What are some historical examples of people groups willingly surrendering their countries to invaders without firing a...

What are some historical examples of people groups willingly surrendering their countries to invaders without firing a single shot?

It happens to literally everyone eventually, starting with the Sumerians (replaced by Semites).

Man when we white people become a minority I'm gonna chimpout and do nothing but cash welfare cheques 24/7

Yeah no. What you'll do is be disenfranchised and forced to pay "reparations" on anything you earn (and good luck getting a job with all the anti-white hiring laws that will be passed).

>implying whites will ever get minority status and the benefits it brings even if they were 10% of total population

Peaceful migrations existed most of the history because nobody was bothered with proper border control which is the modern idea.

the problem with your little theory is there was no welfare states then so its really not the same thing at all. this is the problem with the WE'RE A NATION OF IMMIGRANTS GOY argument. when my grandparents grandparents immigrated to america from germany they didnt receive a dime from the governent.

>willing surrendendering THEIR country

Pick one

His country is obviously Israel

King Attalus III of Pergamum seceding said Pergamum to Rome in his will

Anglo detected

eternal anglos inviting the Dutch to overthrow their king

Good chunk of Anglo-saxon kingdoms just surrendering to Vikings

>Peaceful migrations existed most of the history because nobody was bothered with proper border control which is the modern idea.
That is why gypsies and jews were constantly expelled?

>All food grown by whites in 90% whiteland
>They'll be disenfranchised
The cities will starve to death if they pull that stormfront fantasy bullshit.

t. /pol/

What planet do you live on? What do you think would happen if the farmers tried to starve the cities? I'll give you a clue: The government would come along, shoot all the farmers, and redistribute their land. Look at Zimbabwe and you'll see the "power" of controlling a country's agriculture.

As much as I hate to bump this thread, I know it will get a hundred+ replies anyways so I may as well post my piece.

All races are absolutely retarded and full to the brim with the dredges of society. White, black, Jew, gentile, they're all shit. And I don't mean in the liberal "I'm not racist I hate everybody equally a-hah", every single race has its own uniquely positive traits, but that is weighed down by the many many faults that each of them possess. Be it the sexual laxity of the Spanish, the miserable boorishness of the English, the arrogant nepotism of the Jews, or the bitter and degenerate mentality of the Black, it's all a thousand shades of shit with few diamonds spread between.

Which isn't to say those nativists who hate immigrants are necessary right in their pessimistic assessment, far more often it's simply a base dislike of anything different or unknown mixed with the (subconsciously) honest observation that most immigrants vastly outperform them. This is especially true of the Chinese and Japanese, who take a vain pride in refining and perfecting the arts of other civilizations.

I've often felt that colonialism gets a bad rap for it's impact in the world. With it, it brought industry, writing, emancipation from slavery, countless revolutions, and the entire interconnected and globalized world. And in exchange for all this, all it asked in return is that races and families be destroyed, languages forgotten, the whole past that weight down on the peoples of the world burned to ash, the old Gods driven from their temples, and the monstrous works of art that had collected like moth balls through the centuries smelted down for new works.

Indeed, the sole problem of colonialism is that it didn't go far enough. After decimating all the old cultures of the new world, the tragedy is that it didn't then turn back to Europe and wipe that away two. Imagine, every generation on earth being forged not by the thousand petty squabbles of the past, but by the bureaucratic machinery of the previous generation.

As time seems to speed up to keep pace with technology, the only peoples that make any sense were the Janissaries. That multicultural elite, holding no racial or familial bindings, save for that to the state, bound together not by birthplace but by their own competence, skill, and common goals. I feel that this must be the future. The constant true minority, the intelligent, the cunning, and the competent, rising above the gray mass of people around them to be part of something greater.

Zimbabwe, land of misery and perennial famine?

>t. George Soros

Niall Ferguson? Is that you?

>t. Billy Bob Bodean

Used to be the breadbasket of Africa. But the white farmers tried to leverage their "power" for political benefits, only to find that they were, in fact, incredibly precarious and easily exterminated by the much larger urban populations.

