Why are people still "Marxists" in 2017?

I mean given the history of Marx's ideas being used and communism trying and failing, there are still so many Marxists. Normally when a system or philosophical idea fails or is found to have shortcomings someone else comes along and revises /critiques it (in this case Marx) and the newer system becomes popular.

So with economics there were popular ideas around the Great Depression era, then Keynes came along and the popular opinion was 'Keynesianism', then Keynesianism had its shortcomings , so it was critiqued/revised and newer iterations were popular (Neo/New Keynesianism).

I might have got the names and ordering mixed up but you get my point. Leftists are still heavily populated by Marxists, who read and support his ideas pretty much as they are like its the Bible.

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Why are people using "Aristotle's Logic " in 2017?

Marxism is not a political system.

It is not "applied" to governance, because Marx never wrote such a book. In communist Manifesto he says that the outcome of a proletarian revolution would be the abolition of Capitalism and the imposition of a "dictatorship of the proletariat", but never said anything more on that.

Extending my post to the ideology of Marxism though, my question is still valid.

Not an argument idiot.

Yes of course, but no one is orthodox Soviet style Marxist now, so it's not like it's one unified ideology, there are many trends. Neither is fascism one unified ideology either.

Because of the rise of socialist memes

Because Marxism is a framework of analysis, not a systemic theology. The few Stalinist true believers still running around are a vocal minority who inflate their presence by shitposting.

Marxism is also a popular bogeyman to bring up by people with no real understanding of it.

Because never it was never about Marxism. It was about power, and taking revenge on the people that have more than you, and using the working class as cannon fodder for the egoistical means of the Marxist elite. Whatever ideology that served to justifies these ends would do. This is also because you almost never find a Marxist that gives two shits about the poor besides virtue signaling about it on the internet. This is also why they are also immune to the practical and theoretical failures of Marxism, because they don't really give a shit if it's true or accurate or not.

Posted his in another thread, but it is appropriate here as well

Commieboos are the most annoying, fagiest,softest pieces of shit on Veeky Forums. They are somehow more annoying and delusional than stormfaggots. None of then would last a day in a communist country and I bet most of them own iPhones and other great pieces of bullshit that much evil capitalism brought them. The majority of them are just brainwashed suburban children who have been mentally sodomized by college professors.

It never worked. It won't work now. Your arguments that it has never 'been truly accomplished' or that all those piece of shit 3rd world countries weren't 'Like communism' is further proof of it's failure. Off yourselves you fools.

Many of the people you think as Marxist are in fact just Marxian.

>a neo nazi is not the same as someone who advocates for the white race

the very fact there are marxists and communists proves marx correct, numbnuts. maybe you should think with your own mind for once?

I fully understand why young people dream of and fight for a better and juster world, but what I really don't understand why some people are still using Marxist theory to do so. I tis pretty evident that the theory was flawed from the start and it just does not translate into the 21st century.

A neo nazi is actually not the same as someone who advocates for the white race.

White DNA.

White people are genetically programmed to always be virtue seeking savior complex lunatics.

I would phrase differently, but it is basically this.

Marxism is just the philosophy of revolutionary praxis. "The point is not to understand the world, but to change it". Anyone who wants to change the world, anyone who wants to be a revolutionary, will have to become acquainted with Marxism. It may be shit when applied to political rule, unfalsiable as a science, incoherent in its historical methodology, dated as an economical theory etc. But boy does it works for what it was intended to do, to be used as a blunt philosophical instrument in the eternal quest of the intelligentsia for absolute political power.

revolutionary to the point of changing things just for the sake of change? if there's no intention of neither improving societies nor understanding them accurately (and it demands planning what kind of society is the goal) then where do marxists aim at with their "revolutionary praxis"?

>to be used as a blunt philosophical instrument in the eternal quest of the intelligentsia for absolute political power.
This guy knows what's up. There's a reason almost all Marxists are students, professors, or otherwise connected to the university system. It's a vehicle for professional intellectuals to take power.

That's weird. In my experience the more vocal and obnoxious group on Veeky Forums are the meme spouting 'helicopter rides' kids who react viscerally to anything that hints of politics to the left of their own and whose depth of knowledge on economics extends as far as whatever they picked up on /pol/ that they can easily regurgitate.

Honestly, where are these 'commieboos' you're decrying?

tfw I hate whites now

So I assume you have read the Communist Manifesto and can explain why it's fundamentally flawed right? You couldn't possibly be talking out of your ass and superficial knowledge of modern history right?

I wonder what Marxist-Leninism would be like in the 21st century with computers and automation and the like.
>inb4 North Korea
That's juche. I mean Marxist Leninism like the Warsaw pact practiced.

That wasn't "real" communism

>le iphone meme

This is the "i haven't even read a wiki page on marxism but i hate it" argument

Every thread there's a /pol/ poster with a gramsci pic who will try and reduce marxism down to

>any movement that seeks change is marxist

Not only is it a total misreading of Gramsci but it makes literally all politics marxist. /pol/ not even once.

This is the most disingenuous propaganda for Marxism I've ever seen. You're not trying to improve society, you're trying to overthrow it and destroy its prosperity to replace it with a more equivalent level of poverty for everybody.

There will always be people on the lower end of the bell curve, hence there will always be leftists.

It's an "argument" against one of the most retarded misreadings of Marxism.

If you seriously think

>haha you purchase products but hate capitalism - checkmate marxists

shows any kind of contradiction in marxism or is in any way a refutation you have obviously not read Marx.

*tips tinfoil*

Your post is incoherent. Stop eating from the trashcan of ideology.

Might i ask what kind of Marxists OP? Trotskyists, Luxemburgists, Left-Coms, Market Socialists or just your classic Marxist or ML?

>Marxists want everyone to be poor
>Ad homs and strawmen

But Right-wingers have low IQs, user.




Same reason "NatSocs" still unironically exist

edgy spoiled children trying to be rebellious.

I'm no leftist but it seems unintelligent people are usually just blindly reactionary.

>Your post is incoherent. Stop eating from the trashcan of ideology.
Can you try harder please? I'm not who you're replying to but the post was coherent and decrying ideology in general is a very vague cop out

>it is another all Marxists are Marx-Leninists threads
I should treat all ancaps like they are neoliberals to see how it goes

Good pic, saved.