Is he right?
Is he right?
Daily reminder that Heisenberg most likely never said that.
Phew, for a minute there I was actually going to engage with the thoughts/problems raised with OP's question.
But thank God you were here to post anime.
Do you mean to contest the integrity of
"God isn't real" - Albert Einstein
"You just gotta let that dildo slide inside yo ass nigga" - Adolf Hitler, 1945
he actually said that, no joke.
Yeah, it seems it was conflated with a quote by Francis Bacon.
Buuut, it seems Heisenberg was a devout Lutheran who believed science and religion are both essential things that point towards the same end, and that religion is the absolute fundament of all ethics or any other struggle man may undertake.
He speaks of god and yet he happily developed weapons of mass destructions for a regime that was an anti-thesis of what Jesus taught. Sad!
>God is waiting for you
"God" is a metaphysical representation of the perfect 1 or order.
Man seeks to create order in the chaos but that order will always fall eventually.
The only reason why anyone would think there is some hidden order is because they project their own order as a perfect absolute, instead of understanding that order is always crumbling and there is no such thing as an absolute static order outside mental constructs.
So he didnt really say that quote, but from several sources we know he talked about God to some extent, and that quote really fits what he was believing.
In short what he, and a lot of other science and practical engineers believe is the following:
>humanity exists, and our purpose is to discover
>however, not everything in creation can be explained, and very little of it can be replicated. Mostly all we do is observe.
>for everything we see, and everything we create, there is a more complex, AND more simple factor in play.
>for every brick there is a clay that its made of, and a house to be made into and so on, with the clay being a part of soil, and the house part of a residence/neighborhood
>eventually you hit an intellectual or physical wall. Something that cant be observed or discovered. This includes the randomness of what and how life grows, and the complexity of the universe at any scale.
>ultimatley you will discover enough 'what's but you wont really have a 'why' and that is when you turn to religion, of any form.
>its more an intellectual saftey net than a science. An explination, true or false, for a mind that cant live without one.
The website that used to spam the comment sections of Beatles videos on youtube talking about how the Beatles were prophets and other crackpot new age shit? Wow, really makes me think.
Biologist here. It fucking astounds me that people in this day and age actually believe all this crazy shit magically crystalized from nothing, but I chalk it up mostly to cultural inertia and conflict. More emotional attachment to an idea than logic.
Well that quote just fucked me the hell up.
Is that because I have only study'd the arts?
It seems logical however
>not capitalizing God
i don't know if there is a god but i do know it's nothing like the god of any of the religions we have
>ywn live in the timeline where Nazis revived Greek homosex
nigga I've only recently been lurking his and sci for like a month now and I see this thread every fucking day.
the concept of a sky daddy is unfalsifiable so make of it what you will
probably not, but he was a devout christian and he probably would have agreed with it anyways.
What is order without chaos and what is chaos without order? The paradox is the answer.
Science is totally irrelevant.
>bcuz i sed so
Why is this relevant?
>inb4 "hurr durr heres a qutoe were he sez christianity is stoopid"
Anime website.
>Why is this relevant?
It's not worth engaging with as you can't actually prove or disprove it.
Why couldn't it have come without an intelligent force behind it? Sure, life is diverse, but it's a product of shit being thrown at a wall with leftover energy from an inconceivably massive event over a span of time we couldn't meaningfully grasp if we tried and seeing what little of it has stuck. You're criticizing people for taking an emotional stance over a logical one (let's overlook the fact that the distinction is arbitrary) while taking a fundamentally emotional stance on the subject which can best be summed up as "wow, look at how crazy it is, must be god!"
Pretty sure he wasn't talking about tengriism, tbqh.