Go for interview

>go for interview
>"What is your greatest achievement?"


Standing here in front of you today ;)

Buying SIGT before everyone else did.

try r9k

You raced roughly 350,000,000 other sperm to the egg and won.

This. The interview question is all about demonstrating your flattery skills.

buying RDD at 6 SATs, selling at 80

Tie between 2 months nofap and non-wasted trips

My greatest achievement is literally my crypto gains. Is this acceptable to normies or no?

If you say it like that, no. If you describe some interesting strategy or thought process that earned you those gains besides "i bought early and held" then yeah it's fine.

10k rep power on misc

>tell me about a time where you had to solve an important problem

>What is your greatest achievement
>I turned my $500 into $15,000 through trading stocks
>Oh nice! what kind?d
>Well actually cryptocurrencies, like-
>Sorry, crypto-what?
>C-cryptocurrencies, you know uhh like Bitcoin, b-blockchain technologies like.. uhh.. d-digibyte, antshares, and uh... other shitco- currencies..

That's just talking to every normie though

>shilling my way to hundreds of thousands of dollars of cryptocurrency through an online image board were a bunch of racists, loners, and actual jews converge to shit on each other and make fun of social norms in an attempt to make their lives seem worthwhile

>slayed the lich king in world of warcraft

one time, my tendies were burned and i was out of tendies so i gave them protective layer of ketchup and ate them

why the fuck is a woman in the room, um sir?

>crypto-what user?
>Is that internet money stuff, like Bitdollar?
>why would you invest in something that's not even real, just ones and zeroes?
>I bet hackers can steal all of it
>You should invest in something that will always have value, like gold and silver, or Social Security
>Government bonds too; the $100 bond I bought 20 years ago just appreciated to $200
>Now that's a solid investment

Wtf is wrong with their faces? Is that a computerly generated image or soemthign?

>Gladiator on WoW
>99 Prayer and Magic

I don't know about your memes, but that's a solid daddy

I unironically want to have hot passionate gay sex with him.

But you are sitting

got like 600 upboats on a reddit comment

Must be some kind of a filter

First time seeing nervoustoad, more?

Tell them, I rolled dubs and got Free Chancoin here:

Being a proud woman of color who don't answer no white man's questions

I finally have an answer to that question now.

Shorting btc at 2800

>...and just because I need to fill out this form here... what is the size of your penis?

My collection of over 3 TBs of loli porn.

>Oh, nice! What kind?
>I found out about this new technology in its early stages, invested in a couple
of promising start-ups and am up x%
>What technology, specifically?
>Well it's basically decentralization of services. The thing is, computers are way cheaper nowadays than they used to be, and most people don't really strain their hardware. These companies are trying to use the internet to combine thousands of less powerful computers to do the work of a server. It's not fully developed yet.
>Cool. What kind of animal would you describe yourself as?

kid was being annoying so i stabbed him

>Pastaniggers living up to their name.

>Standing on the edge of the crater, like the prophets once said.

poo in loo sir..

imagining that made me sweat.. maybe that's one reason why i'm 26 and have never had a job before.