Nazis are the bad gu-
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>If other people killed people then that justifies me doing so!
>two wrongs make one right
Nazis still massacred more, and in a much more deliberate manner, so the "muh Stalin" comparisons are moot. Gulags were summer camps compared to the nazi camps, mainly because a gulag wasnt a death sentence per say. You were at least given a sentence of 5 years or something in a gulag, and it wasnt this kafkaesque horroshow of being thrown in this brutal slave camp with this uncertain sword of Damocles of death hanging over your head. A camp built with the purpose of killing you.
You do realize both sides in a war can be bad guys, right? Guess not.
>people die in prison
>people die in famines
>people get executed for treason
Truly this proves the unparalleled evil of the Soviet system!
it does. Its an autistic meme empire run by delusional technocrats with no inkling of humanity and just treat people as numbers on a spread sheet. It damns millions to death and starvation for "the greater good" of a future utopia, except the utopia NEVER comes so they all die for nothing.
The gulags were just as deadly as the concentration camps.
~100,000 Germans surrendered at the end of the Battle of Stalingrad. Only 10,000 survived their time in Siberia.
That's because of the harsh terrain of Siberia. They didn't have ovens or gas chambers though.
>nazis are the bad guys
>soviets are the worse guys
>whatever are are the worst guys
>POWs from Stalingrad were only people in GULAGĀ“s
You have to keep in mind the state that those men were in when they were captured. Most of them were starved, disease ridden, suffered from frostbite/hypothermia and a lot of them had wounds sustained from warfare.
That and the Soviet forces in the region barely had enough supplies to sustain their own forces let allone 100.000 POW's.
The deathtoll was indeed high but to be expected considering the circumstances.
There were huge food shortages in 1942-1943 winter
>The gulags were just as deadly as the concentration camps.
The vast majority of literal fucking SS personnel survived the gulags. Several of the USSR's major leaders spent years in gulags. You don't know what you're talking about.
I have read accounts from those that lived the gulags, but never about the ss in gulags, source?
>The gulags were just as deadly as the concentration camps.
Totally false. The death rate in the gulags was like 5%
>The gulags were just as deadly as the concentration camps.
Objectively wrong. As shitty as Gulags were, at least they didn't gas people.
Stalin was in power for much longer than Hitler. If Hitler didn't get BTFO'd he would a killed a lot more.
>Hitler: 12 million
Why do these fucking things always act like the Holocaust was the only thing Hitler did? 20 million civilians were killed in WWII in the Soviet Union alone.
>What if
Considering that Hitler fully intended to massacre the entire population of the USSR and also have death camps in Great Britain, there is really no question he would have killed FAR more people if he wasn't stopped when he was.
>What if
It's not really a hypothetical if they had written plans and had already started to implement them. Look up Generalplan Ost
I really don't see how that's a rebuttal. Hitler wasn't magically going to have a change of heart if he won.
Op, you didn't think this out much did you?
Hitler killed far more people than Stalin without even bringing up theoreticals.
>Alternative facts
Not an argument
The Jews have done well with many of you. Growing up, the words World War 2 usually trigger a thought of Hitler. Among the background noise of "EVIL! EVIL! EVIL! " your brain leads you to the holocaust, which then of course leads to the impressive number... 6 MILLION JEWS. The only image we have of Jews is an eternal victim. I don't even know how many Americans died in the war. Look around you. Talk of the holocaust and hitler illegal in parts of Europe. The creation of Israel after the war. False stories about the holocaust by Jews.
Hitler wanted the undesired out of his country and wanted them transported (Haavara agreement). He wanted a country of a unified culture with little to none outside influence, and in doing so angered the Jews. This is why the war was fought. It was the unification of one people, the German people, against Jewry in Europe, and the Jews won. If only you knew about Hitler's peace proposals, his arms agreements, his advocacy for alliance with Britain, you might understand how silly it seemed for Britain, and later the U.S., to get involved. Such a global conflict arising out of Germany's desire to regain their country's economy, land, and people, can only be caused by one thing: JEWS!
>Not a single source cited
I've seen video of hitler.
Even if that's true, he was crazy.
As in stand on a pedestal and yell about the evil so and such crazy.
holy shit if this image is real /pol/ might as well be shut down forever
The last famine happened in the 40s. The GULAG system drastically shrunk in the mid 1950s and closed in 1960.
>two wrongs make a right
/pol/yp logic, everyone.
>Gulag 12 million
nice bait
4/10 pasta, made me reply
Stalin did nothing wrong, fascist scum. Take your literal nazi propoganda >>>>>>>elsewhere
The gulags were worse than German work camps, but they can't even be compared to death camps.
Gulags were a form of punishment, "re-education" through work, not intended for extermination.
I would rather die in a gas chamber than frozing to death in Siberia
You understand that the vast majority of people in gulags were murderers, rapists, nazis, deserters and other actual criminals.
Think of it this way, during WW2 when many gulags werent feeding their prisoners, Stalin could either get the strained food resources to the civilians dying in stalingrad, the soldiers on the front lines, ORRR he could feed basically the scum of society hanging out in siberia. What would you choose?
The difference between the chambers and the gulags were that the gulags were prisons, not death camps. People were given a sentence and worked until that sentence was completed. If you were sent to a death camp, you dont come back.
Read the gulag archipelago before you spout commie propaganda
>shortages in 1942-1943 winter
such things happen when the food producing part of your country is occupied by foreign invaders.
I read the gulag archipelago in high school like most people. You understand that the gulag archipelago is a novel? Its not a real thing that happened, its literally a fictional novel with fictional characters.
Yeah, but that isnt anti-communist propoganda so he will ignore it
>Read the gulag archipelago
wew lad cant believe this meme is still around
He is right, there was a single day state sponsored boycott of jewish stores in Germany (or at least, effectively only in large cities). They had some some SA goon standing outside the store preventing people from going in. It was hardly a universal boycott. Many people just walked around, or went in a side door to get into the shop.
Also the headline of the paper is sensationalist, and I dare stormfags to find a headline about the same topic with similar wording. You won't find one, because the "war declaration" was just calling for a boycott of german goods as a result of nazi antisemitic policies that were being enforced.
>Stalin was only trying to combat obesity.
>antisemitic policies that were being enforced
can anybody cite which ones and what kind of policies
Maybe the fact that the Nazis were very openly anti-semetic and constantly blamed Jews for events they had no control over such as Germany losing WW1?
I am asking what kind of policies were antisemitic not fucking child's talking points like niggers like to claim
What do you mean?