>Leave Wellington to me
Leave Wellington to me
Other urls found in this thread:
Why is Nappy-chan so perfect?
>Tough exterior but warm on the inside
>Capable of great affection towards those she cares about
>Inspires those around her to great feats
>Logically-minded which would render her autistically adorable regarding romance
pick one
Part of what makes her such a great waifu is that she could never exist in real life. That's how waifus work.
>tfw vidya games and anime have warped your entire world vision causing you to support female leaders but in real life they're all shriveled cunts instead of cute girls
>Implying she wouldn't retreat to her tent with you in it and dismiss her aides
>Implying she wouldn't be covered in the sweat, grime, smoke and dirt of a successful battle
>Implying she wouldn't, in contrast to her leadership style, let herself melt into your grasp and be led by you
>Implying she wouldn't wrap her legs around your midsection, her riding breeches not even off yet and her hips gyrating slightly, so desperate and frustrated is she that she can't even wait until they're off first
>Implying your lovemaking wouldn't be fast and passionate at first before evolving into a more gentle lovemaking as her immediate carnal urges are satisfied before melting into a desire to be held, to be loved
>Implying the two of you wouldn't lie exhausted from your lovemaking hours later, her circling her fingers on your chest as her more fun yet autistic side comes out and she awkwardly tries relay to you a crude pun she heard one of her soldiers say before messing up the punchline
>Implying she wouldn't fall asleep at your side, your presence and warmth making her feel safer than any guard or musket
>Implying she wouldn't be blissfully unaware that in a few months time riding a horse would inexplicably become very hard
Literally, unironically why live?
>when you realize women are naturally whores and all idealized concepts of feminine purity were created by men
Hey I remember writing this. Good times senpai
me too haha
Is their any greater feeling than discovering something you wrote became a pasta? Or some image you created became a meme?
It is the ultimate (you)
And so my legacy is finally secure
Thank you, user
Don't make me feel this user
Hi Bonaparte.
Yeah I'd fuck Napoleon.
>am I fitting in yet guys? XD
I'm sure r/Veeky Forums will love your quirkyness.
>redditor trying to fit in by calling other anons redditors
>look i le love history and le have no le gf...
>what if history... was the gf!!!!!
>projecting this hard
do you le have no gf user?
do you have le funny white guy and evil frog pictures youd like to show me???
>reddit spaces
i am le sorry user........... ;(
reddit STINKS
except r/ledonald
and le r/watchpeopledie
Why are you here?
>tfw Nap-chan will never turn me into her sex slave, ballbust or forcefully feminize me
you had a pretty bad day huh?
>Leave the entire Ottoman empire to me
Because you keep on replying to him, numbskull.
Go back to jerking off to rule 63
She looks cute, who was she?
The Empress of France
Contary to what history channel claims
Prussians were keeping over 20 000 french including entire old guard and young guard busy and only the medium guard took part in the final atack not the old guard.
Now Imagine if that atack was supported by 20 000 freash soldiers lol.
Also Ney cavalry charge was supported by both infantry and artillery, the problem was after he forces british into squares and paralised the allied army and wanted to thrown in the infantry reserve to finish the job he learnt that the prussians arrived in meantime and there is no infantry to be spared.
my little emperor can't be this cute!!
>She will never make you wear the poofy dresses that were in style during the period.
What's with the emoji in the corner?
and Greater Europe*
I made this and I see it posted on normie sites after every monthly terrorist attack
I would that Napoleon
>I made this
not true i made it you fucking mook
Both of you are liars, I made it.
>gets cucked
>ywn cuck you're empress and make her cry
Her eyes are fucked up if you look closely