Why do people keep bringing this picture up when they deny the Holocaust? All of this "Questions" Have been answered, in some form or another.
Why do people keep bringing this picture up when they deny the Holocaust? All of this "Questions" Have been answered...
Because it's literally all they have. Think yourself lucky, it used to be "120 question", then "60 questions", at this rate it's going to be "question".
wtf I hate holocaust now
thanks for convincing me by saying they have been answered in some way op
>false flagging /pol/ thread
follow your leader, faggot
Not even False Flagging. All of those questions have been answered in some way. and Yet they keep using it.
>I'm too stupid and lazy to take one tenth of a second to google it!
wow this independent jewish site sure made me think
Good cretin. Just dismiss anything that disagree with your already formed opinions, that's how smart people act!
why do you quote me if you're talking about yourself friend
Hehe you sure got me that time you smart, smart guy you! I like how you refuse to learn and stick to what some other cretin told you without thought or reflection, that shows real cahracter!
Holy Fucking Shit. I just Want to know why they keep using the pic when its been answered.
And you have you answer: These "people" keep using tired old thousand-time-BTFO arguments because they're too stupid and arrogant to understand that the arguments they use are tired and have been BTFO thousands of times.
Holohoaxers never actually write anything themselves, they just post infographs they found on /pol/, usually not even reading them.
somewhere a mysterious figure is reading this and happily rubbing his hands together
>hurr everyone who disagrees with me is a Jew!
Good cretin, just keep believing exactly what you're told. Remember, independent thought is Jewish!
nice thread, here is a picture of my cat
holocaust happened jews deserved it, end of story
Here is another picture, he caught a bird. But don't worry I made him open his mouth and the bird flew away.
>jewish media
Nice cat
Cute, those stripes make him look like a tiger.
I seem to remember a pasta debunking this point by point. It ended with a sarcastic query as to what happened to question #13. Does anyone have it?
Arguing with holocaust deniers isnt like two people arguing about history, its like trying to convince a child he cant have any more candy because hes going to get sick. You literally just have to keep hammering the point down on them until their underdeveloped and low IQ brains get it. You also probably need to use appeals to emotion since thats all they really understand, which is why their favorite thing is youtube videos of hitler giving some propaganda speech with some emotional and heroic song from a super hero movie dubbed over it.
/pol/ is just starting to drop the meme of "POLAND WAS MASSACRING INNOCENT GERMANS!" after about a year of hammering that fact on them over and over and over again.
I hate this because question 2 is such bullshit. Churchill does mention the holocaust in his book. And Eisenhower had a number of letters and reports detailing it. Such a bullshit leading question.
Didn't he also order them to be photographed because he knew people will try and deny it
Oh good, I can break out my pasta.
1) You do realize that the “famed German efficiency” is a myth and that you had a smattering of different bureaucrats who were trying to compete for Hitler's favor, some by mass executions, some by production?
2) Because the term “holocaust” hadn't been associated with the mass killings yet. Churchill, by the way, does mention that. For instance
>"The wholesale massacre by systematized processes of six or seven millions of men, women, and children in the German execution camps exceeds in horror the rough and ready butcheries of Genghis Khan, and in scale reduces them to pygmy proportions. Deliberate extermination of whole populations was contemplated and pursued by both Germany and Russia in the Eastern war." -THE SECOND WORLD WAR “The Gathering Storm” page 15
3)Because “Auschwitz” wasn't a single camp so much as a collection of over 50 camps, not all of which were stuffed with Jews to be exterminated. The brothel, for instance, was primarily for the use of the SS staff.
4) Because A) “German efficiency” is largely a myth, B) You had a rather significant number of Jews from nominally allied nations such as Hungary and Romania where the SS had no jurisdiction, and C) Einsatzgruppen units who had embarked on wholesale massacres had notably higher rates of erratic behavior and alcoholism, something they wanted to cut down on.
5) You mean like Hans Frank's Diaries? Or this? i.imgur.com
6) Because the 6 million claim was never based on the Soviet estimate of the 4 million at Auschwitz, which was considered dubious from the get-go. It is rather based on population reduction, which is a bit harder to get around.
7) Not all of German codes were cracked. However, enough were that the Germans spent considerable effort constantly updating codes. It's something that happens during wartime. Furthermore, given that the Final Solution was embarked upon when the tide of war had already turned against the Germans, it's not much of a stretch to think they were worried about their own skins come eventual defeat.
