Where did the Nazis get the idea to use the swastika as their symbol?
What history did the swastika have outside of South Asian cultures and religions?
Was it actually ever used by ancient Germanics or nationalist movements related to Germany before the Nazis appropriated it?
It is a pretty simple symbol to make.
By the time the nazis came to power nearly all religious iconography related to the swastika had to do with dharmic religions and cultures.
it was a common symbol everyhere, like a star or a heart. It was used in sports teams, flags (not national flags though), company logos, medals etc and not just a cmmon religios symbol
Swastikas were a common symbol present in a lot of ancient societies, I imagine it was just more Nazi LARPing
Could you provide some examples for that?
I can hardly imagine sports teams and companies proudly displaying swastikas for decades, then suddenly dropping them as soon as Hitler came to power.
I dont like when people only think of swastika as nazi or "ancient religious symbol that was stolen"
Its like saying USSR or China stole the star symbol for having it as its symbol
it's a very easy symbol to make
The hindu/dharmic swastika has those dots in it.
my autism forced me to correct putting same team twice
exactly, it was just a common symbol
The swastika can be found on ancient Roman pottery as well as ineven older European symbology such as the vinca script. Like the eagle, it really is a pan-human symbol.
Hitler pretty much stole Mao´s Nazbol design
that flag is so fucking cool lol
The real question is what does the symbol represent?
>Well being and good fortune
I'm not buying it.
The counterclockwise rotation of our planet is my personal theory seeing how this version of the swastika seems more prevalent.
Interesting pictures, thanks for sharing.
The difference between the swastika and the star is that a star can still mean dozens of different things. For example, it just represents every single one of the united states on their national flag. Of course, when you see a red star, you still think of communism. But it is the combination of the color and the symbol that creates the connection.
With the swastika, the symbol has been forever tainted by the atrocities of extreme nationalism. Whenever you see it in use nowadays, active measures have to be undertaken to differentiate it from the NSDAP logo and Third Empire flag. Look at the four dots in the OP flag or the counterclockwise orientation for example.
Swastika was trendy at that period, just like any esoteric shit. Aryan theory craze was the same shit, completely unscientific, this is why it looks so odd now this is why it looks odd now. Every other amateur sports club had swastika as logo. Hitler was nothing but hipster, he wanted his movement to look cool, trendy and modern, so he flushed into toilet all that German pseudohistoric Romantical shit like Siegfrieds and used some New Age crap to impress the masses.
I believe something similar, altought for some peoples it was a symbol of marriage
yea, I get you cant really use it now. But when people only say stuff like "muh stolen ancient symbol" like Hitler dug up some artifact and put it on his flag.
Even worse is the "the difference is nazi swastika is this rotation and symbol of luck is that rotation". When both have been used for both ways (although the nazi version is only rarely counter-clockwise"
Didnt read the last part of your post before I wrote time hehehe
it represents the sun dum dum. when you're a primitive pre-technological culture, your well-being and good fortune is dependent on the weather.
It's a pattern that comes from basket-weaving
>he writes on an Iranian underwater basket weaving forum
for some fucking reason my keyboard won't let me copy and paste, but check out Swastika (Germanic Iron Age) on wikipedia
You know you can do that by right-clicking, right?
Anyway, thanks for sharing. I actually wasn't aware of this.
>With the swastika, the symbol has been forever tainted by the atrocities of extreme nationalism. Whenever you see it in use nowadays, active measures have to be undertaken to differentiate it from the NSDAP logo and Third Empire flag. Look at the four dots in the OP flag or the counterclockwise orientation for example.
what the fuck? The hindu swastika hasn't changed because an autistic nazi
It's a cross of sticks with torches attached that spin
Not that complicated of a symbol
It's mainly the Thule party that adds it, and stealing from commies
>What history did the swastika have outside of South Asian cultures and religions?
It has been used since ancient times in the West, There are Roman shields with swatstikas.
More recently, Swatstikas were VERY common in 1920's and 1930's design, particularly in art deco. As people said, it was a common symbol. It has an interesting symmetry and is pleasant to look at. It's easy to fit into repeating line designs, like on this facade.
Source on the shield.
The swatstika's common appearance in Roman and Indian design probably led to its adaptation by Nazis, since they were the greatest WEWUZZERS of all time.
Roman liked the swaztika a lot for mozaic, I saw some in Ostia near Rome.
This one was found in Emerita in modern Spain.
it's wheel symbology, those are spokes. Some swastikas roll forwards, some roll backwards. It plays into the karmic cycle idea.