Why do WHITEBOIS continue to discuss the 'superiority' of European values (wtf does that mean!) when Celts and Saxons were literally shitting on the streets no less than 2000 years ago
>3000 years old
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Whats with all the wewuz thread, /pol/ raid? Or summerfags?
I remember last summer when all the paid shills claimed threads like these were summerfags. Word to wise. WE HAVE THREADS LIKE THIS 24/7 365 DAYS OUT OF THE YEAR!
>Bunch of stood up rocks
That literally describes every stone structure ever. Moving the shit to a location and getting it to stay up is work.
Like the pyramids?
Sorry that you´re not white OP.
Back in the days when this website was only 90% shit you could escape the darkness on late winter nights
>comparing the pyramids which contains chambers with a single fucking stone plopped up in grass
Yeah but they're not sophisticated
3,000 years ago our civilization was already 5,000 years old.
Daily reminder that that Anglos, Celts, Scandinavians, and Germans were killing each other over mud huts while Romans laid the foundation of European culture and built monuments across their colonies.
>tfw that mask was just ancient Olmec shitposting
This is Europe 3000 years ago, you stupid chink
I'm not him, but if you unironically think European barbarians from 1000 BC can compete with Eastern civilizations you are objectively wrong.
I'm not him,
> compete?
In what way? We know that Europeans sacked most of Eastern Mediterranean around then, the Europeans were superior to Hittites and all the coastal peoples in military technology.
While people who later would become Olmecs or lived in that area we're living in caves and literally shitting on the streets,
the Norte Chico civilization laid the groundwork for civilization in the Americas.
Architecture wise yes, and if by Eastern civilizations you mean East Asia, that's for sure, Japanese were cavemen, Koreans only built strawhuts, and only a small part of modern day China was civilized, Europe had superior architecture, equal mastery of metallurgy and was as proficient artistically.
Europe had the Mycenean civilization, the Nordic bronze age culture and the Nuragic civilization to name a few..
What about Vinca and Cucetini?
Those were long gone 3000 years ago, I'm mentioning the one that were around 3000 years ago.
But the bronze age Balkans did have good metallurgy
An European warrior from 3000 years ago would wipe the floor with any chinese from the same period
Pic related a Greek warrior
Urnfield armor from over 3000 years ago
Danube/Central Europe
Bronze age Sardinian armor from 3000 years ago
So why did the greeks lose then?
>All europe are saxons and celts.
Dumb olmecposter.
Europe as a whole, specially the mediterranean, was doing good, cities, trade etc since the calcolithic. Even the most remote place like Spain had cities of thousands defended be walls, towers and stuff than did monumental funerary works underground be the early copper age.
Meanwhile in Iberia, two and a half millenia ago.
Mycenean armor
Crete, Europe 3600 years ago
There were also parts of Northern Europe that had small stone built housing since the neolithic times.
>Tfw will never live in a hobbit hole
Sardinia, 3300 years ago
>Tfw you will never be a bronze smith in a comfy Nuraghe settlement.
North Italy 3000 years ago
Why are nuragic so cute, those towers look great.
>You will never live in nuragic village.
Indeed, they came in many different shapes
Europe has thousands of iconic artefacts and structures from those periods
>what are ancient sardinians, iberians, romans, greeks, prehistoric aryans
>they actually dug and carved a fucking stone house with a fucking toilet in it in the far north of scotland
cus they aint shitting in the streets NOW?
Than was even more cold than now. North Europe was an icehell, than they lived there was impressive enough.
In that specific time period it was actually warmer than it is today. The settlement was most likely abandoned due to a colder and wetter climate.
Well to be honest the Olmecs were more advance thant he pepople after them, underground water transportation systems were discovered in San lorenzo the site had running water 3000 years ago.
The first true black civilization Ghana Empire spawned when all of Europe was civilized.
La Dama de Baza is way more impressive to me