8) You do realize they made drainage ditches, right?
9) Oh yes, the “mere” 50% fatality of places like Dachau is proof positive they weren't extermination camps. Yeah, your odds were better there than at say, Treblinka, but that's not saying much.
10) They used a little something called a “pump” to push the poisonous air out and bring in the fresh air. Hydrogen cyanide gas execution is still used in places like New Mexico. Do you think that they wait a day to bring out the corpse when they administer capital punishment?
11) Except the soap thing did happen. Danzig anatomical institute made about 70 kg of human body fat soap. Was it churned out in industrial quantities? No. But did it exist? Yes.
12) Because of the claim that the “steam chamber” execution and the electrical grids were made by people who were not camp insiders and did not have perfect knowledge as to what happened. It was hardly the sole evidence that hanged people at Nuremberg.
14) As mentioned above, Auschwitz was more than just Birkenau. By the way, he does mention the gas chambers, and how his mother and sister went to them, although he only found out their significance later. Not actually having been gassed, he wasn't a first-hand witness to the inside of one.
15) Really? For instance, Night makes no mention of Mengele.
16) You mean “according to Nazi travel documentation demonstrating how almost a million people went there and none of them left”. And really, what is this so-called “Extensive sonar probing”? It's been declared a memorial and you're not supposed to disturb it, anyone attempting to make such findings is dodging whatever security they have in the place.
17) No, proof of the Holocaust rests primarily in demographic decline.
18) Because not every country shares American attitudes towards free speech.
19) No, it's about as dumb as flat earther or moon landing hoaxing. Really, what leading revisionists have “advanced degrees from world leading universities”?
20) Because nobody denies the existence of the ACW.
21) Because modern crematoria are concerned with little things like making sure the body ashes are contained neatly and not letting shit dissipate to the wind. The Nazis? Not so much.
By the way, what happened to #13?
Because it shows exactely what kind of person to expect, when one denies holocast.
(spoiler)The kind of person that can't count to 20.(/spoiler)
>By the way, what happened to #13?
it got answered
so let me get this straight
Veeky Forums is such a pretentious fucking board that the following are true about them:
>The holocaust definately happened
>The nazis were the bad guys
>They were always going to lose
>National Socialism is bad
>Hitler was an idiot
>They weren't good administrators nor fighters
Hmm I wonder who could be pushing these agendas?
that's right goyim
remember that questioning any of these things is illegal and leads you to jail
but it's all true we aren't hiding anything
Boy, you guys sure proved your points with your sick green texts and memes!
>one of these things is not like the others.
pretty much all those "evidence" in that imgur can be discredited based on this single comment alone
boy fuck yeah israel boy
Which one?
Moon Landing never happened.
Global Warming is not real, it's a natural Occurrence.
9/11 was caused by the Jews to blame the Muslims.
Sandy hook was a False Flag to try and take our guns.
Jews are trying to Destroy Europe like they did in WW And WW2
But those are correct /pol/
>>The holocaust definately happened
Unless the Germans who admitted to doing it were in on your global millennia old Jewish conspiracy, then yes is did happen
>>The nazis were the bad guys
Killing ethnic groups for lebensraum, lying to get land concessions, using terror tactics violence to win political elections, restricting basic human rights and enforcing caste systems...those are bad things
>>They were always going to lose
If the nature of the war was always about Poland, then maybe. But the second Hitler turned it into a global conflict, then yes.
>>National Socialism is bad
See above.
>>Hitler was an idiot
See above. Taking personal command of a global war when you were a message runner is pretty idiotic.
>>They weren't good administrators nor fighters
See above. Germans did have great tech in some regards and completely lacked in others. They didn't adapt fast enough to fight a war against so many enemies. Hitler played his staff off against each other. Dunkirk is a famous example of this ineptitude. Their remarkable early war success was due almost solely to their enemies greater disorganization than theirs.
Need better bait
Initial German military successes in WW2 had less to do with tech or equipment and more to do with tactics, doctrine, and military organization, in which they were well ahead of the rest of the world in 1939, and probably held that advantage until 43, maybe even 44.
Same reason all people copy paste material for their arguments.
As for holocoust deniers I get the sense that they seem to be stuck in black and white thinking - either it happened or it didn't. Ignoring the middle group of there being exaggerations and deceptions but it still definitely happened
That's the long answer. Plus the crews of their air and armor corps were already experienced in battle. That goes a long way when you're inventing doctrine.