It’s a Man’s World: Only 1.76% of Bitcoin Community Are Women

>It’s a Man’s World: Only 1.76% of Bitcoin Community Are Women

I dont want to start a politics thread but I think we must analyze the following following FACTS around Crypto coins and society.

>there are already many crypto millionaires
>there will be more crypto millionaires
>some of those new rich people started with literally nothing, fucking neets with cents
>crypto hard traders are men aged between 20-40

Ok, where am I going? Women are right now calling glass ceiling and gender gap in the wages, but in a near future, a lot of middle class men will become rich men. Women will stay the same. The difference in earning and property will be massive.

Whats the excuse? I mean... buying and selling crypto is just having a few accounts on exchanges, install blockfolio and use your credit card. There is literally no chance of any gender discrimination, you are just another number in an exchange website full of numbers.

A. Why women are missing the ride?
B. What excuse will they use for missing the ride?
C. If I make money with this shit, my friends make money with this shit, even retards at Veeky Forums make money with this could I even sustain a minimum of respect for women who missed this?

When the time comes to make real life investments, as in local business for example, why would I even hire a woman now I know firsthand how useless they are, even on a fair/nondiscrimination environment like cryptomoney? Sure, I will hire them to clean shit, and to be pretty to costumers, but to hire a women for any complex position...uh no. Just no.

Crypto is the proof we needed to declare that women are not held back by men, but by their own capacity and abilities.

shut the fuck up, faggot. either women come here or they don't. we don't need social engineering garbage.

Am a woman, have been interested in finance/investment shit for years. You're right, there aren't a lot of women doing this. I think partly due to the whole "computers are for nerd boys hurr durr" societal idea.

The sexism on these boards isn't fun, but I've been on Veeky Forums since 09 and just tune it out now.

I really wish I knew why more women aren't interested by this stuff,

Women don't have to get into this stuff.

They will pair up with the men that do (if crypto becomes successful). Women don't need to take risks, they can fuck the successful person who took the correct risks.

And MGTOWs will self eliminate from the genepool like they are supposed to.

Women are fucking idiots, always have been, always will be.

The day women actually engage in the field is the day they belong.

Women make babies, men make money.

I know Marxists have been doing what they can to make turn gender roles on their heads, but that doesn't change the fact of the matter.

>I really wish I knew why more women aren't interested by this stuff
You have no problem accepting the average man is taller than the average woman, do you? That doesn't make tall woman impossible, just less likely. Sounds about right?

So why is it so hard to accept that the average man is more prone to high-risk/high-reward activities? That doesn't make bold women impossible, just less likely.

I see no mystery.

Women are afraid to take risk.

The gender imbalance in crypto users is definitive proof of systemic sexism and oppression in crypto.

Based girl into Crypto.

>Pic Related

I'm a woman with more BTC than you. AMA
Sharpies in poopers get me wet.
Post 'em for tits

it's best if disgusting 3d roasties stay away from one thing that brings me joy.

I know you are doing satire, but someone will eventually say this in a non ironic way.

How the fuck can sexism exist on using your credit card and buying coins?

>A. Why women are missing the ride?
Because statistically speaking, people into trading have a higher than medium IQ, and women have usually a medium IQ. See picture.
>B. What excuse will they use for missing the ride?
Biologically speaking, women are averse to risk. While the male has to take risks to prove himself better than other males in order to gain access to the female's baby factory, men tend to take risks. Women, in order to stay safe and not compromise their breeding capacities have an aversion to risk. This is basic evolution science.
>C. If I make money with this shit, my friends make money with this shit, even retards at Veeky Forums make money with this could I even sustain a minimum of respect for women who missed this?
Because women are (statistically speaking) not in the more intelligent bracket of the gene pool, and they have an aversion to risk.

When women get involved in investing is one of the most clear bubble signals, women are not risk takers.

Women are too emotional to be suitable investors.

My previous pictures was for g, here is one for IQ.

As you can see, and this is also the case in most genes, men have a tendency to extrapolate, this is in order to distance themselves from other males in a competitive environment. This is why the overwhelming majority of "elite", whatever the domain may be, is male.

Women do not. This is biology.

women who got into crypto are the dumb ones lol or...too smart for your own good?

why? you don't need any real skill to bimbo up and be a trophy wife, easier life than you spend hours of brain juice to learn about crypto and take the risks



>I dont want to start a politics thread
That's exactly what you want to do. Just like every other board you faggots shit up. Go back to /r9k/ if you need someone to validate your hurt feelings.

>a lot of middle class men will become rich men. Women will stay the same. The difference in earning and property will be massive.
Not really tho.
Men have always been in history the "rich" ones. But they marry women, hence sharing the money.
A century ago women didn't really worked, yet they weren't poorer than the men per se.

