You have $10,000 to use exclusively on crypto trading. What's your plan to turn it into $500,000 in the next 2-3 years?
You have $10,000 to use exclusively on crypto trading. What's your plan to turn it into $500,000 in the next 2-3 years?
Other urls found in this thread:
buy BTC now, hold $400,000 in BTC and $100,000 in Bitcoin Cash in 2 years
buy bitcoin, leave it alone for 3 years. Done.
Yes moron, it is obvious why you made this thread, and that is the answer. But you won't do this because you think you're clever but you're not, you're dumb and will lose your money because you make the wrong decisions.
Buy decred.
daytrade shitcoins
This guy gets it.
Put at least 80% on Bitcoin. Buy as soon as you can since ATH is coming no later than a week.
Altcoins are very cheap right now since the money is on Bitcoin. When the price settles, the money will be flowing to alts. DYOR or send 0.01 of that Bitcoin to me and I'll tell a few of the promising alts that are not scam and can x100 over that timespan you gave.
Please elaborate. Why?
DESU ANS and I'm not trying to shill. Unless it has an unforseen train wreck, it's still going to continue to have at least steady growth, with the possibility of exploding like ETH did, but because of the steady growth and the fact that it's cheap to buy into compared to BTC, you'll come off a lot further than just buying BTC.
>pic related
It solves Bitcoin's biggest problem (governance) and the dev team is incredibly solid.
the only correct answer, because if you do it right, low ball estimate is $10,000 to $1,000,000 in.....three months?
neo aka ans
seriously though shit is gonna get me another house
Blocknet and Radium have been consistently updated for the past couple of years with steady growth, I don't see them stopping that over the next 2 years. The only way is up with their low market caps. Expect them both to moon.
more like 10k to $10 in under a week
I keep a market cap weighted portfolio, similar to an S&P500 fund, of the top 10-15 coins, then I leave ~10% to invest in specific alt coins. But most of that bit coin. I am going to dump all the bitcoin cash, that is a chinese shitcoin DOA.
Put half of it in DGB and half of it in Bancor.
We are the digimarines.
>implying btc will be more than 10k
screen cap this retards so i can laugh 3 years from now
Easy -- buy up half of a total shitcoin at 1sat, start making memes about it, sell at 5sat. KIDS is a good contender.
Rinse, repeat.
70% BTC
20% LTC
5% Bancor
You're welcome
Thank you
I feel like ANS/NEO could moon Just because the chinks are backing it. How long do you guys think it would take?
spend it all on SIGT right now
collect $500,000 next monday
first i wasnt sure if troll or not
then i was sure
All in WAVES
keep most of it in BTC.
pick one or two coins to study and trade
1 BTC wurth 150k 2 yaers
Scrncapp dis
Buy high sell low.
Repeat until you get infinity money
PS Waves/ DGB/ Monero are RETARD coins
4btc in btc... trade shit coins with other 1btc.
Don't chase coins... look for a coin with low volume, low cpc, and a developer thats active... let the pump come to you.
I had .05btc in scorecoin when it was 20sat in may.
I had .1btc in cxt back in june
Sitting on 5.5btc now.
>people actually bought a coin called kids coin
i fell for the meme
I thought all the freaks on here would exploit the "i own X amount of kids" meme more
only lost like $20 tho
Asians are willing to invest, but they are slower too jump the shark than westerners. Culture of patience.
They will invest and they will invest EN MASS. It will be an experience for everyone to see how Asian markets/culture react to the crypto trade and how it contrasts to western traders.
Source= Three years in Asia traveling and working.
how close are chinese normies to investing in crypto?
In the US we have coinbase and stuff to make it easy
ANS needs something to bring normie money in
>Asians are willing to invest, but they are >slower too jump the shark than westerners. >culture of patience.
>They will invest and they will invest EN >MASS. It will be an experience for everyone >to see how Asian markets/culture react to the >crypto trade and how it contrasts to western >traders.
>Source= Three years in Asia traveling and >working.
I am only speaking to the culture and what I saw in my time there. There are services available on Asian exchanges for bitcoin and alt coins.
I figured theres chinese versions similar to Amurrican NEETS who refuse to work and spend all day obsessing over shitcoins. Only theres like 3 of them per one of us.
I want to buy some ANS but i want this shit to moon
>XMR is a retard coin
Bitch please. plz read