How does one combat African-Americans LARPing as Egyptians?
Blacks, on average, are too stupid to reason with. inb4 "I know one black guy with a triple digit IQ"
Stupid people are dangerous.
Egyptians do not look black, my afro-american friend
>But surely modern Egyptians and ancient Egyptians are different
Only very slightly, genetic research shows that they are mostly the same people
>Even after all these years?
Yes, ancient Egypt had a population approaching 10 million, and invasions would never be more than a few thousand soldiers at a time, who would mostly move on to other places after their conquest was complete. That's nowhere near enough to have a dent in their population. For a comparative example, look at Ireland. Ireland has undergone numerous invasions, and settlements, with the most significant being 1/5th of their total population, and yet 88% of Irish people have little to no non-Irish admixture.
>But modern Egypt's language and religion is completely different!
Culture and religion can change very readily, especially if the ruling class is replaced
>At last I truly see
See, that wasn't hard
How to combat whites LARPing as Aryans?
Snowniggers aren't white.
Interestingly enough, modern Egyptians are actually MORE similar to sub-Saharan Africans than Ancient Egyptians were, thanks to Arabization.
"Cultural changes within the last two millennia appear to have facilitated/maintained admixture between culturally similar populations from the Levant, Arabian Peninsula, and Africa. The same cultural changes seem to have resulted in genetic isolation of other groups by limiting admixture with culturally different neighboring populations. Consequently, Levant populations today fall into two main groups: one sharing more genetic characteristics with modern-day Europeans and Central Asians, and the other with closer genetic affinities to other Middle Easterners and Africans."
Sub-saharan is a relatively new concept, with racial undertones. During the time of ancient Egypt the Sahara itself was significantly smaller and less desertified. Ancient Egyptians were largely a mix of nilo-saharan and semetic people whom still exist today. Not relavantly related to black Americans, but would be considered black nonetheless.
You had black Pharaohs. it's not that big of a deal. They didn't care about skin color. The only blacks the Egyptians hated were the Ethiopians who kept trying to invade egypt. And yes, they successfully invaded Egypt and ruled for a century or two. But the Nubians ruled Egypt and when they left they took Egyptian culture further south until they were BTFO by some war mongering tribe for whatever reason.
Most blacks in ancient Egypt were slaves.
American Negros have zero history, they have to manufacture their history to feel relevant. The only "black" empire were those in mali and their greatest achievement to the world was a super rich king and a sand castle.
They have colonial American history, west African history(various caliphates), and Anglo history.
>. The only blacks the Egyptians hated were the Ethiopians who kept trying to invade egypt. And yes, they successfully invaded Egypt and ruled for a century or two.
>But the Nubians ruled Egypt
First time I'm hearing about this. Source?
Why is African history such a venom ladden topic? I bet I'd get actual discourse on a thread about Eskimos. And why do people who know fuck all, say the most about the subject?
What does "black" even mean? Every day we already have threads like "is X white?"
These race concepts are confusing.
Don't sweat it. These race concepts are bullshit, user.
>Why is African history such a venom ladden topic?
Black Americans made it toxic in their quest to develop a origin myth on par with the medieval British claiming they were descended from Brutus from Troy.
point out that the slaves brought to America came from the Atlantic coast of Africa, while Egypt is on the Mediterranean
White insecurity.
Yet we aren't the one pretending to be someone we aren't.
There are actually "black" Americans that look like OPs pic.
Germanic people larp as Greeks and Romans constantly, and even as Egyptians. It is cringeworthy.
White projection.
Too bad I'm not Germanic.
Then you are not white, at least according to Veeky Forums.
ignore them
The only white people in the world are LITERALLY me, my family, and anyone who would be convienient for my argument if they were white. Everyone else is either a greedy kike, a dirty nigger, or a mixed blood abomination.
t. Veeky Forums
I love it when English people say King Arthur was English
Egyptians weren't white. Even the Ptolemaic Dynasty ruling class would have resembled swarthy Mediterranean/Arabs by the late BCs
If ancient Egyptians were trying to migrate to Europe today /pol/ would talk about white genocide.
It's amazing how both sides are trying to appropriate Egyptians as their own. The myth of the african-black Egyptian is at least more believable than the aryan egyptian.
Egyptians were multiethnic. Some individual monarchs were swarthier but some did have European DNA
"The Egyptians, round whom collected the Ethiopians, the Nubians, and a few
smaller peoples to the west of the oasis of Ammon. This society was created by an Aryan
colony from India, that settled in the upper valley of the Nile."
Why is it OK for whites to larp as Greeks and roman's but blacks can't larp as Egyptians
>Veeky Forums is one person/board
tell them about the miscegenation
The "smart" ones are the worst of all. Those are usually the leaders of SJW movements, politicians, or other annoying shit
Black is a more definable concept than white you fucking idiot. Everyone can angree that Somalis are black but Turks or Jews being white for example is highly debated
They don't. Unless you're talking about Greeks and Italians "larping" as Greeks and Italians.
