
Tell me about haratins as an ethnic group. Who are they most similar to, how have they effected history, are black Americans and Blatinos their western analogs?

>are black Americans and Blatinos their western analogs?

Not even just analogs, they are racially closely related as well as sharing a history of enslavement. As to their contributions to history, they have been slight to say the least. They're not even the dominant group in Mauretania despite being the majority there.

Mauritanians president doesn't look 100% Arab.

You can be black and Mauritanian without being a haratin, there are plenty of free blacks living there.

I thought haratin was more an ethnic descriptor at this point.

Not really

African Americans are mostly Congolese and Nigerian

Are you claiming Nigerians aren't related to other Bantu West Africans?

Sure but not all blacks are haratins. You're only haratin if you're descended from slaves.

Black Americans are an ethnic mix of Africans and Anglos, where as haratins are an ethnic mix of black Africans and Arabs, so they are similar especially considering they come from essentially the same African stock.

Bidan are White Moors, your claim to Bidan as a title comes from your father so you can be black as Wesley Snipes and be Bidan
She is not a serf, she is a "Noble" caste Tuareg. Not "Bella".

Haratin are not homogenous. Many are indigenous to their area (like Inaden) some descend from Slaves. A Haratin first and foremost are vassals, Agricultural people who aligned with Noble castes by will or force in exchange for protection and trade.

They are Arabized black Berbers and/or Soninke/Mande/Wolof/Peul/etc... peoples with long or short assimilative histories with nobles.

There's no Bantu people in West Africa
Eh, not quite

The presence of senegambian speaking peoples was grossly overestimated in previous decades

The same areas that sourced the Americas with slaves also sourced/sources the Sahel with slaves.


The great majority of American slaves were from the forests of Guinea and Congo

North African slaves were mostly pagan savanna/steppe tribes

The majority of North American slaves came from a conglomeration of coastal west African nations from Senegal down to Cameroon. Brazil, whom imported far more slaves got theirs principally from coastal Angola and Congo. Far inland jungle people were principally claimed by Chadic and other adjacent people's out of convenience. What's your agenda? This info is widely available and easy to look up.

Please name these savahnna steppe tribes that exist in a vacuum in such a ethnically complex region.

You realize everything from Guinea to Angola is jungle, right?



Is something wrong?

Your claim
>everything from Guinea to Angola is jungle

Is proven false by your own image. Good work, moron.

Retard alert

Many tracts were deforested in the 20th century

>Retard alert

It's okay, we already know you're ITT.

Like I said both ethnic groups come from the same source as far as their black genetics are concerned. West Africa. If anything black Americans roots are more coastal in nature, but generally speaking they come from the same general goup(s) of people. Trying to put up arbitrary divides in this circumstance is the epitome of splitting hairs. Again, what is your agenda?

Angola and south central Africa mostly supplied South America, if that is what you are trying to argue, but even then the ethnic correlations are close.

I can understand when people say black Americans and Semites/East Africans aren't closely related, but suggesting they are not literal ethnic cousins to haratins is disingenuous.

They are the descendants of slaves who were kept in Africa rather than being sold off to help develop the new world.

Because by and large they aren't. Guineans are genetically distinct from Western Sudanese. That's like saying Finns and the Irish are the same because they're both in Northern Europe.

But Guinea is a Sahel border region, and is only one of many west African nations that is the source of black genetics for both haratins and their American counterparts. Western Sudanese are fairly removed from the equation and blend more with nilo-Saharan and Chadic people.

>Sahel border
No, the west sudanian savanna is between the sahel and guinea

There black genetics come from nearly identical sources. That is a fairly basic fact.

Why are you bringing Sudan into the convo?

What is your agenda? This stuff is easy to look up.

Fuck off ESL. There's greater genetic diversity south of the Sahara than outside it.
>I don't know geographical terms
You can't be serious

Haratins like their girls THICC and wear gaudy jewelry, are these just circumstantial similarities to Americans or is there an underlying genetic/cultural basis to it.


I guess Chavs and Cholos are North African now
