That's what it says. Unless you're going to start calling Jews Whites.
Reminder that South Italians aren't really White
What I'm seeing here is that levantines with low arab admixture are white. Good to know.
>that """"""turk""""""" that clusters with bulgarians.
>that """"""greek""""""" that clusters with turks.
It's nice to see the memes come true.
What I'm seeing here is that Indo-European Armenians cluster with semitic Assyrians and Georgian Jews
Explain yourselves, Armenians
It might be an Anatolian element though.
Are Cypriots Phoenicians mixed with Greeks?
Indo-European isn't an ethnicity.
I'll bet you a thousand dollars you don't know what the X and Y axes on that graph are.
>t. salty Wop
/pol/ told me it is
Pay up, faggot.
/pol/ is full of idiots that worship a homeless murderer who worships Odin himself
You Wops aren't pure Whitey. Get over it and embrace your Near Eastern heritage. At least it isn't Nigger.
Who cares about being "white?"
>exotic dark skin, but get to pass as white according to anyone who matters
>big dicks, body hair
You are so fucking jealous.
I consider all indigenous Europeans and Ashkenazis(inb4 /pol/ asshurt) to be "white".
You think calling me a wop (I'm not even Italian) and accusing me of being "not white" (could not care less) is going to distract from the fact that you have no idea what this smoking gun graph you posted even means?
Protip: if people as retarded as you can be white, being white is not worth bragging about
>is now triggered
>t. triggered Iranian because Levantines cluster closer to Europeans
You're South Asian. Deal with it
Could be an Achmed sore about it showing Palestinians down with actual Arabs.
its the Sicilians that are non white you dumb shit
leave us out of this
I've seen him sperg about the same thing before. He's Iranian
im pretty new to this board, is it pol2.0?
You're right there with Sicilians.
I thought we were supposed to hate /pol/ for being Christians. What are we supposed to hate this week?
Sicilians are pretty much the same as Southern Italians. They derive the bulk of their ancestry from mainland Southern Italy, and they show genetic affinities with Greek Islanders. Whether they are "white" or not is depends on societal perceptions.
Stop pretending you're different from them.
>pol are christians
How do they excuse worshipping a dead Jew?
If the mods would do their fucking jobs all /pol/ threads would be deleted in minutes, no idea what they are doing because unless they have some undisclosed deal with the FBI to use Veeky Forums as a honeypot they have no excuse
Surprised anyone posted this because it clearly just shows that Greeks and Italians form their own unique cluster.
Basically BTFO nordcucks, krauts, anglo scum, and frogs.
Reminder OP is a faggot who probably thinks haplogroups are the end all to all when it comes to genetics.
i like to shitpost about whiteness on pol but i hoped i could find a secret little place where i can cool down and actually be a decent human being that talks and acts as such
guess i was delusional
It's not just pol. I'm sure enough of the worse posts are down by redditors, tumblrinas, and twatters. At most pol has a bit of a lead.
>French stand alone and do not take part in the great mongrelization on the left
Feels good
Sicily was raped over and over again , in southern Italy all we had was latins, greeks, and lombards
>can't counter the OP graph.
It's okay Mr. Wop. Or are you some Achmed or Richard Spencer?
>still forcing we iz puur whytes
I don't give a fuck about white pride, but I certainly don't want to be misplaced into the black pride category either
>Sicilian genetics
>Not being pur whytea makes you a Nigger.
The true romance meme.
fuck you guys , Sothern Italians don't include Sicily and it is Sicily alone that has the north African blood in them due to the Carthaginians or the Muslims
The biggest reason why Greeks don't cluster with Cypriots that much is because Greece was affected by the Dorian invasion while Cyprus wasn't, Cypriots are in a sense more Myceanean than Greeks are
Calabrians are just as dark as Sicilians
latinos, sicilians, moors, berbers are all from the same criminalistic, recidivist north afros
Sicilians are Moroccans
Scicilians are Italians from Morocco.
sicilians are the rapebabys of tunisians, moroccans and marmluks.
Sicilians are like those criminal latinos
since latinos also have berber ancestry
Nope, American of German/Scotch ancestry.
>graph shows South Italians over there with Ashkenazi Jews.
