>tfw you finally die you're not gonna remember any of this shit
Tfw you finally die you're not gonna remember any of this shit
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That day cant come soon enough brother
It's weird to think that one day many things I care about (history, politics, certain vidya games, ect) I won't care at all about. But it's worth it to be in Heaven.
>claims to care about history
>believes in heaven
why do you believe in that particular bit of mythology and not something else?
I fucking hope so
it's better to believe in heaven than in complete nothingness
>believing in things on the basis of how it makes you feel
Man, I sure am glad I have a couple billion dollars in the bank. I don't have any good evidence to believe this is true, but it makes me feel good so it must be.
By heaven I mean oneness with God. It's a state of being, not a place because it's everywhere.
>if I make my belief more vague I can force it to continue working
I hope I get a restart or a complete black out. I will be severely disappointed if I go to some Heaven for ALL OF ETERNITY.
>but it makes me feel good so it must be.
he never said it must be true, only that he believes it to be so, and in a world were nothing can be proven a 100% that is good enough.
>a restart
How the fuck is that less disappointing than any other scenario? If that happens once it implies the strong possibility for "ALL OF ETERNITY" because you just lived through a complete life and death yet inexplicably have to do it again instead of it ending like all evidence and reason suggested it would. Why would you want an eternity of suffering through birth, life, death, and rebirth?
>I have to force my lack of belief on others
just kill yourself already
>nothing can be proven a 100%
>therefore I should choose to believe on the basis of how it makes me feel
Can't know 100% what chess move my opponent will make, better just move my pieces based on feels! Uh oh, spaghettios! I forgot 99% and 0% aren't interchangeable!
For that precise reason. I won't remember it. I atleast wouldn't want to know that I live for eternity.
Nice samefagging
What makes a choice based on a persons feelings, worse than a choice based upon "evidence"? Because you "feel" that the later is more correct, more important?
Replying to two different people isn't samefagging.
>What makes a choice based on a persons feelings, worse than a choice based upon "evidence"?
>a choice
There's your problem. Why are you "choosing" what you believe is true in the first place? Did you choose to believe which answers were right on multiple choice mathematics exams too?
>Why are you "choosing"
In the end everything is a choice.
When writing a test, you must at one point choose an answer. Even if you got your result through the use of mathematics you must decide if you believe your result to be correct, then write down. Even if you're wrong, you still had to choose what you thought was correct.
There's a difference between choosing on the basis of your own feelings vs. opening your eyes and following the evidence outside of yourself. This is basically the entire premise for the scientific method that allowed for the understanding of natural phenomena required for the implementation of the various technological infrastructures that let you even have the ability to express your argument against it in the first place. I'm genuinely confused as to how you could have so little appreciation for the difference in success between feeling based endeavors and evidence based endeavors. It's not a subtle difference.
>I'm genuinely confused as to how you could have so little appreciation for the difference in success between feeling based endeavors and evidence based endeavors. It's not a subtle difference.
I would be lying if I said that I don't value knowledge based on scientific evidence over knowledge based on feeling. But I do not believe one has more inherent value over the other, regardless of success rate, especially when it comes to something as ambiguous as "the meaning of life" or "the afterlife", because we know nothing about an can't debunk it using the scientific method.
>inb4 We can debunk X religion/belief therefore meaning/god/gods/creator/etc does not exist
I believe every religion to be man made.
What does that even what mean?
Dumb nigger can't even comprehend a greentext from a frogposter
>Why would you want an eternity of suffering through birth, life, death, and rebirth?
Theres nothing else to do actually. Life is all I know cant imagine something better. All my thoughts of an afterlife are speculations also Based on my mortal experiences.