>spoke six languages
>ruled from the Baltic to Sicily
>started an influential school of poetry
>was so loved by the Ayyubids they just gave him the holy land
Why is he so overlooked?
Spoke six languages
Because you are a phoneposter
because people don't tell you who it is in the filename
Because Veeky Forums has built in Google image search
>expecting other people to do work for you
maybe this is why your in-profile black and white faggot king isn't well remembered
Is there literally ANY well known Holy Roman Emperor?
Charlemagne is the only one I would consider "well known". But his whole empire, important as it was for centuries, has pretty much been forgotten by everyone who doesn't have at least some interest in history.
Frederick Barbarossa and Charles V are two fairly well known Emperors I can think of.
I'll give you Barbarossa, tho I can't help but think many people imagine he was some sort of pirate.
I don't think Charles V is well known tho. If we are talking about "common" knowledge at any rate.
"common" knowledge is fucking shit. Most people could name only one English king or one Russian tsar.
Charles V is well known, please don't go by who is well known among people who don't even like history, that lidt doesn't even include most of the Greats
Nicolas (some number)
Ivan the terrible
Peter the Great
HA. 2 and half Russian czars.
>some number
nigga there was only 2
I feel like the list of historical figures that a non-interested person would remember is a lot shorter than you're imagining
It's Frederick II of Germany, the "Stupor Mundi".
Also, yes, I very much like him, especially for how he attempted to promote reform in Sicily. It's sad his ancestors ruined it. It's also sad that all that exists of literary Sicilian from his tiem period is Tuscan transcriptions that eliminate the vowel system. As someone trying to figure out what Sicilian looked like in the Middle Ages it's sad the earliest I have found is Lu rebellamentu de Sichilia.
I think it's safe to say that most people have at least heard of Napoleon, Hitler, Caesar, Cleopatra (and by extension Marco and Augustus), Alexander III. Joan of Arc, King whatshisface from Robin Hood and his brother Richard, and whatever other meme figures that are always in cartoons and movies.
If he was so smart, why did his lineage die out so quickly?
He's hardly overlooked, just not too frequently talked about by casuals who have a passing interest in history I guess. Even contemporaries referred to Frederick II as stupor mundi, the wonder of the world, for his immense intellect
absolutely not for King John, Richard, Antony, Octavian, Alexander III and Hitler is still in living memory so that doesn't count as much
Caesar, Napoleon, Cleopatra, and I'd add any given 2 of the first 5 american presidents. maybe Moctezuma II as Montiezooma. William Wallace because of mel
He'd probably disagree with your characterization of him as German. One reason I think why Nietzsche was such a big fan of him.
Augustus is definitely known by most people
Also hitler makes the list
King John is one of the most famous English kings because he signed Magna Carta and is associated with the Robin Hood legend.
Nah, most only know about Julius, not Augustus or Marius. Your well known to the common man meme is shit
Maria Theresa
I would argue that more people have heard of Robin Hood and have no clue about the Magna Carta let alone the King that signed it.
You have an absurdly low estimation of people's general knowledge. Virtually every Anglo has heard of Magna Carta, and a sizable chunk of them knows it was John Lackland who signed it.
Ah, well there's the sticker isn't it. You're a brit.
This might have made sense in 1950's Britain, but today you gotta remember that "Magna Carta" loosely means "allahu akbar" in urdu
Otto I, who fucked up the Magyars at Lechfeld and founded the Meme Empire.
Henry II who annoyed the pope.
Fred Barbarossa.
Emperor Maximilian I. Literally laid the foundations of Habsburg dominance in Austria and beyond.
Charles V pretty much ruled over large parts of Europe.
>Alexander III
>Alexander III
We talking Alexander the Great, Alexander III of Russia, of Scotland etc
Everyone knows Alexander the Great
Alexander the great. I was just being pretentious.
Way to miss the point. A regular person with no particular interest in history will, at most, know about Barbarossa, and as some else pointed out he/she will probably think he was some kind of pirate like Blackbeard.
Some english kings/queens are well known because they have been featured in books and films, right now I can think of Edward Longshanks, Henry VIII, Elizabeth, William the Conqueror, Victoria. All fairly well known, even by people who dont care about history.
forgot Richard the Lionheart.
>Augustus is definitely known by most people
Dont think so, most people will tell you Julius Cesar was the first roman emperor and then there was Marcus Aurelius and Commodus, because they were in Gladiator.
My parents don't
>Moctezuma II
Lmao no. No one in Europe knows who that is
>being this historically illiterate
Well, he was most definitely "The First European" in that he despised Christianity in favor of sucking Muslim cock.
That's because there was a pirate called Barbarossa