what about just buying a shelf company and business number to put on your resume? How deep does your standard HR team dig???
Who else here just wants to have enough money to be able to live frugally of dividends and interests?
the problem isnt work and it iant markets
the problem is that no matter WHAT world you live in people with iqs below 115 are shitty
want me to prove it? even on VACATION you avoid going to places with 115 iq people.
dont blame work
Global average is 100 how can you avoid 115 IQ people. mobile is 100 how to do a boy 150 cool
so 50% yearly returns mean in 20 years I would have 1.5^20=3325 times my initial deposit.
That looks legit, millionaire with 300$ investment.
Ignore that last sentence my phone added that it does whatever the fuck it wants.
wtf did you even ask
anyway, hk and singapore have avg iqs of 110, singapore has 110 with street shitters and malays, so the chinese are bound to be a good 117 on avg there.
caste systems work
theres a reason anyone remotely intelligent goes on vacation (went) to europe instead of africa or monster truck rallies in texas
How it is with every Big Thing and you are an early adopter. Apple, Yahoo, Viagra, Google. We need to arrest all those fags that took a risk on a new thing and got ahead.
also global average is nowhere near 100
global average is around 80
100 avg is called the greenwich mean based off white londoners. on this scale white americans are 104 and all americans pool at 95
I would also point Out if they studied IQ and socialization and found that people whose IQ very buy more than 10 have trouble getting along. It could be that you're just too far above average.
The average Asian IQ is 110 the average Niger has 80 and the whites are right in the middle. Course the Asians are known to cheat so maybe you are right