Why do Cypriots cluster so close to Lebanese people?
berbers of morocco united under arabs and invaded the western mediterrenean (iberia, sicily etc)
moroccans lost iberia and converted to christianity and went on to populate latin america. most latinos, mestizos descend from berbers
throughout history moroccans excelled as pirates and their descendants practiced in the caribbeans
>no sources citied
>no autosomal DNA records
>mafia and corruption
makes sense
It's because when the Jews first began leaving the Levant/Near East, they mixed in some of the local Greeks and Italians and spread forth. Y DNA is a big mixed mess, while the mtDNA still clearly shows that they originated somewhere in the Levant. Pretty simplified explanation, though.
when the Italians immigrated to America they came upon a weak and cucked white male who agreed to ban alcohol for the sake of women.
Taking advantage of such a weak and feminine people through crime was just too good to pass up.
We weren't criminals back in the home country
>it's a "/pol/ suddenly think they're expert biologists while having zero education in that field and being incapable of reading a simple graph" episode
Why are these cancerous threads allowed?
the alcohol ban was exploited by gefilte fish jews, leprechaun irish and couscous italians.
Couscous (Berber: ⵙⵉⴽⵙⵓ, Seksu) is a North African Berber[2] dish of small steamed balls of semolina, usually served with a stew spooned on top. Couscous is a staple food throughout the North African cuisines of Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Mauritania and Libya and Sicily.
Il cuscus o cuscussù[1] (in francese couscous; in arabo magrebino كسكس; in berbero seksu con un significato in berbero) è un alimento tipico del Nordafrica e della Sicilia occidentale, e della Sardegna sudoccidentale (Calasetta, Isola di Sant'Antioco e Carloforte) dove prende il nome di Kaskà (pron. cashcà), costituito da agglomerati ovvero granelli di semola di frumento cotti a vapore (del diametro di un millimetro prima della cottura, poi dopo la cottura diventano sempre più grandi).
berber af
Sicily's y-dna distribution is completely different from Tunisia's, unlike Latinos and Iberians for example.
If rape occurred, what happened?
Jews are near-eastern/mediterranean on the paternal line. There are more European lineages on the maternal, at least among Ashkenazim and Sephardim.
The pca in OP is based on autosomal dna. pic related is haplogroups.
It's almost as if ashkenazim descend from southern italians.
pol truly is brain dead
Couscous with fish soup is a traditional dish in Trapani, Sicily.
prooves why all the sigilianos look and act just as wild, aggressive and miserable as berbers and latinos. fuck moors
Read the sticky
>This board is dedicated to the discussion of history and the other humanities such as philosophy, religion, law, classical artwork, archeology, ANTHROPOLOGY, ancient languages, etc
explains the vulgar behavior, clannish mafia and corrupt tendencies
>Jews are near-eastern/mediterranean on the paternal line. There are more European lineages on the maternal, at least among Ashkenazim and Sephardim.
Ah, damn. I was wrong, then. Still pretty neat nonetheless.
Veeky Forums actually has more genuine crazies than /pol/. At least on pol people are mostly just shitposting.
>t. tumblr
Feels over Facts.
can someone explain to me how to read this fucking chart?
It's a genetic distance map
I don't know if it will help.
/pol/ is whatever will elicit the biggest reaction from stupid leftists stupid enough to fall for stupid /pol/
thank you bros, i get it.
However I don't understand OP's point: Sicilians are there with Southern Italians, near the Meds and the Jews. It makes perfect sense to me and it doesn't seem to indicate they are non-white
Are Jews White?
but both boards are in agreement that the worst historical groups in europe are;
turko-slavs (mix of germanics and mongols)
berbers (including sicilians and related groups)
Sicilians aren't berber.
Turko-slavs?? Germanic and mongol?
slavs have goths, uralics, turks, mongols. the worst of the german with the worst of the mongol
This video is a good introduction to population genetics. To anyone who is interested.
sefardic jews are berbers. ashkenazis are berbers plus germanic and/or turko-slav
Probably because they have Middle Eastern roots as well? Doesn't mean that they are semites though, if anything they are more Anatolian-like. Other than Greeks and Phoenicians, nobody else made some serious effort to change the blood of the population
Cyprus was colonized by Phoenicians and was under the control of Assyrians too for some time, also even before then they orinally came from Cilicia/Syria during the early neolithic, so they share the same roots as other west Asians, only later the Myceneans Greeks and the Ionian Greeks will settle on the island.
Nice photoshop.
This is the original
Italians are more white.The Anglo has done more damage to the euro race more then any krautmin or Jew could ever dream.Part of the Anglo soul is hatred of Europe so much so they rather have shit flinging pakis then bumbling pollacks.
>if anything they are more Anatolian-like
But they cluster closer to Levantines
So they're levantines who got hellenized
Good post
Who's the artists name?
