What in the FUCK is this. Just watch five minutes of this and tell me Zuckeberg is not a reptilian shapeshifter.
What in the FUCK is this. Just watch five minutes of this and tell me Zuckeberg is not a reptilian shapeshifter
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you forgot the part where you post the link to that body language video user
he got rich off of twin chads
twin chads yo
There are still people who aren't reptilians?
I'm learning so much about smoking meats rn
damn what the fuck his wrong with his face?
>among top 50 richest men in the world
>can't afford to stream in HD
>mfw he acts and talks like Gavin Belson
wow 5 minutes in and that family interact is the fakest shit I've ever seen
good fucking god he really isn't human and the wife knows it
she traded her pride as a human to mate with a lizard in exchange for a false happiness that resides only on the surface, while it's all she can do to not throw up every time mark even passes by her, let alone touch her.
looks like something is not right with him
did we really invent the technology in last 50 years
how would you know fake vs. just different than what you've experienced?
so what if he was?
Even an autist with zero social skills like me can tell he's pretending to be warm and friendly, for marketing pourposes I guess.
because I'm not a fucking autist and can see how awkward that interaction is immediately?
When betas become alphas
Or when Jews just Jew you
I just think of this desu
Holy crap around 4:40 when "Priscilla" or whoever comes back outside, he immediately puts all his attention onto her in the most fucking awkward way possible.
He's supposed to be telling us this really interesting story about how he butchers his own animals and then all of a sudden he nags his wife like some kind of retard.
Very, very awkward. Is he so uninteresting that he needs to pedestal his wife all the time? How can she deal with that all the time? Oh wait billions of dollars probably helps LOL. Dis guy probably getting cucked all the time
Did you ever wonder why the stereotypical Jew is neurotic? Mental defect stemming from inbreeding. The lizard king is severely autistic.
He's autistically smart, no surprise here.
you guys really suck. and you use the word awkward wrong. Zuck is just a friendly conscious human who obviously cares about and is aware of what's happening around him. any awkwardness comes from Priscilla being "suprised" that he is streaming to thousands of people, so she gets shy immediately and Mark is so comfortable, he's just inviting her to not be so scared or anxious, just have fun and share a moment of their day with the people tuning in
He knows his wife is getting BLEACHED on the side. That's why Jews hate white people.
"I am for open borders other than that huge swath of Hawaiian beach which is reserved for my personal view"
- Mark Zuckerberg
What the heck
>just a friendly conscious human
You're not fooling anyone you scaley faggot.
that actually seemed way more real then everything else
It's that oddly shaped cranium which makes kikes non-human, it doesn't think the same way humans do, there's no remorse or empathy or really room for any sort of emotion in that skull except greed.
Remember this the next time you interact with kikes, they are not human.
I'm convinced autism is an important ingredient to become successful these days.
He's no different than any other autist except for the fact that he's actually been way more successful than he could've ever imagined. Any time I see him he just exudes so much anxiety that I feel kind of bad for him desu
>in b4 hurr durr how can u feel bad for billionaire
whats being a millionaire when ur plunging ur penis into THAT
its like he went to the dolla-hoe brothel in thailand and bought her for a nickel
I dont use cuckbook, have never used at all
haha don't mind me guys just casually doing regular humanoid activities like eating McDonalds Corporation™ Value Meals™ on the staircase. :)))
Why does he keep doing this
He's trying to gear up for a presidential run.
I don't know why, he's like 30 something, autistic, a manlet, and everyone hates facebook even if they use it.
he's autistic just like us, he literally spent his formative years trolling people on IRC servers
Could be a reptilian, could just be an intelligent but autistic dude
I strongly dislike Cuckerberg and I don't see anything that weird about this video. If you put up the autists here on a live stream and told them to talk about fucking smoked meat for an hour I guarantee you 90% of them would be way more alien.
Nothing interesting about this. Time wasted.
holy shit thats what I did
am I autistic?
