarded or disabled.
No way to prove or disprove this objectively
That seems to be a problem on the operational level, not with the ethics of the policy.
They just copied what the Scandinavians were up to. How did that go for them?
>That seems to be a problem on the operational level, not with the ethics of the policy.
>Murdering people you don't like is not an ethical policy, it's an operation one
You're too far gone, lmao.
Who gets to determine if they are a drain on society and on the state? A lot of people on welfare aren't retarded and yet a few of those people don't contribute for jack shit. What if society or the state deemed you mentally unfit and i.e. retarded? Society has use for the disabled, they can contribute. They have their humanity with them still despite what appearance would say. If the person was suffering and they had no hope at all, i.e. they are a complete vegetable and they are going to die anyway, that can be debated if they should choose the right to kill themselves or if they can be taken off life support. It gets some people to feel uncomfortable if we trust in the state to determine if he or she has to die because the government said so.
The policy was not about killing people who weren't retarded or disabled, it wasn't even about killing all but the most severely disabled.
So when those things happened anyways it is a problem with carrying the policy, not with the policy itself.
*carrying out the policy*
>The policy was not about killing people who weren't retarded or disabled, it wasn't even about killing all but the most severely disabled.
Watch the documentary.
I skipped through it and despite being horribly biased it doesn't seem to contradict my point.
Is there any part of it that proves that the policy was intended to kill people who weren't retarded or disabled?
If so which time is it at?
Christ, you're such a retard and brainlet that you can't sit through a 1 hour documentary.
>haha its biased but i didnt watch it
Be honest, were you diagnosed with brain deficiency or ADHD, perchance?
>haha its biased but i didnt watch it
I watched about two thirds of it, that should be enough to tell.
Again, is there any part of it that proves that the policy was intended to kill people who weren't retarded or disabled?
gota keep the commune in working condition
I wish we could start to sterilizing gypsies and Finns again
It was neither ethically nor scientifically sound.
Let me reframe it in a way a teenage edgelord such as yourself can understand. Suppose some "SJW" regime gets in charge and decides transphobia is a defect society cannot tolerate. Would you be ok with being murdered so the next generation is more accepting?
Fascist backwaters
Positive eugenics can work it just has to be balanced with societal ethics and values in dealing with whatever's perceived as undesirable. You shouldn't negatively steralise the bad, rather foster the good, but again not both. Do the good. Don't do the bad.
>are a drain on the state and on the family and should be euthanized
>Posting on the For Chins
hereditary disabled and mentally disabled people can't even function as proles so there isn't really any point to keeping them around
maybe just mast sterilisations under the guise of inoculations would work until it gets found out but by then the effects will already have shown themselves
would you allow yourself to be demonised forever if it meant retards and inheritable diseases in your country were gone?
That feel when nobody cares about Sweden and Swiss eugenic programs because of Nazi and of their fan club.
run along prole
> hereditary disabled and mentally disabled
What is even a point to eugenic out them? It isn't like people will have sex with retards. The problem is self-solving already.
>It isn't like people will have sex with retards
dunces make the most children for some reason
No. It was barbaric and sought to slaughter those deemed genetically inferior instead of just a sort of castration thing. 700,000 mentally retarded people were murdered, and it was done for no other reason than to save money. They even say this in their propaganda
>scientifically sound
no because nazism racial theory is made up meme science and we wuzian shit.
There wasnt even a sense of pretending this was some altruistic and compassionate thing. They acted like violent retards and didnt even mask it.
because the swedes just chemically castrated people with down syndrome, and a lot of it was based on voluntary stuff. They didnt go around rounding up millions of people to be executed for all manner of reasons, including not belonging to their LARP fan fiction race.
nice false equivalency stormfag
There is literally nothing wrong with killing mental retards. They're useless sacks of human waste and bring nothing than misery to the others around them. Do you really want to be in their places? Do you think that deep inside they're feeling miserable? Better to kill them now than let them suffer.
>wipe out a religious minority famous for high IQs
What do you think? It's just Germaniggers chimping out as usual.
Again what if the state/society considered you mentally retarded? Would you be okay if we euthanized you?
You must all know half a dozen people at least who are no use in this world, who are more trouble than they are worth. Just put them there and say Sir, or Madam, now will you be kind enough to justify your existence?
>Uh oh, prole user! It appears that, by looking through the State's medical records, that you had a grandfather who was born a cripple. Most unfortunate, but, of course, you will have to be executed for the good of the State: we simply cannot risk your degenerate genes being passed on and weakening the future body of the State. Yes, your parents and siblings, too. Very sorry.
so the the 3 reich was actually holy roman and an empire?
You should read "Dysgenics: Genetic Deterioration in Modern Populations" which prove that European IQ is constantly falling since the Industrial Revolution
btw it is not limited to IQ, various genetics diseases are becoming more and more widespread due to modern medecine
>he thinks IQ is solely important
haha no
I'm literally bleeding after scrolling through the thread and touching your post.
It's such a sharp edge. You should tell the next girl you see about your opinion on the subject. post the greentext story.
>no arguments
kys dumb shitskin
Hell no. It was fueled by crank theories that somehow eliminating all persons with disabilities would eliminate them entirely in the future. Irregardless of the fact many such disorders often skip generations, cannot be passed on to offspring, or are not hereditary, but develop as a result of abnormalities in utero.
Not to mention it made such problems worse because German citizens stopped taking their kids to doctors for fear that they would be killed and actualized the entire population to the normalcy of mass murder.
You must be the toughest kid on the playground
And a heartfelt abloo to you sir.