Look at this
Cypriots carry J2 the most which is considered the Greco-Anatolian gene, meanwhile they barely have J1 which is considered the semite gene, compare the Cyprus haplogroups with the rest of the Middle Eastern countries and you'll see the difference
Have there been any genetics tests done linking Cypriots to ancient Phoenicians? Based on them clustering with the Lebanese whose only major wave of migration to Cyprus was during that time? It sounds interesting.
wrong see
Phoenicians only had a few colonies in Cyprus compared to the Greeks, it's likely they became assimilated in the end and became Greeks
>not peer reviewed
>not in academic journals or verified
Yeah okay.
Hey there wop.
It just illustrates the y-dna distributions of different populations. You can find the studies on different populations' y-dna distributions online. I'm not going to write a thesis length post.
Go check for yourself if you don't believe.
It's a bit more complex from that - apart from Romanization and Hellenization of Judea, apart from intermarriage in the diaspora, the Philistines were probably related closely to Mycenaean Greeks (and Greeks also colonized Magna Graecia) and the Carthaginians ruled Sicily for a while and they were a Phoenician colony. Both Phoenicians and Philistines neighbored ancient Israel and the bible complained plenty about Jews marrying them and especially importing their gods, and the Canaanite culture ancient Judaism grew out of wasn't all that distinct from those two.
Lots of interaction around the eastern med in the bronze age and classical antiquity and it's hard to say explicitly what genes came from where.
>See muh haplomemes
You're an idiot
J2 is also widespread in West Asia, also haplomemes don't mean anything
>Getting their vaginas filled with Roman semen
romans had a mandatory policy that all jewess brides be given off to a roman soldier for insemination
so cucking was the norm
ISRAELISM was originally patrilineal
after the destruction of the 1st temple, a matrilineal sect arose and became dominant
also roman official policy was officially to cuck jews, a newly wed jewish bride was required to be deflowered by a roman soldier or official. these newly wed brides would spend a few days or weeks as roman sex slaves
once the romans were done w/ the jewess and wore out all her cavities, she was returned, limping with gaping holes, to her jewish groom
goyim cucking the jews was very common and kids born to jewish mothers were unverifable
to continue the jewish nation, the cucked adopted matrilineal poicy
the matrilineal sect became the most populace, due to rampant cucking
romans converted en-masse to judaism, by way of kosher vagoo
the roman soldiers, officials etc lived in israel and converted roman sperm into jewish babies via slippery kosher virgin vagoooo
roman tradition of jus primae noctis aka "right of the first night" aka fuck other man's brides till her cavities are worn out and sore (takes several weeks)
I don't understand the problem here. Any geneticist is well aware of significant west asian input in south Italy which is what causes them to be pulled towards the near east in those PCAs.
At the same time; i don't see why does it make any sense or is in any way useful to put, say, Norwegians and Sicilians in the same box. They are obviously two different caucasoid populations.
Hey there, /pol/shit.
All those are based off maternal lineage, completely worthless compared to tracking via autosomal data and often even contradicted by it.
yes, frolicking was rampant and virgin births were euphemisms to uphold righteousness
similar to Monica Lewinsky's Rabbi claiming her innocence and righteousness after her voluntary sex acts on a married goyim official
it is an old tradition to claim innocence and righteousness while whoring
Judaism was patrilineal until the exile, foreign occupation, and massive whoring on an epic scale, at which point a switch to matrilneal society was implemented to avoid extinction
Lactantius (300 AD) wrote about a very similar sexual privilege exercised by the emperor Maximin (†313 AD; cf. Moreau 1954: 121). For example, in Talmudic and later in Midrashic sources, the Roman and Greek occupiers are said to have claimed this privilege (Patai 1974: 177f.).
>Haplomemes don't mean anything
The "Haplomemes" literally tell you why Cypriots don't seem to mingle with the rest of the Middle East despite being closely related, look at the fucking graph in the OP, you have to be blind to not see the gap between Cypriots and the rest of the Levantines. Even if they all might come from the same place which could be Anatolia it doesn't change the fact that the rest of the Levantines mixed with J1 carrying semites while the Cypriots barely had any of it because of not mixing with them, even when they were also being reinforced by the Greek migrations who also carried J2
J2 is more common in Lebanon than in Greece according to that website
>Outside the Caucasus, the highest frequencies of J2 are observed in Cyprus (37%), Crete (34%), northern Iraq (28%), Lebanon (26%), Turkey (24%, with peaks of 30% in the Marmara region and in central Anatolia), Greece (23%), Central Italy (23%), Sicily (23%), South Italy (21.5%), and Albania (19.5%), as well as among Jewish people (19 to 25%).
explain Crete then