>I know you are doing satire.
Thank god.

Really, though, crypto is about as "pure" as an economic activity can be. Everything is online, anonymous, and self taught so there is no way gender could help you or harm you at all. It's almost like there are real differences between genders, like inclination towards high-risk/high-reward activities, and maybe that's ok.

>When the time comes to make real life investments, as in local business for example, why would I even hire a woman now I know firsthand how useless they are
Well, for starter, do not judge people according to their gender.
Judge people, take the best one. That's it.

Statistically speaking, most of your employee (if it's a finance or management sector) will be males, but that's biological reality.
Some women will be there too, but that's because they're the exception.

Simply take the best ones mate. Nature will take care of the reality.

>Crypto is the proof we needed to declare that women are not held back by men, but by their own capacity and abilities.
I won't "blame" them either, you know. It's biological reality, not much they can do about it.

I'll never be basketball player or marathon runner. Not much I can do about it.

Do you thing, don't worry about other people.

can confirm dating a girl wants to get out of the poor fag world sticks with me i show her things others cant because they have no access or think outside the box love the dependency shes even said i am the best thing to happen in her life been starting to show her crypto but her little brain still cant handle it so im going to just sit and give her a few lessons

> why are women missing the ride

because women never achieved anything without the help of men. This isnt r9k ranting, its just a fact of human existence. Women's position in modern society was literally given to them. It is not surprising that we are having an event that causes a return to norm.

To go into practicalities and *why* they will miss the wave even if they have knowledge of it, women by and large are motivated by appearances. This is why they are obsessed with having a "career" rather than a job. The "career" is an image, and this is why you can get women to work for pigshit pay as long as they have an office and an important sounding title, but you cant find many women who will work in pigshit for big pay.

And women as a generality are terribly risk adverse. The crypto market is very risky due to its extremely volatile nature.

> what excuse will they use

who cares honestly. Women have never not complained about some perceived unfairness, justified or otherwise. History repeats itself.

> C. If I make money with this shit, my friends make money with this shit, even retards at Veeky Forums make money with this could I even sustain a minimum of respect for women who missed this?

you maintain a respect for them by acknowledging that their role is elsewhere. I don't lack respect for my plumber just because he can't do what a surgeon does.

For most of human history women have provided comfort, intimacy and reproduction for men. The few aberrant instances where men were forced to attempt to view women as pseudo-men have always been short lived and met with disaster.

tl;dr women aren't men, return to normal, they smell nice, are *mostly* pleasant to be around and you want to fuck them, why worry about anything else?

>women in 1980's
'EWW poindexter over here is trying to use a computer! NERD! VIRGIn!'
>women today
'EWWW faggot your wasting your time with nerdcoins? Like they don't even exist! Chad helped me buy snapchat stocks yesterday btw :^)
Let them rot, I can't wait for the future asspain when literally 99% of future wealth is owned by half-intelligent men and SJWs self-implode.

What if Satoshi was a woman.

It's possible, but we both know the chances of that are pretty narrow for the reasons arlready stated above.

>Let them rot, I can't wait for the future asspain when literally 99% of future wealth is owned by half-intelligent men and SJWs self-implode.
It's already the case, user.

Those men simply end up marrying most women who then settle down.

Women who do not marry end up Sufragettes or hardcore cat lady feminists.

you didn't know shit about fuck until you've put some time into learning it
women are fit for motherhood and cum receptacles, that's about it

>What if Satoshi was a woman.
Statistically unlikely.

Yikes at all this thinly-masked anger towards women

Name one well known female cryptologist and computer scientist during the early 2000s and 1900s.

>facts hate women

1. you are literate
2. you are aware of the kikery that is (((central banking)))
3. you are aware there's an alternative
what's the problem?

yes they are

Womencoin, just for women, no men allowed.

>facts I don't like

Lemme guess, you voted Clinton because she's a vagina and it made you feel good about yourself?

white knight faggit is here

I guess it's just sort of frustrating to know that a lot of women aren't getting involved. Like, thats my gende. 'Come on guys, what you doing? Stop letting the team down'... you know?

Am Australian, can't vote in US elections

>I really wish I knew why more women aren't interested by this stuff
We already explained it. I also hope you know the "computers are for nerds" thing also affects men, nerds are less likely to get laid and men know it so they stay away or keep it private.

Please, I know you're a woman but try to be rational and disregard emotions for a moment here.

Can women be white knights for women? If so then yeah, I probably am

women will ruin crypto like they ruin everything else, mark my fucking words.
As soon as the market really starts to take off we will have a hundred headlines like
>BOY'S CLUB: how the cryptocurrency market is shutting out women
>The culture of misogyny in the Bitcoin Community and Why it's dangerous
>Crypto profits reinforce gender pay gap
the market will get flooded with women who will buy impulsively and get buttblasted when they lose all their money. They will demand regulation. No more decentralization, no more easy trading. you'll have to register at a government database so they can track your purchases. And women will demand an 80% capital gains tax to pay for their child support.

