Educate me on this topic, Veeky Forums. Why did it start? Was it necessary? Who won? How has it shaped world history?
Finno-Korean Hyper War
It was a victory for the Hwangook Confederacy who went on to establish the Hwangook Empire. The Ancient Finnish Empire collapsed. The war left a huge impact on the world as they were the two strongest powers at the time. There continues to be a large amount of resentment between the Finnish and Koreans to this day. There are multiple reasons behind why the war began. We could debate about it all day but I have always found the secondary powers in the war to be the most interesting.
Who were the secondary powers?
Fuck off
were mongol the, result of fins and koreans mixing together?
Sumerians (descendants of Koreans), Atlantis, Emu Army, Communie of Lemuria, Wewuz Empire, many others.
No, Koreans would never have sex with Finns. Most East Asian peoples are the descendants of primitive cave people and they only got high IQ after mixing with Koreans. The Koreans gave them civilization and culture.
t. butthurt finn
Here's an image of the Hwangook Empire at its greatest size.
Here is the Ancient Finnish Empire.
The people who live in Finland and Korea today are not the descendants of the people who fought the Hyper-War.
This is the most devastating truth.
No, they are. Their ancestry just got diluted because of Turkroaches.
You forget Shietz Conglomerate and Kangz Kingdom
I didn't forget them. There's just way too many to list.
What role did the Neanderthal peoples play in the war, and which side was responsible for their annihilation?
Hwan Empire removed Neanderthals from premises after their spies found out that Ancient Finnish Empire had bioengineered them from scratch.
Finnish ancestry according to modern geneological studies is extremely "pure" for a lack of better word. They have not experienced similar major population migrations as other areas in Europe.
It led to modern finland
We can see from these maps that Hwan Empire ended up taking most of Ancient Finnish Empire's territory.
is it true that the Neanderthals were force sensitive? I was never really clear on this..
and did they come from the Netherlands or settle in the Netherlands?
It's a forced reddit tier meme
The activation of the Mass Autism Arrays was a massive fucking war crime that the Koreans have yet to pay for and still openly gloat about.
No side won, Hwans took too much.
It was devastating for the Wewuzian United African Kangdom
The battle of GIBZraltar, devastated the city, creating a massive rock in most of the city, aswell as destroying the trade income.
The greek colony aided Finland a lot. it made the Black israelites slaves. Their last combat screams were '' DAS RITE''.
The destruction of Giza KFC space station made the Pyramids static.
Hwans however had to withstand the Indo-European invasion. Hwans collapsed.
Then Abos burned down australia. Japan unleashed Godzilla upon korea.
War was lost for all sides but the Indo europeans.
..............are you guys making this up?
Try reading a book m8
Does it sound like it? This war shaped human history as we know it.
Are you serious? This war changed the entire world. Every educated person knows about it.
>the american education system in action
The Koreans were affected by the autism rays themselves and now all Asians have autism as the Koreans are their ancestors.
Then how'd the Hwan Empire lose the war?
autism as a biological weapon
it backfired though, both sides suffered astronomical asspain and BTFO
The Japanese are the most autistic
The Japanese were hit with more autism rays than all the other Asians.
Why did the kangdom of wewuz agree to allow the construction of the giza mass autism array? How did that effect the kangdom of wewuz?
Also did the mass autism array effect the emu empire?
The autism ray made the emus super smart. Their hyper-focus on technology allowed them to colonize much of our solar system. The emus were eventually cured of autism and they went back down to average intelligence but emu ruins and canals can still be found on Mars.
Autism rays didn't reach the southern hemisphere m8, the abboleans were more devastated by the loss of their satellite arrays which their agriculture was strangely enough entirely dependent on.
Oh ho ho ho we got a/pol/ revisionist here, next you'll be saying that the Koreans were just trying to advance science when they sent those orphans into the event horizon.