The difference is that they actually have a basis for doing it, while African-americans have nothing in common with modern (or ancient) Egyptians.
It's like a Dane larping as a Turk. They have nothing at all in common apart from a small part of Turkey being on the same continent as Denmark.
With racial hygiene
How does one combat Anglo-Americans LARPing as Europeans?
Yes they do(larp as Romans).
Honestly black Americans larping as Egyptians is rare. It's way more common to have threads about black Americans larping as Egyptians, than actual black Americans larping as Egyptians. With that said Egypt is multicultural, but has always had a prominent "black" contingent.
Stop arguing with these dense motherfuckers, you definitely won't change their world view and you actually do them a favor by giving them attention.
Not that user but the 25th Dynasty of Egypt was the Nubian dynasty. It was relatively short lived and solidified the decline Egypt had been in for years. It preceded the last native dynasty of Egypt before the Persian Conquest and eventually a line of foreign rulers with the Ptolemaic period, the Roman Period, and the Arab Conquest.
And historically the Egyptians despised the Nubians. They perceived them as vile creatures made to be subjugated, and only ever depicted them in art as these weird gross goblins getting BTFO'd by Egyptian warriors.
We could classify people on ethnicity but you would have like 3000 labels and some of them would look alike with little differences, so its more easy to generalize everything on white, black, asian and sandnigger, still you have the same problem since we are not sure on what we making the clasification
Colour of skin, bones, culture, country, historical merit, genes, religion, language, colour of nipples?
So its rather point less since nobody is going to be enslave by the end of the day
Please give us context for whatever ancient art you're posting. Because i can post Egyptian art of blonde Syrians and claim Egyptians were fair skinned fair haired levantines just because they drew them. You just posted a wall painting depicting Nubians bringing offerings of gold when Pharaoh Senusret III was waging war against Nubian kingdoms. Posting random stuff out of context to prove a point is why we're having such a race controversy anyways.
>Why is it OK for whites to larp as Greeks and roman
Because greeks and Romans were usually white maybe? But it Depens what you consider white if you are varg tier then yes white people love to larp
And yeah obviously some Egyptians would be black by modern standards. They bordered Nubia and had a lot of trade relations with East Africa. That being said it certainly wasn't the norm, and genetically speaking modern day Coptic Egyptians are the most similar to Ancient Egyptians.Ancient Egypt has always been culturally and racially more aligned to North Africa and the Near East than Africa. The Bust of Nefertiti basically shows us what the ideal aristocratic woman looked like, and historically Egyptian standards of beauty were always consistent. Slender features and pale "yellow" skin.
Keep making shit up Schlomo. I've been on /pol/ since day 1 and never encountered this "only Germanics are white" bullshit.
You cant they are too dumb to be reasoned with.
What is the supposed to prove? That they also fought pale near easterners? I think everyone's aware of how xenophobic the Egyptians felt about virtually anyone that wasn't egyptian. Hittites, Nubians, Libyans and Hyksos were all seen as less than human. I wasn't even making a race baity statement. Senusret IIIDeadass refers to the Nubians like this. "They are not people one respects; they are wretches, craven hearted. My majesty has seen it, it is not an untruth. I have captured their women, I have carried off their dependents..."
There is nothing pale about her skin. She looks like a run of the mill semetic/East African woman albeit aristocratic and well taken care of.
The Papyrus of Chester Beatty I features a romantic letter to his beloved. From. Her scent, her hair, her eyes and her buttocks. From that papyrus, another romantic poem describes the object of his affection as being ""bright" of skin, her arms "more brilliant than gold," long-necked and "white-breasted," hair of "genuine lapis lazuli". I don't think east Africans would describe themselves as being "White breasted" and "golden skinned".
Ancient Egyptians always described beautiful women as being "golden, yellow, and pinkish" of skin color.
Black people come in all shades.
If you would describe your average Coptic Egyptian as black you're delusional.
And I really hope you don't buy into the "Black kangs of Egypt were replaced entirely by arabs" meme
>only Germanics are white
Kill yourself summer trash and/or /r/donald scum.
Found the SJW.
Those people are a mix of Greeks and Arabs. Greeks and Arabs were represented in ancient Egypt, but the majority ran the spectrum of "black".
Black people come in many shades.
Only because of racial mixing with whites.
Simple, tell them about actual black civilisations. Mali, Ethiopian Empire, Ghana Kingdoms, Swahili City states, Axum Empire, Benin Empire.
That has always been very prevalent, what is your point.
Nearly all of them look black
Before trans atlantic slavery, not really. Just take a look at any video showing a large group of nigerians and congolese, and you'd see they all look the same.