Stop seeing everything through the lenses of social marxism. You're you, you're not "team womyn".

Do your thing. You're obviously the exception. But it doesn't matter.

why are 99% of your gender insufferable roastie cunts
and don't think i'm some beta incel, I managed to find a lucky gf that i'm happily with now for 2 years and i've been Veeky Forums for 3 years
I deeply care for my SO but i just genuinely hate the rest of women

10 years ago I wouldn't have believed you.

Now, it's so plausible it's scary.
Fucking socialists man.

>nerds are less likely to get laid
Satoshi is worth like 20 billions dollars. Im sure he can find pussy.

I can already see them flocking to exchanges once it's shilled in cosmopolitan and other garbage they consume
can you imagine the size of the bubble they'll cause? it will be glorious for us, however I expect it not to end well for them; today's bagholders will seem insignificant in comparison
on the bright side, average woman is able and likely to fuck/marry her way into money or at least comfy existence, which is something an average male can't ever dream of

as much as I like to meme about sjws ruining the western world this is far fetched
most women don't even know how to access websites other than facebook twitter clothing shops and google let alone actually buying currency online

It already happened. Search bitcoin women on google and laugh at the results.

How about you show tits or gtfo.

Of course, because money brings power which is what women seek in men. Now, I don't think Satoshi got many whores in highschool being a geek, nor did mr gates, let's be honest here.

Are you going to post this everyday?

>Search bitcoin women on google
Well this is ridiculous.

Yikes!!!! Hahaha :^)

Glad you've found a nice one and are happy. Well, according to Veeky Forums it's biology. Who knows, maybe it is. Not sure why that biology didn't hit me when I have the biology of a woman

Inb4 exception to the rule
Inb4 using emotions instead of logic
Inb4 insufferable cunt won't shut up
Inb4 Hillary supporter
Inb4 muh triggers

I think it's important for women to speak up on this board and be like "hey, yeah, some women are here". Maybe it'll make more women feel like they can invest in shitcoins too

Women are lazy and uninterested in everything that isn't about them, the only reason some of them go into "boy hobbies" is because it guaranteed them tremendous male attention with low competition from other females.

Anyway it's a good news, women ruin absolutely everything, they ruined politics, they ruined white collar workplaces, they ruined schools, they ruined literature, they ruined internet, they ruined video games, they even ruin western civilization by shilling for accepting legion of brown male invaders, at least they won't ruin crypto... for now.

First time doing it. Not even a copypasta. Show me the archive.

these are all real quotes

>The bitcoin community—the developers, executives, venture capitalists, policy wonks, academics, and even bloggers who work in, engage with, and support the decentralized technology and the digital currency—has a diversity problem.

>Why Bitcoin's male domination will be its downfall

>There are nasty consequences of this. If you are a woman involved with Bitcoin, you are invariably going to get treated like an outsider. As Victoria Turk says, “it seems that the only Bitcoin community that particularly welcomes female participation is the NSFW subreddit r/GirlsGoneBitcoin”

also fucking janice griffith the pornstar posted on twitter that she bought ethereum. it's over.

Most women are materialistic consumerists with only an interest in more wealth to consume more main stream product, namely fashion

I wonder how many of them will embrace their new haircuts

real quotes sure but from literally who nobodies
also a literally who pornstar, i've checked her twitter out
these are all clickbait articles that will have no effect
>There are nasty consequences of this. If you are a woman involved with Bitcoin, you are invariably going to get treated like an outsider
There is no reason to reveal the fact that you own a vagina when dealing with trading digital currencies, it's purely for attention and that's as far as these stupid roasties will invest into it. For attention purposes
Just like your stupid pornstar
>hehexd i bought eth give me attention
now dumbasses are posting that to Veeky Forums and she's getting views and clicks etc
ignore it
nothing will happen
the way blockchain technology works forbids the fact of having a vagina giving you an advantage

No this whole discission is a shit

You can buy, your dog can buy even the gender void fox kin can fucking buy..

Just buy and keep your mouth shut nothing is preventing you from joining in

It literally is.

Women are risk-averse due to genetics and due to evolutionary biology.

Men are risk-takers by the same evolutionary forces.

It's why men pay more for car insurance. It's also why women tend not to be pioneers in professional fields.

It just is. Cryptocurrency trading/development is no different than any other market, field or area of study that rewards a large investment of time and a significant amount of risk-taking.


I can say with certainty that almost every male relative I have who I have told about bitcoin and my gains (heavily downplayed) has at least attempted to research and asked me for tips on how to invest, altcoins etc.