That's not how it works in South Africa.

If economic growth means mexicans stealing my car at walmart, low income housing built on farm land, and more jews & blacks, I think we can do fine without it.

That's not even what's at stake, The rate of growth /might/ slow down without flooding the country with shitskins, it's not that the economy will stall or shrink, it just won't grow 'as fast' as it possibly could. Meanwhile, you know where all these "profits" will be going, the same place all the gains from increasing productivity have gone since the 1970's, into the pockets of a handful of billionaires.

and how well did that go for the urban populations

>most immigrants vastly outperform them
depends in which categories, muslims outperform in blowing up and raping children than natives
I don't think that's a positive trait though

I love you big brother.

White SA's didn't have armored cars, rocket explosives, automatic rifles and home town militias.

>That multicultural elite, holding no racial or familial bindings, save for that to the state, bound together not by birthplace but by their own competence, skill, and common goals. I feel that this must be the future. The constant true minority, the intelligent, the cunning, and the competent, rising above the gray mass of people around them to be part of something greater.

Let's be honest here, they're just going to expand the term white to include a few more brown people.

Same thing happened with the Italians.


Can I join the Jewish elite? I'm a jew. Seriously, where do I apply? I'm poor as fuck I need a fast track to greatness.

probably by going into law or into doctors field and slowly making your way up through connections

Are you implying that your average mestizo would be considered white anywhere? Not even in Mexico

You obviously don't know the power of memes.

They look closer to asians than anything else

American "whites" are Anglos, so who cares what happens to them anyway?

Jews are an ethnic group.

I'm talking about a multiethnic devotion to the state. Civic nationalism, as embodied by the Janissaries (and to some extent the French and Chinese), is the ultimately patrician position to take.

q Schopenhauer's essay about the common man

On the plus side they now get to sell their wildlife for Chinese shekels.

>at least we ain't got no Whitey around

>Civic nationalism
doesn't work

Where is south Africa?

Except for the fact that every single nation on earth naturally forms its own peoples who identify by that nation, while nearly every ethnic group can trace their existence back to some form of political organization or legal body.


Peaceful migrations existed =/= every migration was peaceful or welcomed by the settled state.

What's the deal with the video?

Ummmm. Yeah they did.

Minorities already blame whites for everything and leech off of their hard work and success. It's not a forgone conclusion that whites becoming a minority would therefore be even worse for whites since they would then lack any of the political protection they have now due to their numbers. Several western countries are already being strained by ungrateful migrants taking full use of the public purse to fluff their own nest at the expense of the white majority, imagine how much worse this will be if the white became a minority; if the system won't have collapsed by that point that is.

USA seems to be doing fine.

So does China.

>Minorities already blame whites for everything
Is this a general sentiment shared by most minorities?

So what is up with all of these delusional faggots who lump themselves together with the most productive citizens? Acting like they are on par with scientists and engineers because their skin tones match a whole bunch of them.

Seems like all they want to do is go on the internet and go 'woe is me' rather than stand up and fight whatever injustice they see in their minds. I mean shit, they could chip in at a rather small level by just finding a chick in their ethnic group and having more than two kids, then raise them good and proper.

But no, they just want to come here and lament that Rome is burning and are basically just giving up like an ungrateful prick letting what was given to him be stolen away.

Just in the 1930's
the baltic states

Rome during the collapse. According to Gibbons Roman nobles adopted German chiefs as their heirs and directled handed over their estates to them before they entered the priesthood with the intention of quickly becoming bishops and other high ranking clergy.

>Baltic states
you realize there is alot of tension betwen russians living there and the native Balts right?

So the same way anyone else does it then, the traditional blending of meritocracy and nepotism.


The surrender of Babylon to Cyrus the Great (Eventhough the Histories contradict this claim)


Not in Lithuania, because we kicked their asses out.

Feels good man.

lol don't tell the poor /pol/fag that, he's sensitive in his believes

this is your mind on globalism.