>Just got my Shift card in the mail today
I am ascending.
>Just got my Shift card in the mail today
I am ascending.
Is it possible to avoid the tax man with any of these crypto debit cards? I mean if you're able to pay your bills and rent with this without directly cashing out...
once upon a time one of (((them))) said "eventually we will get the goy to cuck themselves by converting to fiat at market rate to buy a coffee"
no one believed him until the Shift card came along
You should use an offshore card. Shift belongs to Coinbase.
got my tenX today too, friendo
shove it up your cunt, nigger. this isn't a tenx thread.
test it and give us a review please
Can you buy real estate with it?
My condolences on buying a shitclone of an existing product but also a shitclone that had to beg for money via ICO.
Bit the bullet and ordered one in the event I ever need to use it.
What is it even?
It's like TenX or Monaco except it's a shipped product that has existed for years and doesn't have a scam ICO attached to it.
You know, how normal businesses make money instead of fundraising scams? They built it and then sold it. Crazy, right?
These credit/debit cards are going to crash hard when Visa issues their own cryptocard
>when Visa issues their own
that's not how it works
Can withdraw from BTC account / exchange on the fly, or must exchange to FiAT account first?
On the fly, that's literally the point.
That's fine, many of these exist but this is the first I've seen that works that way
Yeah, the others are just an exchange essentially with a very large fee. The downside to this one is it uses Coinbase.
Crypto noob here, what's wrong with Coinbase?
A malnourished Slavic nerd can make a crypto.
A billion dollar company can do it even easier.
They suck for transferring large amounts of FIAT (>$5000 USD) into crypto. However, it's still a great way for newbies to enter the market.
imo, they've helped crypto more than harming it.
maybe yes, but you are knowingly evading tax, they do not need specific laws for these cards
Shift is US only, so I kinda like my shitclone tenX because I can actually buy a card