The women on the other hand want nothing to do with crypto and tend to change the subject completely or tell me i'm wasting my money. No attempts have been made to research or the minority that have say it's too complicated.

This is just my findings, would be interesting to see other user's perspectives.

> ITT: data indicates real differences between men and women, /rk9/'ers use said data to justify being incel.

Like pottery

My mum thought I did something illegal when I borrowed 3k from my bro and paid him back+tip the following week

>also XXXX (the pornstar) poste on twitter that she bought ethereum

I tend not to class pornstars in the same light that I class other women; pornstars tend to come in two varieties; 1) "I'm doing it because it pays better than modeling and I don't have to impress people with anything other than my tits", and 2) "I'm an extremely savvy self-promoter and capitalist, and am willing to learn the ins and outs of an industry that largely benefits risk-taking women who are smart enough to strongly represent themselves."

The pornstar you're talking about is probably in the second camp.

I have an exgf who became a porn star when we broke up. She's getting into crypto right now, and she's DEFINITELY the former.

You just know that (((they))) will be the ones to spearhead this paradigm. Just like (((they))) heralded women's rights to vote and work in order to double the voting block and tax bracket in their long march to erode the goyim

>Statistically speaking, most of your employee (if it's a finance or management sector) will be males, but that's biological reality.

t. someone with no working experience.

Women during the last 3 decades totally swarmed management because they are too weak and fragile to do blue collar job and they are too dumb to do technical jobs, now almost every fucking HR dept from big to medium sized companies is headed by some 30-40 white woman forcing you to listen to the drivel about her husband or her kids and where political correctness and passive agressiveness rules.

you're giving her too much credit m8
If she's successful at all with it it's because since that tweet she's probably had 100s of private messages from cryptotrading neet virgins giving her advice in exchange for the even the slightest bit of attention from an attractive female
Bancor says hello

stage name?

>when I told my dad about winning 7k from betting on Trump, he got mad
>every time I tell my dad, an accountant, about crypto, he just pretends to be interested
Just sad, really. He lived through the most prosperous times in human history, but never took advantage of it out of cowardice. Both my mom and I make more money than he ever has.

Jade Nile

I don't think she does porn anymore, she quit after a few years. Travels doing circus people shit with fire now.

Not sure if bongistani or dumbfuckistani

Ok, but to both of you, if the goal here is self-promotion, and her audience trades crypto, is it not a good idea to reflect your audience's values back to them? Like, would that not be the savvy way to represent yourself to your clients?

Even if they're only doing it because they heard about it from some random fan/client/chat convo on camtasia or whatever the fuck, is it not a savvy self-promotion move to reflect that interest back on the people that pay your paycheck?

Seems to me that you're not giving these women enough credit for being self-promoters. Not saying it's hard for them to self-promote, but I am saying that it tends to change their viewpoint on risk-taking/self-interest due to their employment being based on their following.

>now almost every fucking HR dept from big to medium sized companies is headed by some 30-40 white woman
HR=/=management you retard.

Even in my corporation the HR is full of cunts. But in management (I'm one) it's mostly men.
And a few cunts that got there because they sucked dicks and they're managing a department that is self-sufficient.
Oh and there's one women who's the exception, she's alpha and great at her job. Would impregnate any day.

>Seems to me that you're not giving these women enough credit for being self-promoters.

You dumb doublenigger it has NOTHING to do with self-promotion. They're literally in porn because they make a ton of money, and now they're talking to rich men who made money in crypto and think "well shit, if it's that easy I'll try it!"

You've clearly never met anyone in the adult industry if you think they think like this.

HR is literally "Human resource management" you dumbfuck.

literally the most risk averse position in modern business. Your dad doesn't give a shit because he is risk-averse.

Neither, slav masterrace hailing from a comfy commie block

>is it not a good idea to reflect your audience's values back to them?
no cuz they don't give a shit
they wanna see her get fucked good and then nutt
then they forget about her until the see a random hot picture/webm on Veeky Forums and get horny with an urge to fap

completely wrong lol

>DigiBitch gets railed and dumped by BTC
>Sia offers her ass for anons' cum storage until she reaches ATH. Once
>PoSW goes on a holiday and gets raped by every pajeet in sight; although apparently much heavier, her luggage bags remain intact

I cant wait till woman realize all they rely are good for is silent porn.

M In here and actually yer grandma

I seriously hope you're trolling with your stupidity
If not, unironically kill yourself
noone would miss you

Here to learn
Don't really care about you


is this b8???

It's simple woman do not care or understand the world around them
I'd say 80% of all woman, being extreamly liberal here, are just holes with legs and tits

guess what hoes you wont be able to steal wealth thought the courts with jewish lawyers and shabos goy masonic judges any more.

Women do not care

that will always be the answer