Me too, fuck.
god you guys are pathetic
his wife is a literal demon
I swear when I was on vacation in Maui I saw the two of them. I know they live in Kauai and not Maui, but they could visit other islands, right? I was with the family at some well-rated fish burger place, and there was this couple sitting in the back wearing sunglasses indoors, and after looking at them a couple times feeling like I knew them from somewhere, I had this "Oh shit" moment and realized who they were. I didn't want to be weird so I stopped looking at them after that, and they finished eating before we did, so I thought that was that.
Then we drove to a nearby beach/resort area to just walk around for an hour, and when we got to the car and began to drive away, there they were again. Except that ourdoors they had the sunglasses off oddly enough, and the similarity was even more remarkable. I was sitting in one of the back seats, and because I was 25 at the time but look like a manchild, with my parents in the front driving us, I think Zucker & wife assumed I was a young teenager. They then smiled and waved goodbye to me inside the car. My parents seemingly didn't notice them at all, but they were looking right at me through my window. I mean, maybe I was staring too long and being the creeper, but I didn't feel like I was, I had only just realized they were there again and suddenly they were waving goodbye like workers at a country club or something. It was really bizarre.
>merchant hands
They're learning.
>I don't know why, he's like 30 something, autistic, a manlet, and everyone hates facebook even if they use it.
I hope he gets the nomination. Watching that failure would be fun.
>He's trying to gear up for a presidential run.
May God not allow that
can you imagine the meme war?
He is definitely a reptile holy shit.
JIDF detected
Wow, normal people grilling and enjoying a nice summer day in the backyard.
You guys are massive faggots. I mean, real, serious, mega, autistic faggots. You only think this is weird because you don't recognize normal behavior. You never interact with other humans.
Also, you don't realize how awkward it is to stream or do something like facetime on a phone. It's weird. They're a little shy of the camera, who the fuck cares.
BUT NO, OBVIOUSLY HE'S A REPITILIAN. Fucking kill yourselves idiots.
P.S. Mark is obviously doing stuff like this in prep to run for President.
Just seems like a slightly spergy billionaire talking about grilling meat for fucking forever because he's an autist and he gets fixated on obscure hobbies. So what if he's awkward as fuck on camera around his family?
That's not too unusual
>Be a billionaire
>Still not good enought to gain Asian wife's approval...
>he bought a fucking Bluetooth meat thermometer
I bet he thinks juicero is a wonderful innovation.
No... those idiots couldn't program. He just stole their idea
"Do you drink beer?" "I do, but I mostly work." How's this autistic a billionaire?
Everyone saying this behavior is normal is the real gem itt. If Zuck was speaking to me the way he does to the camera or to his wife, I would have chills running down my back.
he's a good guy
Time stamp pls
Except these aren't normal people. They're super fucking wealthy people and he can't just grill and joke but instead needs to talk about solving all the worlds problems with technology. Saying shit like we've got to fund this and that to have a better health care system. Fucking guy has more money than some nations and can fund projects entirely on his own, what's this WE bullshit?
Guy above is right, there seems to be an underlying motive here run for office at some point in his life.
She's kinda foxy there
Can you imagine President Zuckerburg?
A literal autistic Manlet full of beta rage in the White House?
We need to just make the trump family the royal family for the rest of America's existence. I can't handle anymore elections
>when reptillians read your mind
those idiots are literally the people behind the Gemini exchange. Considering they were able to see Bitcoin would be valuable in the future I think they proved with their track record that Zuckerberg was actually the non-innovative thief
Meh he's just an autist who's mind has been blown from having so much money.
This is an autist high on dopamine
It's creepier than anything in the video t b h. No doubt some of it is trolling, but some seem genuine. Makes you wonder if Veeky Forums is full of Jews who would indeed not see this behavior as different from them, or if there are paid shills in this thread.
>being a shill for the jews
>$20 has been deposited into your account by Facebookm thank you for the post.
>And no, YOU should kys.
>because I'm not a fucking autist
Why would anyone lie on the internet amiright?
I hope you know that autistic kids don't like other autistic because it's like they are looking directly at themselves and it makes them cringe so hard they go into fits of autistic rage.
>Hello my name is Sholomo and I'm a JIDF poster.