It's the western blacks who have white admixtures.
Blacks of the Sahel and Nile/East African regions are also heavily admixtured.
The problem with this thread is that no one exactly knows how you would define "black" or "white".
What are you trying to prove? That because mixed people live on ethnic borders, all blacks come in different shades?
I can safely say I've seen both skull types on both races, but to have top left represent all African Americans is silly. Thanks to BLEACHING, they all have less jutting jaws than West Africans (who don't even have it that bad if you think about it). The jutting jaw of an African is as common as the large brow ridges of a European.
Is she African American? Because they don't count, they're multiracial enough as it is.
No she's just american.
>Nicki Minaj's original name was Onika Miraj
Stop calling half black people black, especially the ones who are half plastic. As for Beyonce, isn't she half Creole? Shit, there's a chance that this woman (who is 65% African) is blacker than either of them.
>Nigerians and Congolese
>looking the same
Nice meme, not all West Africans and Central Africans look the same, especially the Bantu and non-Bantu people of those regions. Fulani people live in Nigeria, but no one would say all Fulanis look the same as Hutu people.
All black Americans are mixed to varying degrees. Thank the one drop rule.
Minaj is a quarter Indian
Haha, very funny. You still proved my point.
I know a lot of Igbo people and some are dark while some are light and none of them have European ancestry.
I am aware of that. The "all African blacks are super dark" is a meme. So yeah, defining what "black" is can be difficult. That being said, Most Egyptians still wouldn't be classified as black at all.
True, I'll give you that. I think the average is around 20-25%?
Well I'll be damned, you're right. I forgot that "Indo-Trinidadian" includes mixed race ones too. It reminds me of people who are called Chinese Jamaicans, who are sometimes mixed.
t. dark skinned Jamaican American with some Hakka ancestry
Exactly user, thank you. When Igbo slaves were sold to the Americas, some of them were called "red Igbos". And that's not even including some Angolans who are of mixed racial descent (Khoisan and Bantu), who are often light skinned.
It's actually higher than that. Those numbers include actual African immigrants.
Some Egyptians look black, some look Mediterranean, some look Middle Eastern and some look like a mix of the three. These racial categories are difficult to apply on this ethnic group.
Really? So what would you say, around 30%
That is probably more accurate.
We wuz intergalactic kangz
The theory that made the most sense to me was that early Egyptians were a mix of different late Neolithic people who settled in the fertile nile delta after. Europeans from the north west across the Mediterranean land bridge which existed who brought animal husbandry and metallurgy. Semites from the east who brought agriculture.
Nubians from the south who had knowledge of mining and masonry.
Combine the three and add 2000+ years of total isolation.
>is she African American
>no she's just American
What's wrong with calling her what she is.
If she's American then she's most likely fucking African American. And even if she wasn't you can clearly tell she isn't full black.
But that is actually true according to DNA, archaeological and literary evidence. I'm sorry my Dravidian friend, but you were in fact invaded, beaten into submission and had the entirety of "your" culture forced onto you.
She is simply American. Ethnically american.
Is that why North India and Pakistan are total shitholes?
American isn't a race you dumb fuck. It's a nationality. That aside, im not trying to argue with you. I'm just telling you as it is. What the other user said is true, she's clearly multiracial and if you can't see that you're actually fucking retarded.
Same way one combats Whites LARPing as Chinese.
Americans are multi-racial by definition. They are a result of new world ethnogenesis, unique products of American history, mestizos and griffes aka people that are ethnically American.
[Citation needed]
American isn't a race though, and not all Americans are multiracial though. There are Americans who are pure white. And there's even Europeans and other nations that have people who aren't one race. That's besides the point though, all me and the other user are saying is that girl is clearly multiracial. That's it.
Pure whites are European(Irish-american etc). All ethnically American people are racial mixes to varying degrees. They are unique to the americas which is what makes them Americans.
I literally know a guy in the UK who's part Indian. He's not automatically white simply because he lived in Europe that's absurd. And yes believe it or not there are whites living in the US who have pure white blood and haven't married outside of their race from the 1600s when the americas were established.
But that's besides the FUCKING point dude. I don't wanna argue about the definition of what I means to be an American or any of that. All I'm saying is the girl in your pic is not fully black. God damn it why does everyone on Veeky Forums just wanna argue so god damn much.
The original Chinese people were white but they were displaced by Mongoloid barbarians from the north. Modern Chinese people have little to no genetic relation to ancient Chinese people. This is is why they are uncreative and subhuman when compared to European whites. They could not come up with the concept of civilizations themselves.
American is synonymous with mulattic and mongrelized because of the history of its development. Pic related is not from America, but would never be considered ethnically English, however she would be indistinguishable from those ethnically inseparable from any of the new world nations (Americas).